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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Malware messages aren't uncommon for the Tequila. When I first tried to set everything up, it would just NOT play nice no matter what. A few days later I just happened to be switching net providers and viola, suddenly it was all ok. Computers be weird, brah. (And I didn't know the HC launcher was already out there 👀)
  2. I had happened to start an Ice/Sav Dom so I respecced and I'm giving this a whirl, but I don't think it's for me. The main issue is I think that I felt like I was trying to run a particularly squishy Scrapper or Stalker but without the benefits of being a Stalker or a Scrapper, so that I was missing out on the benefits of actually being a Dom. Still an interesting build though! Sigh, now I guess I need to try and plot one to fit my playstyle myself. I make builds like Bender makes money - I prefer to steal them and complain when I have to do something.
  3. I'm not much a fan of the lore* so I don't really care all that much. Just make the current story I'm in the middle of compelling enough. *Fandoms obsessively tracking stupidly tiny details as if it matters that Darth Vader once met Bigg's great-uncle in some comic from twenty years ago is one of my bug-a-boos.
  4. Me, I'd go for the Summer Blockbuster. No worries about canon, short and sweet and with a wide possible range of mission types (meaning formats, stuff that plays with the mechanics of missions in ways that radios never do), etc. You guys wanna take fan-made AE missions into "the real world" of the game? SBB is sittin' right there. Plus those popcorn bots are the best.
  5. Maybe this has been reported but I recently started a new Dom who's rocking Arctic Air (perhaps related?) and have noticed two things not working out well with him: 1) I chose Beast stance for him but often it's not working and he jogs along per normal. Zoning seems to help fix it. I've tried turning off AA, Beast Run, but none of them seemed to help reset other than zoning. 2) His Nem Staff blue blast effect fires off before it should. He pulls it out, rears back to "throw" it and it fires off right there, although he still completes the "throw/casting" animation.
  6. "Who is Vaal?" "Vaal is Vaal. He is – everything."
  7. You messed up a TF, that guy accidentally deleted his email to his other toon with fifty mill, this one accidentally traded a purple to a stranger, that one over there deleted something. The list goes on. Won't, yes, because there's just not enough time for a volunteer effort.
  8. They always say that. If they had to go into the records to confirm and then reset something for everyone, they'd never get round to anything else. Besides, now you've learned how to not have it happen to you again 😀
  9. I always love this topic, because there are indeed some that still confuse me.
  10. You really think they're going to help out a VILLAIN?!
  11. Oh yes I do! Even with a travel power, it's a real finger-in-the-eye to anyone heading that way. Our new devs should build a hole in it.
  12. Costume palette favoring the cooler color-end of the spectrum. Like there's a single red and a single orange, but like what, five shades of blue-green?
  13. The rescue-ee could actually say something like "OK, Clave Dark 5, I'll follow, just get me outta here!" or something. Still, this is barely even a gripe most of the time, I'd rather see the rescu-ee get fixed so they can follow my stalker while in Hide.
  14. Pretty sure that intentional and the show's part because they wanted to do what they wanted to do without having to play by the rules; the jokes and fun of having bayou boat chases was the point, not historical accuracy. Just look at the vehicles on Paragon City streets, same thing!
  15. Thanks for the help with those; I have a real aversion to keybidns in that I really don't want to look away from my screen. One of the toons in my sig down there is a Merc/Nature and after dragging him out for few simple tip runs I've realized he could use a new coat of paint via a solid respect and this sort of planning (also his macros weren't well set up the first time). I just hiope I can find a way to make the already assigned pet names line up (he's something of a concept character, so they have to work OR ELSE) ha ha).
  16. No, I meant scrolling here! I haven't been over to Discord in ages.
  17. I love every thing about this. Oh, and also, my suggestion: Ongoing
  18. Thanks! Then why don't they lock this thread and let it die ha ha? I may give 'em guff, but I respect the devs!
  19. OK, thanks. I just seem to scroll and scroll and scroll, trying to find a recent date... didn't they use to just sticky these at the top for a week then close them? Or did we just stop doing them?
  20. I can never seem to understand what these threads are doing or where to current topic is being discussed.
  21. Can't say I've ever seen this happen, but yeah, I'd be out the door pretty quickly.
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