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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. If the people leading such a thing don't explain your role - 'specially if you ask! - then that's on them not you. That said, I've managed to fumble my way through lots of stuff after asking and getting little info in return by sticking to the usual "pew pew pew pew and don't die too much" method.
  2. Just how long do you hang in the air there, like "Total Focus long"? Or is the debuff drop really that fast, numbers are out there surely.
  3. I'd disagree on that. I don't know who or what Piecemeal is, but I don't think that would affect anything, feel free to correct otherwise. Batman was placeholder for any character, yes. Don't get hung up on examples! You want more content? It's already here in the AE as you said. What else really needs to be done with it past Dev Choice? I never argued against Dev Choice.
  4. 1. That's the point, it's time consuming. Keeping them within the AE means little needed. 2. See point 1. And your five, ten devs might still not know my story ripped off some short film made in Japan five years ago or something. 3. You get points of "Batman just up and killed this guy in this otherwise solid story. Do we allow that? Would he ever? Do we let it slide, encourage this sort of thing, pretend it never happened later? What sort of story do we have planned for him in the future? Might this drive the direction of stories we can or can't tell with him, if we're allowing him to be a killer now?" Etc. Easier to just set them aside as "good stories to play", but they don't have to be canon by any means. Don't water down your main story.
  5. See, that the thing with obsessive continuity: after a while it hampers you from telling some stories or forces you to contort things to them fit, without realizing that you're cutting yourself off from that in the future. To really take a fan-made thing and insert it into "real time" would take a lot of going over to make sure it: conforms to pre-existing lore doesn't violate any copyright ("Who's this 'Bat Guy" character, and why's he blowing up this 'Dead-Star' thing?") that you might not even have even heard of yourself and make sure it doesn't send the character or story down a lane that you don't really want to follow too far This is a lot. Easier to leave the story in the sandbox, but flag it "special." Besides, moving "the only good stuff to come out of AE" is admitting defeat. Make it relevant!
  6. The Beast set is also one of the few MM sets that actual useful non=pet-based powers in the primary too, especially if you proc them some.
  7. I'm not exactly sure why these still can't all be houses inside the AE system as-is? Or maybe set up a special kiosk inside the AE buildings for it, plus giving "normal" rewards instead of tickets or whatever. I mean, it'd be great to be outside in the real world, but just think of the continuity headaches everything might generate when the new devs want to set up an arc with Clockwork being taken over by Carnies (or whatever else you might come up with) - inevitably someone somewhere would pop up to point out that this contradicts something from a player arc that was added to [name a contact]. Best to keep them all safely walled off behind "this is just a what-if/elseworlds deal, which is good enough to be recognized, but not to be taken as god's own truth."
  8. Yes. I tend to favor a lot of minimal effects when I can, for one thing (devs, there's cookies in your future if you give us more, just sayin'...). I generally have a color scheme in mind for each costume's powers as well, and I don't want say my greenish character to start using a red TP power and look like Christmas or whatever - unless I do.
  9. Of course, just a couple of days later I got one. Then again, I run on a lot of PI radio teams at 49, you'd think I'd get more.
  10. Yeah, the Wormhole power in Grav was made for this. I'm also generally a fan of the "dropping enemies faster helps the team" mindset, plus I am currently leveling a Grav/XXX Dom, so you might look into that and also have some pew pew pew to help out with, along with all the TP powers.
  11. For a low level group, I think they're decent enough, they hit hard. I know I've been taken down by them before (probably while bemoaning my Endurance issues but anyway). There's just not too much visual or thematic pizazz to "gang members" to me, which could just be me.
  12. I didn't even know they were alignment missions of some kind? I just recall that bit about each team must have a mix of heroes and villains. I also wanna say they were pretty unremarkable missions overall, not like there were exciting new maps or anything.
  13. It's funny: much as I love the Halloween and Xmas missions, I almost never can manage to get the VD ones run, just can't seem to be bothered to. Plus it seems like I never see people sending out invite posts for them either.
  14. I don't farm nor play with 50s all the time, so I've gone months without seeing any. In fact, I don't think I've seen any drop for me since Trick or Treating at the PI motel ended. And that one Market Crash, but that doesn't count.
  15. I have to admit I'm not wowed by the Warriors. I like their nod to the movie of the same name, but beyond that (well they do make decent enough opponents), they're just rather dull ones. Feel the same about the Family, super powers or no. "Oooo, guys in suits are going to punch or shoot me, oooo, gang members!" I mean, I know there's a bit more than that to both, but I'm really here for the further out ideas like "teleporting rocket pack soldiers" or something. But I do still enjoying walking down a street when I'm much higher level and seeing how far I can send one flying with some KB powers.
  16. Oh yeah, me neither. I dropped in on one already in progress once, but that was all.
  17. I was eyeing this as my next as well, have you had a chance to see how it works out yet?
  18. How many are on each page? I have about three pages. I really should go ahead and delete a few of them that I have either given up on or know I'm just never going to get round to leveling.
  19. I was just going to mention this. I was on one of those teams this weekend, you know the one, where you hit the instanced map and the brute with stealth is already 70% across the map? And so do I stand here like a fool with my thumb up my Dom by the door and wait, or do I make an even bigger fool of myself and try to take down this group by myself or what? I mean, this wouldn't get me completely across the map to the brute, but it's something.
  20. I do because I tend to play under level sometimes and I don't want to lose my jump range or whatever. But that's just my play style.
  21. Is that the one where a glowing red Arachnos-themed bomb appears to float in the air and spin as the energy levels builds to explosion a few seconds later? I was just doing some Striga stuff with this week-end and played with a guy dropping those and I have to say, I don't blame you, that did look fun.
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