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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Yes, please, everything there should have something to explain how they work.
  2. @Arbegla Can you help me understand how that is? Looking at the power on City of Data 2.0, it shows 45.2667 dmg but Robotics' Pulse Rifle Burt lists 50.16. I'm inexperienced with CoD so I might be misreading it somehow or maybe I'm missing something else about the AB build-up effect thingy... which I'll note isn't covered on our wiki!
  3. I want that too. And not that crummy stuff either, the good pumpkin spice stuff! He's right there in my sig!!
  4. I have posted a build or two but find I often don't get replies if it's an unpopular power set or I'm not aiming for min/max goodness. I also don't have a huge amount of time to devote to our hobby here, so I can't spend lots of time tinkering with MIDs or the test server, so anyone who does post a build upon request, even if I don't like its goals, is a hero in my book.
  5. It's like the animal heads, you get a few options to adjust it, but not nearly as many as we do with standard heads. Never been sure why exactly.
  6. Still makes me chuckle that pistols only have "minor" damage.
  7. Aw man, why do I always find these threads late? Oh well, I usually dumped these all pretty quickly anyway.
  8. Yeah, it takes a lot of combing over something to make sure, there's not some hidden detail that could cause problems like racist material or copyright violation, plus then there's checking the playability of it all, making sure it's not exploitable for easy loot, etc. This wouldn't simply a matter of the mods playing through it once, stamping it with a blue check mark and then moving on.
  9. Ha, not from me anyways. I don't resort to ad hominem attacks. Usually. 😃
  10. That sort of stuff you described is, I'm willing to bet, a serious head ache to develop: one misstep and you've OPed every min/maxer, who'll howl when you have to strip that stuff back out of the game (while al;so saying it's all to easy now). Ultimately it sounds to me like you've just played CoH a LOT and that it might be time to take a break.
  11. No, nope, that's too sensible. There must be some conspiracy to not do things and someone to blame for it.
  12. I don't have any thought son the suggested IOs or anything, but please, let's have the mansion run available year-round like the blockbuster is if we're going to do this. I'd personally love to be able to Halloween (or even Baby New Year) any time of year for the change of pace and less-over-exposed maps. Plus the price for the IOs wouldn't go through the roof the rest of the year.
  13. Simply a joke, don't mind me. Thanks for the build.
  14. Since apparently shameless begging is a thing for these threads (😀) , was there a Fire/Dual Blades Brute build that I missed somewhere? Are their any cheap ones?
  15. That looks sick, so of course I'll be working on Halloween. Still, good work, and have fun!
  16. Yup, all correct. Mike Baron was a pretty solid superhero writer back in the day.
  17. Never. I hit a wall sometime in the middle tiers, like say +2 where I either stop playing the character (new shinies!) or the process just becomes a pain because of the awful Incarnates interface. At that point, I may still pull one or two of the "mains" out for occasional BAFs or something, but dear god, aren't they already powerful enough?! Who cares?! I just want to have fun here, not jump through stupid hoops.
  18. This really should be achievable fairly easily with community input. One could hold writing contests in the AE and lift out the successful ones, for instance. I know they do still require testing and all that, but writing them itself is still at least one step that the devs can farm out.
  19. Plus there are some glaring problems with certain power sets, single powers, etc. Tons of stuff there that they could work on around the edges without creating new power sets.
  20. Clave Dark 5

    Kai Push

    I've thought of doing something crazy like that just for the hell of it. Beyond that, hey, if you can't reach them, they can't reach you either.
  21. I understand our HC overlords are "looking at" a number of things and that like anything, they'll be ready when they're ready. I have to admit it feels like it's been a long time since "big things" came out, but that could just be me; I'm not passing any judgement on them for that either. I'm hoping they've got some big update simmering away, juuuust about ready to come out.
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