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Everything posted by tidge

  1. start with something like: /bind E "powexec_name aim$$bind_load_file <drive>:\\<directory>\part_2.txt" ..and have two text files (in the appropriate directory) part_2.txt E "powexec_name build_up$$bind_load_file <drive>:\\<directory>\part_1.txt" part_1.txt E "powexec_name aim$$bind_load_file <drive>:\\<directory>\part_2.txt"
  2. The Shield Wall can be boosted and still work at all levels (down to 7). If LotG is boosted (rather than attuned) it will not work over the entire level range.
  3. With the assumption that the semi-casual player is playing an AT that takes an armor set... I'd recommend Invulnerability because it is easy to slot and reinforces the core game concepts of typed damage resistance, endurance management, and (self-)healing. Semi-casual players can work with Invulnerability without having to worry about the Fighting pool, and can explore other options in their build. The player can eventually use this primary's powers to also learn about the role of Defense. It also doesn't have gimmicks.
  4. VEATs have a natural point (the level 24 respec) which mandates you to 'try out' certain powers before you can choose the final path. Obviously you won't have all your slots, and cannot slot lvl 50 sets, but it is still a good chance to explore your powers. One comment about slotting (in general): When going after ATO set bonuses, I usually slot the ATOs in as fast a recharge power as possible (typically earlier in the build) because the longer recharge powers (typically later in the build) are better suited for procs. Widows are End-hungry: a player will likely not have toggles running at low levels, unless they choose not to make (as many) attacks.
  5. Thanks for this thread. I have only reviewed the Tanker template. My current (base)-Invulnerability Build goes in a different direction (plugging the Psi hole, at least for Resistance.) and chasing slightly different set bonuses. I also wanted more slots outside the Primary, so power-for-power (primaries) I'm generally investing fewer slots. I do have 1 (minor) piece of advice for the Tank build for folks who keep attuned versions of the non-PVP pieces in the powers: Wherever a power includes a PVP Shield Wall (Global Resist) and a LotG: Defense, the LotG (Defense) can be replace with a PVP Shield Wall Defense (+5 boosted) for a little bit more defense, and no change in the 2-piece Regeneration bonus by switching from LotG to Shield Wall. In the posted build this is Invincibility at lvl 18. I was also surprised that the Unbreakable Guard (+Max HP global) wasn't included for the Tank baseline. (Did I miss it?) I feel like it could be dropped into Temp Invulnerability with no noticeable negative effect on S/L resistances. The only other comments I have are really just a matter of taste: I think you have Dull Pain chosen at level 6. Good choice, but if you are going to keep it in the template I would go ahead a drop the Preventive Medicine (+Absorb) piece in it just to remind Tankers that they can get the Absorb shield under certain circumstances. Mileage varies: I find I rarely use Dull Pain even though I have it 6-slotted with the Preventive Medicine set. As part of the Homecoming "page 4" patches, Leadership Pool: Maneuvers should be granting a 3.5% Defense buff for Tanks (Equivalent to Defenders). It would be my preference for the Tanker template to replace Combat Jumping with Maneuvers, only because the Tanker AT can share that nice Defense Buff from Leadership with teammates. YMMV.
  6. It's obvious we are talking past each other. Knockdown is a perfectly good soft-control to use in other powers, such as cones or PBAoE... or an all-time favorite: pets. Many Very Rare (Purple) sets' 6th bonus is a resist bonus, after a large (10%) 5th-piece Global Recharge bonus... I don't think twice about using the 6th potential slot for an off-set piece like the %Knockdown. I use the Overwhelming Force set while leveling up, but to be honest I don't think the 6th set bonus (4 Mag Knockback protection) is worth using all 6 pieces of the set. My toons almost all use a Blessing of the Zephyr (4 Mag Knockback protection) as soon as they get a travel power... if I had to wait to have 6-slots in a power to get KB protection I feel like my leveling build would be... peculiar. In my experience: Bonfire is one of those powers that is best Franken-slotted; it is very proc-friendly.
  7. I occasionally find myself longing for a 'time travel' mission in which your hero participates in the conversion of Indigo. (She is a former KoA, right?)
  8. I don't have experience with Body Mastery on Stalkers, but I have used Energy Mastery on a Tanker which is similar. These are good sets for addressing Endurance issue (obviously) but the ranged attack is nothing spectacular (again, my experience is with a Tanker). As a single-target attack, I can't say that I ever really noticed the -Def effect (again, as a Tanker where I try to rotate targets for aggro management) The recharge time is very fast, so Laser Beam Eyes is not a good choice for Frankenslotting with procs. Laser Beam Eyes is a good choice to slot a full ranged attack set for extra defenses. Body Mastery (for Stalkers) appears to be superior to the Tanker Energy Mastery if it has two Auto powers ... they appear to be excellent options to add procs.
  9. Just popping in from the future... all these changes were implemented and there is still no one playing Goldside.
  10. Ah, that is very possible (and what the log shows "Mook" and "Mook Hitman"). During the actual attack I only had one target (per my view) but I must have run past a position (with the power clicked) where two were able to be targeted simultaneously. This was during a low-level mission with very few targets (and very few attacks).
  11. Can anyone explain what happened in this case? I was in a low-level mission using Sands of Mu (prestige power), where part of the attack missed, but then part of the attack was recorded as a hit. My previous attack had been a Hit (with a 95% chance to Hit).
  12. What? Overwhelming Force is Universal Damage and goes in any power that takes damage enhancements.
  13. On my (not 'optimized') Inv Tank, Psi has the second highest value (after Smashing/Lethal). Defense is a different story.
  14. There is no wrong way in City of Heroes!
  15. The Overwhelming Force KB->KD is unique (although it also enhances Damage), so the Sudden Acceleration (Bonfire accepts Knockback sets like Sudden Acceleration) is my recommendation. Save the OF unique for powers that don't otherwise accept KB->KD.
  16. I run a Bots/Traps MM, also using powers & attacks (primary, secondary, patron) to contribute -Res (and control, via knockdown). This is the only one of my post level-50 toons for which I have to take breathers (or macro inspirations into blues!) in order to keep up the pace. If I want to be much more passive (and let the bots & traps do the work) the blue bar would be fine, but it would be far less effective to defeat enemies.
  17. Energy Melee simply needs to be the premier single-target attack set. NO GIMMICKS! Unless we decide to replace Stun with something else completely (like a valuable toggle, think Conserve Power from the Energy Mastery Epic pool). In many ways it was Stun that caused the Nerf, because of its effect in PVP.
  18. Invulnerability saw many tweaks since launch, including the (blessed) change from Unyielding Stance to Unyielding. Many respecs were gladly spent that day to drop the Teleport pool. I find it to be an extremely efficient Tanker primary. My Inv Tanker has 30 slots invested in the primary powers (*1) 6 of those slots are in Dull Pain, which IMO is a much better "oh ####" power than Unstoppable. Edit: (*1) 30 Slots across 8 powers.
  19. Ah Basilisk's Gaze, my old friend! I see the 'Last 5' display bug in plenty of places, but this is the single place where it 'bugs' me more than any other. This is not a niche where I typically work, but the 2, 3 & 4-piece bonuses are so good that these should always fetch 2M+, no matter what the bug (or cheapskates) say!!
  20. I have a Fire/Psi/Psi build, I haven't played the Mind primary but I can write what I did with the secondary: I only skipped Mind Probe and Subdue. My build was to try to be Permadom and PermaHasten without relying on Force Feedback, so I chased Global Recharge in a lot of places that could be considered overkill and reflects in some power slottings. My builds are proc-sloppy, i.e. recharge times are not to maximize proc chances because I am chasing set bonuses. I tend to include damage procs just to mix up the damage types. As a Mind/Psi I am sure you understand why. T1: Psionic Dart: single-slotted with HO Nucleolus. I needed the slots elsewhere! T2: Mind Probe: I skipped the melee because this toon is more AoE, and with the controls I didn't want to have to run from mob to mob to make an attack (that only does 1 type of damage) T3: TK Thrust: 5-slotted with Hecatomb. My compromise to get a Melee power, and slot it with a Very Rare recipe set. T4: Mental Blast: 4-slotted withe Gladiator's Javelin. T5: Psychic Scream: 6-slots 5xRagnarok, Positron %Energy. T6: Drain Psyche: 6xPreventive Medicine. I *love* the 5 and 6-slot bonuses from this set, but alternate slotting can get you different effects. T7: Subdue: My build is not focused on single-target attacks, so I skipped it. T8: Psionic Lance: 6-slots, 5xApocalypse, Gladiator's Javelin %Toxic T9: Psychic Shockwave: 6-slots 5xObliteration, Armageddon %Fire My toon has minimal Defenses and Resistances The following powers were taken purely as IO mules, the pursuit of Recharge set bonuses didn't leave much room for anything else: Tough: Steadfast Protection +3% Defense, Unbreakable Guard +MaxHP Weave: LotG +Recharge, Reactive Defense Scaling Resists, Shield Wall +5% Resists Maneuvers: LotG +Recharge Mind over Body: Gladiator's Armor +3% Defense Indomitable Will: LotG +Recharge Link Minds has 2 slots: LotG +Recharge and Adjusted Targeting Recharge. It's perma +% Defense if I want it. I usually only use it when teaming (or if Pets are going to get squished). Hasten is 2-slotted with 50+5 IOs. Mystic Flight is 'muling' BoZephyr Knockback Reduction, but I almost always take a form of Flight as a travel power. As I wrote, I can't speak to the Mind Primary. My Fire primary took 7 of 9 powers; they are mostly 5-slotted.
  21. Kick is my default choice when going the ____ -> Tough -> Weave route, and I have always dropped the +Recharge IO in it. However: I've only ever used Kick to fill an attack chain while leveling. I will admit to being 'tricked' by it's +Recharge when using MIDS... often enough times that I've considered never taking it again!
  22. Just a couple of informative points about the salvage market: 1) Seeding the salvage market established a ceiling on market prices; it has nothing to do with the floor of the prices. 2) The market pools all of the salvage of the same rarity: This allows players to buy salvage of any rarity at lower-than-seeded prices determined only by other players who put the salvage on the market (at that same rarity). Now for my opinion(s): It is the second point which I believe has kept market prices low (for not just salvage, but also recipes and enhancements).
  23. Bonfire w/ KB->KD is my preferred use. Whatever the *next* AoE is, I want the enemies in one place.
  24. I can corroborate with my experience with (single use of) Windfall (many months ago, before the changes to XP disabling). I noticed no appreciable change in the drop rates for Recipes, Salvage or Enhancements. The time I used Windfall, I was running Ouroboros Incarnate Content (Heather Townshend's Dark Astoria arc). Running it 'even level' (+0/x8, with or without incarnate shifts). The Experience and Inf is not something I pay attention to but when I went to vendor recipes I did not notice anything extraordinary that indicated I was getting a 'windfall'. My experience with this arc is that with full x8 mobs and clearing every map, I will get a PVP or Very Rare recipe drop better than 50% of the time. I ran this arc twice (back-to-back) and got neither a PVP nor a Vary Rare. IIRC, I only got 1 rare salvage piece! The volume of recipes/drops/enhancements didn't change. I've been saving Windfalls since then, so if a call goes out for tests, let me know.
  25. I agree. The target of the attack of the target (for the combat log I snipped) was stationary. As the combat log shows, it was a hit and did register damage but only from from the Bio "Offensive Adaptation" secondary , but none of the primary damage registered... either in the log or in the visual indication above the target (or the health bar). The (primary) damage was simply not applied.
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