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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. If it's a DE mission... the "trees" growing in the middle of the cavern. In the dark. With no sunlight. Yeeeeah.... Trees. Sure. <_< YOU GUYS AREN'T FOOLING ANYONE!
  2. After busting some Skulls, curing the Lost and a bit of a rampage around Striga that did not go at all well for Maestro.... Xi the shiny cat-boy is mighty level 26. Next up? Vampire vending machines. 😎
  3. The bat is pickled?! Darn it, Snarky. I told you it was a bad idea to keep that bat in a rum bottle. >_<
  4. Isn't "this place is a total maze/I have no clue where we are" sort-of the point of Oranbegan maps? If I were going to start changing maps, I'd start with the archnoid caves red-side, myself. It's hard to tell what's a wall made of irregular rocks in there and what's a side-passage.
  5. 'Only to level 15 over here with Xi, my cat-boy brute. (I'm running solo-only, without big events, or TF teams or ship raids, just to get a better feel for how the combination handles since I'm new to it. He'll be a slow one-) ... But I have to say that so far. Psi/Shield has been good fun. I like him.
  6. Yep. I'd love to see an update of the entire set.... I want to know how many of our "unicorns" still are.
  7. Honestly? I'd move. As a completely normal, "non-powered civilian" woman I'd be utterly unable to walk cross my own neighborhood without getting into an hours-long tug-of-war match with some ganger over my purse. Even though the jerks would never actually be successful in snatching said-purse, the process would get old fast. So, no thanks Paragon. I'd rather move to the 'burbs. <_<
  8. So, I have this set of guardian Elemental spirits... They're supposed to be the mystical security system for the Ordus Viatoris voyagers' base. Somewhere along the line they got bored, though, what with their masters and summoners being gone for fifteen thousand years and all that. In a moment of absolutely epic and monumental restlessness, the oldest of them (Cheongnyong, the Azure Dragon of the East-) decided that they should all go out exploring. You know, just to have something to DO for once. She also decided that it would be even *more* fun if they all did it in disguise instead of openly. (A wandering pack of Great Mythic Beasts might draw a little TOO MUCH attention, she thought-) An interest in mortal pop culture had made her aware of this concept called a "sentai team". And cosplay. You can probably see where this is going... I've had Cheongnyong herself, Tenkyoku (the Black Tortoise of the North) and Chujak (the Vermillion Phoenix of the South) as characters for quite awhile now, but I'd never settled on power sets for Xifang Baihu (the White Tiger of the West). The plan has always been for him to be the "front-line" character, so melee of some flavor, though I had no idea what. This seems opportune. He's my Psi/Shield Brute. 👍 You can't see them in this screen, but he's got wildcat ears and a swishy cat tail. I can't tell how he'll be later on, but his first dozen levels have gone pretty well. He beat the absolute snot out of an even-level Cherno in KIng's Row.
  9. As always, I'm in! This is how I ended up with Cantus last year, and that was good fun. This year the dice give me: 12 - 57 - 72 Which translates to.... a Psi Melee/Shield Brute. Huh. I've had Shield scrappers and tanks, and Psi scrappers and stalkers, but I've never tried either of those sets in Bwootland, much less together. This is going to be interesting. I have not one clue how this character is going to handle in play.
  10. Hmm... Are you after something like this fellow's stride? Pig's Strut Becomes Viral Hit - YouTube
  11. I play fliers... so, yeah. I love the Shard zones. Gorgeous places just to fly around in, looking at things... I only wish we had more to do there. So, rather than adding or redesigning a zone, I'd say make use of a sadly ignored trio we already have. Let's go geyser-jumping and playing with storm elementals.
  12. People instantly begin petitioning to make CoH2 a hard-mode, open-PvP grind-fest. Because that's apparently what's popular. So, City of Dark Souls... or maybe City of Fortnite. (Which would kind-of be hilarious-.) 😝
  13. I hate doing respecs. I will if I *have* to... but I don't enjoy it. So unless it's something really broken, I let it be. Which is why I still have about 50 characters who have Stealth pool powers that no longer fit them. When the Powers That Be decided to completely change the powers in that one, mucking up almost every single one of my character's choices, I just said "to hell with that noise" and have never fixed them.
  14. Back in the Live days, I had a Dark/Dark/Soul Corruptor named Seraphim Chanter. He was one of GW's folks, and the story was that he was, in his own way, just as devoted to her as his fellow Elysion red-sider Grey Kestrel was to Scir... To the point that I never did the later patron missions with him. (In Chanter's roleplayed personal canon, even though he no longer works directly for her or for Arachnos, he and Belladonna parted company as allies. He never did that "Let Daos talk me into betraying you"-thing, so she had no reason to get crabby with him.) When I made the character, I'd picked his power sets to intentionally mimic hers. I think it ended up working pretty well. His being a (mostly) living necromancer rather than a ghost was enough to cover explaining the differences. My Oranbegan Death Mages are typically DarkityDarkDark Defenders, which works out pretty well, too.... Although I've gone in (very) odd directions with a couple. Oddballs don't seem out of place to me when it comes to having a whole civilization made of magi. There are always going to be people who just don't follow the rules. 😄
  15. 'Haven't been on today, but yesterday the game was absolutely unplayable. I gave up after about half an hour of constant map-servers and rubber-banding.
  16. I wandered away at the end of October and haven't really played much since then... I *think* I still need to finish my squash's Incarnate toys? I can't remember where I left him in the process, but I don't think he was done. .. And then there's Gnome on the Range. He's only 34, but I'm not at all sure I want to keep him, much less finish or equip him. I'm not big on joke characters in general, and I never even added him (or the squash for that matter-) to my character list.
  17. For whatever it's worth.... I think I've spent a grand total of maybe an hour or two playing since the end of October. When I got enough Ethers to buy Snickerdoodles her MiniMe "tiny cat" costume thingie. Am I pretty much a burnout? Yeah. Was farming the Motel of Murder for days to get the badges to get the PAPs required the last straw that put me there? Hard to say, but I doubt it helped any. As cute as that MiniMe for the cat turned out to be, it was a pain. 😝
  18. I just freed up Catwalk... My idea for that was a rather fierce former-model-turned-assassin in a slinky outfit with little cat ears. Go more ninja tigeress and less Catwoman and it might work.
  19. I'm just going to make Yaliw and Solvera happy... I think I've reached the point of being done with the forums, at least for a while. Being social is just reminding me more and more of all the reasons why I'd rather solo in-game, or stick to running with the family SG. Take care, gang, I'll probably wander back by when the next page hits beta for testing.
  20. Okay. I guess being chatty is a sin now. On a forum. Made for, you know.... being chatty.
  21. Alt is the obvious one, of course. He's never been shy. I'd also put Ohm at least somewhat in that camp as well, since she apparently views what we do as an "exploit". As for anyone else, honestly I rarely keep track of names. If you take a stroll through any of the other, older threads, I'm sure you could assemble a list just as easily as I could. It's a common enough sentiment to have made an impression.
  22. Lumi... There are plenty of regulars in these threads who hate that farming exists in the game on principle. You know that as well as I do. The "Anti-farming League" doesn't have to be some shadowy, organized cabal any more than the "Dev Crew Cheering Squad" does... It's just humorous shorthand for the members of the gang who'd love to see the practice removed as an option. You can't honestly tell me those opinions don't exist and haven't been made crystal clear.
  23. Perfectly fine when min/max types do similar tuning outside of AE to trivialize the majority of the game, though. That's just "playing the game as intended", right? 😜
  24. Heh. I suspect that most of us realize full well at this point just how unwelcomed a presence we are. It's not like the Anti-farming League have been at all shy about their opinions.
  25. It might be better just to make it an option to go one way or the other, like the shadow form's eyes.... You pick up the MiniMe power and then can either set it to use the Big Head-mode or an alternate with more normal proportions. Personally, I'd be pretty sore about having to grind out 250 more PAPs just to get a second mini transformation with a normal-sized head if I'd *already* gone through that to purchase the current MiniMe on a character, only to find out after-the-fact that the bobble-head was a total spoiler.
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