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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. I always grin a lot running Vernon Von Grun's arc in Grandville. He's such an adorable goofball...
  2. Or they wouldn't let you join in the first place, especially with a Peacebringer... Which happened more often than anyone likes to admit these days. <_<
  3. 'Pretty sure they do. They're all "bucketed" together by rarity, regardless of tier or type.
  4. 'Dirty farmer tossing recipes onto the market every which way or not, that's NOT MY FAULT! (I horde all of mine so I don't have to care what they're selling for. XD)
  5. If you REALLY wanted to be nit-picky about it, you'd also do each run's value calculation based on prices during the same day of the week and at around the same time of day, That actually can make quite a difference in selling price as both supply and demand vary a lot depending on how many of us are online buying, building and selling.
  6. WIllpower is Love. (Yeah. I'm biased. Total WP fan-girl and all that.)
  7. *nods* Yep.... 'Story of Harry's life, that. My farm-boy's sitting on a pile of Emps that could do a lot more good on other members of the crew, but they're all on my primary account while he's on the secondary. Oh well. What actually bothers me a whole lot more is not being able to transfer spare iBits (Arcane Cantrips and Worn Spellbooks and that kind of thing-) from one character on an account to another. Some of mine have ended up with so many random bits and pieces that they'll never use... It's a shame that they can't toss them to other characters of mine who COULD use them.
  8. As I've said before, I'm strictly an active farmer, and I mostly do it for fun. It's a very zen sort of thing... Since I'm also pretty much completely burnt out on the early levels of the game these days, it's also useful for jump-starting my own new alts to the part of the game that I actually still find fun. (That's where the dual-boxing comes in. I'll door-sit the lowbie for a round or two with Harry to get them into the 30's.) Pretty much all of the INF I make gets plowed right back into the crew's builds. I don't find amassing a huge pile of INF simply for its own sake all that interesting. I'd rather use it for things that DO interest me. Like kitting out my new Whatever.
  9. Hopefully they'll come up with something more clever than that. An "activity timer" would not only bite people who had to step away for awhile, but it would be a royal pain in the rump for all of us who dual-box. Granted, they may see THAT as a feature rather than a problem, but-
  10. No chain-whip type weapons in this game, I'm afraid.
  11. It's going to have to be something very carefully targeted and devilishly clever... Because short of that? They can't. We'll see if they can manage that. If not? I suspect those of us who are active farmers will find ourselves thrown under the bus in the name of "the common good".
  12. Why is it that every time the income inequality conversation comes up, someone inevitably tries to deflect by going right back to that "The Market, blessed be its name, doesn't cause inflation"-thing? Yes, yes. Market fees remove INF from the economy and that's a Good Thing. I don't think anyone is arguing against that. But it has nothing at all to do with marketeering being the most effective way to amass a fortune in-game.
  13. I would bet Harry's favorite farm map that you guys *still* make more of a profit than anyone else, though. Even though the resulting number may be a bit smaller than it used to be, marketeering remains the route for highest return per amount of time invested.
  14. Honestly, I'm absolutely convinced that the nerf had nothing whatsoever to do with addressing "income inequality"... That statement was just tossed out there as an excuse to try to deflect some of the ire that the change generated. As I said at the time, if the devs really wanted to address income inequality, it wouldn't have been the farmers that they went after first. It would have been the marketeers, who were... and remain... much, much better at amassing Scrooge McDuck-level fortunes than even the most dedicated farmers. That has nothing to do with the inflation issue. It's just a matter of where the serious money-making opportunities in-game actually are. If income inequality was really seen as a problem, the imbalance due to differences in marketeering skill/willingness/time would have been discussed much more than it was.
  15. The Unquiet Bride... my Necromancer Mastermind Of course, if anyone had ever tried summoning her like she summoned her minions... that beautiful ghost is not exactly what they'd have gotten...
  16. I *think* one of the base items lets you "craft" the various tip missions... 'Darned if I can remember what it's called, though. (The Arcane version looks like a cauldron sitting on a stone platform with four Oranbegan-style spikes at the corners)
  17. Some of us who like RP mission teams like them BECAUSE there's no elaborate set-up... no standing around emoting at each other... no listening to Brittany rail Chaz for dating Lisa instead of her. We're (*gasp* *horror*) fond of the casual nature of them.
  18. Ten tip missions of the same type (hero, villain, rogue, etc) gets you an Alignment mission. Finishing that gets you a tidy sum of reward merits.
  19. Semnai: "I *knew* there was a reason why I avoid that Abyss-forsaken club like a proverbial plague..."
  20. Personally, I'm glad that things like Crushing and Thunderstrike are inexpensive. I use them pretty often.... But then, I'm usually on the opposite side of this from you guys. I'm the buyer more often than the seller when it comes to manufactured IOs.
  21. I'd have Kai or Anut out in Founders killing off those damned snipers every chance I got, just as a public service. <_< Being killed in the crossfire of an absolutely ridiculous number of snipers (Since the "no one-hit kills" rule doesn't apply when there are multiple individual attackers-) on a squishy, as you're just trying to get to your mission door, or to Infernal, or to the MIdnighter's or whatever isn't fun. I *like* eventually "outgrowing" that particular annoyance. (No. I've never gotten over that contact in Indy sending my under-level scrap into the middle of that place, just to have him instantly turned into pulp by half a dozen jerks on the rooftops before I even had time to react so many years ago... 😫)
  22. That's when you sigh and say "Water's fine"....
  23. Personal opinion? Anything with less than 10 is rare enough within a population the size of Homecoming's to be counted as a Unicorn. Your odds of seeing one "in the wild" are so seriously low that they might as well be mythical. XD
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