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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. Gallius the Death Mage: "*sighs* For the record, I did *NOT* kidnap Abigail Uberman. I asked her to tea. Very politely. And we had an excellent time of it... It isn't MY fault that her son Jimmy simply isn't ready for the idea that his mother might have a social life."
  2. Could well be. I was on a blue side character myself both times, but I have no idea what the others might have been.
  3. Yeah... It's not a consistent bug, but it's definitely there. I've seen it flake out a time or two on Khan as well.
  4. Big Bird counters with Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.
  5. 'Don't *think* I've posted this one yet... This is Ironhorse, my DB/Rad Brute. He's a sentient magic item.... A Living Armor. I'm not entirely sold on that set of swords. With all the glowing Rad effects and the eyes, I think the "hard-light" style straight swords might suit him better. They're more tech than magic, granted, but he's a modern creation, not an ancient one... So it might work. You never know. The artificer who made him might have been a Star Wars fan. XD
  6. His older brother, the dreaded Triple Dog Dare, is a Beasts Mastermind, of course.
  7. The inspies are pretty nice. In a serious pinch, those Ultimates can save your proverbial butt.
  8. Seam line along the back of the shell.
  9. My dad's answer to the 'How do you want that steak cooked?' question was always "Show the cow a match". 🤣
  10. My magi say that they can neither confirm nor deny that theory. They look awfully shifty when asked about it, though, so make of that what you will.
  11. It being Shark Week and all... I'm a little surprised Carcharias was available on Everlasting. (I took the Greek spelling, with a K. It seemed more appropriate for an aquamancer. So... somebody else. Go build a shark! 😁) ETA: How can we not have a shark-fin emoji?!? Mako would be most displeased.
  12. City chock full of sewers and dusty, abandoned mines... That we all spend an absolutely ludicrous amount of time in... EXPLODING zombies... Zombies that barf all over us... Rikti monkeys that do unspeakable things... ... And not one single dry-cleaner or laundromat in the whole darned place. 😝
  13. That's pretty much what I do, too... Vendor the common IO recipes. Horde the PvPs and purples for my own crew. Toss all the salvage bits, uncommon and rare recipes on the AH. (I honestly do consider "keeping the AH recipe/salvage supply healthy" to be a big part of a farmer's role in the CoH Ecosystem. It's one of the more important, and probably most beneficial, side-effects of what we do.) I don't do the build-and-convert marketeering thing at all with my farming drops, even though there's more profit to be had in it. I got into farming in the first place so that I wouldn't HAVE to do any of that. I'll just keep tossing the stacks of spare recipes out there for you guys to buy and convert. Call it "sharing the harvest" or something. XD Anyway, yeah. It's interesting to see other people's numbers as a comparison to my own observations... even though my own returns don't include any potential crafting or conversion-based profits.
  14. *imagine a thousand-word demand for Mime Control here*
  15. I'm far from an /Ice expert, only having used it on a few characters... But just as general impressions, it seems fine on my unicorn Dark/Ice Stalker. 'Not the most attractive set in the game, but I tend to go for Minimal FX any time I can anyway, so practically ANY of the more "in your face" effects are going to get that reaction from me. /Ice on Sents has already been addressed. I'll just add my +1 to what's already been said. My Fire/Ice is, by a pretty noticeable margin, the least durable of my collection of Sentinels. If I run her like an "unarmored" blaster, she's fine... But there's no way she can get away with some of the things my tougher Sents do.
  16. The OP may think that the way to make PvP more popular in this game is to make it harder to avoid... "Hey, if people *HAVE* to go into PvP zones for Thing X then surely they'll come to love and embrace being stabbed by other players!" I'm not sure that's ever worked, but hope seems to spring eternal. XD
  17. A "pause" option for Ouro arcs would be useful. I'd argue that it wouldn't be completely out of place to have it available for "regular" TFs, too. Being able to do half of something like Doc Q on one day and half the next, while taking a break to do other things in the middle, would be nice.
  18. So what this comes down to is wanting to provide PvPers with more soft targets, using things like the Echo zone badges and tram/Ouro access as bait... There's more than enough of that in the existing PvP zones. /jranger
  19. It's not a matter of levels... It's a matter of not wanting to be blasted/stabbed/encased in stone/or what-the-hell-ever by some opportunistic PvPer looking for easy kills while you're just bouncing through Echo Galaxy to get to the tram station to exit to Ouro. (And yes. People do that before level 15. You can get the badge from level 1, though the portal power won't be active-) You know as well as I do that it would only be a matter of time before someone started scouting ambush positions next to that tram station or the base teleport drop-point for EXACTLY that reason.
  20. My bird-things likewise. Although... I'm having a hard time imagining Harry perching on a powerline. XD
  21. PvP isn't a particularly popular passtime on the Homecoming servers, so I doubt there'll be much widespread support for "adding" any more zones devoted to it. Especially not when those zones already contain things that PvE players may want to access. (Yes, there are already badges in the other, already-existing PvP zones, too... But not everyone is exactly thrilled about that as it is-) You would also kill off one of the things that keeps Atlas Park's local/broadcast chat from being over-run with "Can somebody drop me an Ouro portal?!" requests. 😝
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