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Everything posted by reib

  1. Jaunt Is fine, problem Is Just jaunt+Jump packs.
  2. Who is helping to change the pvp is the one who knows the pvp best, simple. you start in the zone and then continue in the arena if you want to raise the level of challenge a bit. there are no two communities, zones and arenas, those who claim this have been little or nothing both in one and the other. they are the same players who, JUSTLY sickened by the zones, now play only in the arena. if the pvp were better almost all these players would also be in the zones. I'm sure.
  3. I wanted to be inclusive 🤣
  4. Now that the tricks are about to disappear from the pvp zones it seems right to pay a tribute to Who (along with the skills) has learned to use them all! this is a random ranking of the best (most featured) Zoners currently around (in my strange European hours). 16-Firetwist / Murder Inc. (blaster / stalker) This top badger doesn't like to die, he has a stash of jumpkits to fly high high but when he goes down he is worth his damage. pungent in game and chat but always fair and friendly. I love him ❤️ 36-Sessa (all kinds of blasters) This lady from the cold north of europe is one of the best blasters in the pvp zone, always polite and friendly but has no mercy! good at evasion but not afraid to stay to die or win. more like Sessa pls! 102-Sloth (blasters, once...) I don't think Sloth has recovered from the searing ban yet, I don't know if he will ever recover. even if it is no longer what it used to be, it is always present. come on president, make yourself great again! 07-Majestrix (Blaster,empath) My dear Maj is one of the best players in the pvp zone. almost uncatchable with empath and always ready for even unequal clashes. 26- Av? (blaster). This always drunk latino blaster uses all the tricks, knows how to escape and is always ready for battle. good, he has grown a lot. 78-Mono (blaster, tanker, sentinel, domi) Some say they saw him not afk and that he fought very well. I believe that to make it perform at its best he need a cash prize. Hits very hard! (even afk). 72-Aimz (wathever...) Aimz It's Just Aimz. 11-Dark Humor / Cleo (blaster / stalker) Quite new to pvp has grown a lot, in the zone he does not avoid the clash and always makes you have fun. great! 38-Alouu (and his crew) when it comes with blaster or scrapper there is always fun, hard to kill, angel in PFF. hey, it's Alouu! 55-Condro (blaster, corrs, defs) If you read in chat "1v1 anyone?" for sure it is Condro, he hit RV hoping that someone falls into his trap and ends up in Arena duel. deadly! 96-Mental Haze/everything Haze. Good blaster, always ready to evade but when hits he hits hard. 01-Dankz (and his crew...just Diesel lol. bunch of stalks/blasts/MM's) Everyone speaks bad of Dankz but in pvp zone it is lot of fun. master of self buffing, t4ing and base tping. I recommend keeping him in ignore because if you enter the RV with a bad day you risk being banned just to answer him but he's THE enemy. essential! 02-Sigil Marcus (blaster) *see 01-Dankz (Diesel apart, Marcus is always alone...) DISHONORABLE MENTION (when even the tricks are too many). 00-Critakill @Dutch The Hooligans (stalker/dont care...) I had never seen anyone using 3 buffbots on hero base (it is legal?) and I hope to never see someone again, after Critakill. SHAME ON YOU! What do you think? you like it? I missed many, add yours!
  5. A pvp player can spend even 80/90% of his entire online experience only in a pvp zone. for a pve player the pvp zone takes up less than 1% of his life online. because therefore we are still talking about pve? I think pve players this time should just stay out of the question, wait and adapt to what's coming.
  6. I think Is Just you, noone care about pvping at lvl 15 or 35, infact low lvl PvP zones are Always empty. Every pvper farm his Toon to lvl 50 + alpha than go to PvP zone and hate to be unexempled.
  7. Bring all PvP zones to level 50, leave only one pvp zone open per week in rotation, as a justification at the level of lore there could be several attacks by Lord Recluse each time different place. To preserve pve and badging you could create another instance of the zones always open and without any pvp interaction. Heartfelt thanks for the things done.
  8. Close RV and open a new Level 50 Alpha-Only PvP zone. Some fresh air without split the (not enormous) population. I voted Alpha-Only RV. Disable all temp. Powers in PvP zones.
  9. You don't need perma hasten, you don't even need hasten...
  10. Then at least one of the first two things...
  11. Just remove the support powers from all blasters secondary and decrease HP's to 1606. Transform Defiance to be proportional (-hp/+dmg). A real glass cannon.
  12. /NRG have boost range.
  13. https://discord.gg/GB3dy6
  14. @reib @jicco Fire/plant Blaster Grav/emp Troller
  15. reib

    Pvp rp

    the only RP you can do on indomitable RV is to pretend to be a psychologist to help certain people...
  16. Eheh i Remember Lui very well, do you Remember ITALIAN FURIES Sg? Clairevoyance was a scary mines teleporter too. Ar/Dev blaster.
  17. Please Nerf the fuck'n Taunt.
  18. Yes It Is. Recluse's Victory as zone and Arena Matches. Have a PvP night called Kickball any Saturday night at 9:00.
  19. I use It in PvP. Lot of fun and you can really be creative with build.
  20. With this build i can farm +4/8 Maps with bosses. Put snow storm on boss and Whirpool down the group than start with AoE's. I didnt use It as Blapper but i would try. It Is an Amazing toon.super fun and strong. My favourite PvE Blaster.
  21. reib

    Reaction time.

    Yes, the most OP AT ever.
  22. Name: reib Global: @reib Preferred Role(s): flexible Available Characters: Radagaist - psi/plant Blaster Boilin Ice - ice/em Blaster Skullbeam - beam/dev Blaster Planet - emp/ice Defender Doc No Move - rad/ice Def Kajo - psi/ea Stalker Np about fast rolling new toons. Availability: Europe, flexible. don't wanna do later than 9/10pm. Picked up by Incursion.
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