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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. i think the takeaway for me is that the person can run a Posi 1 for 40 minutes, buy two enhancement boosters with the merits and get 1-2 million in from the auction house which will buy them plentiful amounts of SOs
  2. have you considered putting the two purple damage procs from both the melee set and hold set in seismic smash? it’s a good place for making the wild damage even more crazy i also have the dom proc in my hold, it’s usually my opener or a key part of my attack chain
  3. [Broadcast] Moon Sheep: where is everyone
  4. sorry, i didn’t read anything you just put in the chat for the last 25 minutes as i closed the window and put my monitor upside down anyway i’m going use nothing but my T1 defender blast attack during the whole TF and completely ignore all of my primary support powers, might DC for two of the missions mid way through
  5. mind, plant are stand out goodens, ice and gravity also good, fire also not too bad for control and has the classic imps everyone loved back on live fire assault, energy, and earth are good damage secondaries (seismic smash is great), dark not too bad either, ice also not too bad but end heavy
  6. fire mastery is the way to go for dominators now - i’m sadly respeccing out of ice this weekend fireball, fire shield and melt armour are a bunch of powers to have edit: are a good bunch of powers
  7. great costume design on that blaster btw mate. really lives up to the snarky vampire aesthetic
  8. what were the changes to GMs in the end? i think i saw they were going to have their HP increase but not sure if they gave them a good damage and accuracy buff too
  9. this sounds exciting - will run a few TFs tonight and see if anything feels different
  10. i like to keep my main at 1.95bn in inf and 9900 merits, currently have 500-600M in the AH through messing around with some stuff. when it hits the cap i buy something and give it to a lowbie will treat my next project alt to some treats when it starts out - the elusive third alt. maybe this 5th year will be when i finally branch out
  11. worth keeping an eye on the events tab in-game for other merit granting GMs popping up too
  12. yeah man, i too am so disappointed in the direction this game is heading in. so many people have invested significant amounts of time and money in their.. loin cloth? wait what?
  13. looks like it - ice mastery on my dom has now updated, plus the countdown numbers on powertray icons have also changed
  14. looks like the new patch is now live? the ice mastery icons have changed on my dom and several other updates
  15. that was fun! small team of 4-5 looks like the servers are now back up too. good timing
  16. Hey Everyone - Looks like things have gone a bit pear shaped today I'm going to run a KM ITF on the Transfer Test shard @20:30 UTC Make something you normally wouldn't, slot it up with your free IOs and come join Downtime Sheep for an apocalyptic run!
  17. jeez, the warnings just keep coming! 😛
  18. i like a bit of chaos and to bring more enemies into the combat area. once i’ve hit FS i’ll taunt another mob to bring it over and join the party
  19. sure, i’ll pop the build into there tomorrow. there’s lots that can be improved, and a lot that doesn’t make much sense my overall view is don’t worry too much, having the core powers (transfusion, siphon power, SB, FS) and using them well is the most important part
  20. oh the days when an LoTG would sell for 55-60 million cheap prices are beneficial for a lot of the community but the inf hoarder in me does miss the high prices
  21. assemble a PuG for a +4 TF, click “enemies buffed” without telling them enjoy
  22. some screenshots. and yes it has provoke haha, i like a bit of chaos - that part is optional 😛 in summary.. no real planning or strategy. two Luck of the Gamble +7.5% Rech in manuvers and veng, one or two set bonuses for some +rech and the rest of it just for the hell of it or for no apparent reason not to add some indecision to the mix, but following the sonic -res nerfs, i'm not sure whether i'd roll it as a /sonic if i was to make it again. i explored /elec, and love end drain, but found it's not actually a good pairing with kin as the mobs die so quickly that seeking to drain all the endurance is a bit pointless. nature/elec a better combination for that in my view i play my defender as solely support and focus on the secondary effect of the blasts, i also play a lot of lower level content. with that in mind, i would likely play /rad blast if i was to make it again. the -def component in things like irridiate would help lower level teams, especially against things like CoT if you play mostly end game content, i'd go for a fire blast/kin corrupter - but still re-iterating my point on making sure the team are well stocked with SB/FS hope this is some useful insight, and please enjoy laughing at my build
  23. oh boy, here’s my time to shine one of the two characters i’ve played for the last 4.5 years is a kin/sonic defender. i made mine in may 2019 and have been playing it nearly every day since. it does hard mode content, speed runs, posi 1 and everything in between it has a few set bonuses for some +recharge and +accuracy but that’s about it from the IO side - this is a combination you can play absolutely fine with SOs or basic IOs if you wanted to with minimal penalties on the kin side, pick up transfusion, siphon power, siphon speed, inertial reduction, transference and FS. increase density is okay, but i tend to pick it up in the higher levels i have my speed boost slotted for 2 end mod, some people use more endurance than you’d think possible siphon power is great for the lower levels, a two stacked siphon power and assault from the leadership pool will give your lowbie teams around +67% damage on the sonic side, the debuff has been hit by a hard nerf a few updates ago, the -res component is not very strong thesedays, but still useful to ‘enhance’ the -res debuffs of others by adding some extra howl is a good cone to apply that -res debuff against mobs, screech is now a good ST attack that would work well having a purple damage proc in it as the recharge is slightly slower i’d recommend picking up vengeance and then power boost from the soul mastery - a slotted veng with powerboost gives around +63% def and a lot of +to hit, it’s a game changer when a battle is going south definitely pick up fold space, it creates lovely mob bunches for fulcrum shift i wouldn’t bother building for defense, it’s a waste of pool powers and isn’t necessary. i’ve never felt the need for it in the many hundreds, possibly thousands of hours i’ve played my defender i’ll screenshot my build in a bit, hopefully this is some useful initial thinking edit: one important note, how you play a kin defender is far more important than the build or IOs. keep the team topped up with SB at all times, stack it between missions, look for the best opportunity to cast fulcrum shift, buffing the damage dealers the most, look for who may need healing quickly after getting whacked, is the mob in a good position to cast howl for some group wide -res, is there an opportunity for a powerboosted veng, when is the right time to jump into the mob to cast FS. kin is a very active set. played well it’s fantastic
  24. i often run Posi 1 TFs on my kin defender as i find speed boost at the lower levels makes such a difference in fact, i’m going to enjoy a kin led posi 1 later today i think - thanks for the good suggestion
  25. i just use incan, the def barriers aren’t needed and make things boring plus, if anyone dies it groups people up nicely for a veng
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