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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. my main is a mins/fire and therefore i’d recommend the combination. having all of your powers as ranged has some great advantages, immense damage too
  2. i also remember when the STF was new, building a team you near enough had to get a cold and a sonic along with a few shivans or you weren’t going to pass shows how much more powerful characters are thesedays that you can jump into the 4 AVs without much of a thought
  3. that’s a good point really - i don’t have any melee powers, nice to observe the destruction from a distance 🙂
  4. i run almost all my TFs on enemies buffed, i find it encourages a classic CoH experience where each AT has a defined role to play i also have veng on both my alts and it ensures i get to use it regularly 🤗
  5. have you looked into brute/scrapper/tank archetypes? it may fit your style of play rather than trying to make a defender into a defensive combat class not having any accuracy in either siphon power or FS is unadvisable, they’re two of your most important powers and you’ll want them to hit everytime a kin/sonic is one of the 2 alts i play since returning in 2019, it has no defence built in and it survives fine. pop a purple if trouble crops up
  6. Brother Mezmera, I pray that you will see the light and will be received with open arms to the glory of Sleet. people overhype and place too much emphasis on procs, you may get one or two enemies hit with a short lived -res debuff but it’s nothing in comparison to Sleet which will continue to hit new enemies who enter the fray and deal some nice -def (which you can also slot for a -res proc) Romans 10.1 As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in Sleet will never be put to shame. 🙏
  7. run it on enemies buffed +4/x8, gets people working as a team in a very noticeable way. very hard to wander off without the team as death quickly follows
  8. yaaas preach 🙏 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of Sleet, knowing that in Sleet your labor is not in vain 🌨️
  9. i think so, the power analyser shows no defense or resistance buffs. i run the TF quite often on enemies buffed as a nightly hobby, amassed 8000+ merits at the moment from it and haven't really noticed a difference in squishiness compared with regular vs enemies buffed. they sting a lot more but seem to lay down just as happily there was a recent fix however which restored some shield powers for the cimeroran enemy type which has resulted in them being tougher more generally
  10. enemies buffed gives +50% acc and +50 dmg, however as far as i’m aware it doesn’t buff def or res
  11. ah i see, to help people know what’s currently running and therefore whether it‘s worth trying to build an event?
  12. unbreakable constraint chance for smashing damage is the purple proc you’re thinking of
  13. ascendancy is a good set, i put it in dominate and it procs often, not fussed about any damage bonuses as i have attacks for that purpose the other dom ATO is not that great in my view and i haven’t used it you could slot ascendancy enough to get your +rech set bonus and then throw in a damage IO for +42% DMG
  14. what on earth are you doing in the larger group events? they’re usually quite pleasant/fun from my experience
  15. there’s free server transfers in the current state of play, it would allow others on non-peak times to more easily find teams and events, a positive for many european players
  16. your post has me wondering about something slightly related.. cross shard trials and TFs through an improved LFG function?
  17. hey it’s my time to shine, a kin/sonic def is one of the two characters i play and have played it a lot over the last 2 years fold space is fantastic and is a great setup for a meaty fulcrum shift if things are spread out i only use my sonic attacks for their debuff components, screech and howl being the two best (screech long lasting, howl a nice debuff cone). wail a great one too, especially if you land yours just before someone else nukes - softens them up i took assault as well as manuvers/tactics for low level teaming (every little helps) recall friend is very useful to have so you can TP a corpse and veng off it. i took soul mastery for power boost, really helps with veng and makes the heal much more powerful. that helps a lot if your team tank is going south as they can be hard to heal power boost + transference is also quite fun as a powerful end drainer other than having 2 acc in most kin powers, some heal on trans and rech on FS/siphon power it’s a very flexible character and i wouldn’t worry much at all about slotting the perfect build etc. being a good kin during play is much more important than the build it’s one you can really just enjoy and slot in the way you find fun, e.g if you’re into procs etc or you enjoy building up a certain attribute enjoy 🙂
  18. i don’t mind which way the direction of mouse travel is set as the de-facto option, just a (perhaps unusual) frustration with the default position of something being ‘inverted’
  19. i assume given this post is regarding something being the opposite way to how it should by default, that you are all agreeing with my suggestion?
  20. sʞuɐɥʇ ¿ɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ʍǝu ɐ ƃuᴉʞɐɯ uǝɥʍ ,lɐɯɹou, ǝq oʇ uoᴉʇᴉsod ǝsnoɯ ʇlnɐɟǝp ǝɥʇ ʎɟᴉpoɯ ǝʍ ʎɐɯ ǝsɐǝld 'ǝɹoɟǝɹǝɥʇ ˙uoᴉʇᴉsod lɐɯɹou sʇᴉ oʇ pǝsɹǝʌǝɹ ǝʇɐʇs ɐ uᴉ sᴉ ǝʇnqᴉɹʇʇɐ ǝɥʇ sǝᴉldɯᴉ ǝuolɐ ,pǝʇɹǝʌuᴉ, pɹoʍ ǝɥʇ ˙ǝɯᴉʇ ʎɹǝʌǝ ǝƃuɐɥɔ oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ᴉ ɥɔᴉɥʍ ,pǝʇɹǝʌuᴉ, oʇ ʇǝs ʎllɐɔᴉʇɐɯoʇnɐ sᴉ ǝsnoɯ ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ ǝɔᴉʇou ᴉ 'ɹǝʇɔɐɹɐɥɔ ʍǝu ɐ ƃuᴉʇɐǝɹɔ uǝɥʍ 'ɹǝʌǝʍoɥ ˙ǝsuǝs ɟo ʇol ɐ ǝʞɐɯ ʇ,usǝop ,pǝʇɹǝʌuᴉ, sɐ ƃuᴉɥʇǝɯos ɟo uoᴉʇᴉsod ʇlnɐɟǝp ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʌɐɥ 'ƃuᴉɔᴉʇou ʎlǝʞᴉl ǝɹɐ noʎ sɐ
  21. ran a kill most last night and noticed no difference, stumbled upon this thread to read its apparently changed 🤨
  22. running TFs on enemies buffed without telling the team is also a fun pastime 😏
  23. yeah i see that argument, when slotted it’ll have some better numbers i feel the set may be a bit of a lackluster one trick pony, tanks are spoilt with many good mastery choices 🙂
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