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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. a thread where @Mezmera and i can be friends for 5 minutes, very nice 😀 mind control has a different playstyle to other sets and that’s okay. there’s a lot of fun being sneaky and decisive when applying control powers. should people not play stalkers and instead everyone be a spines/fire tank that aggros as much as possible? not to mention, my dom has well slotted vengeance - i’m actively hoping people die so i can use it
  2. love using it on my kin when there’s a dispersed battle followed by a perfect fulcrum shift chefs kiss.png
  3. buffs and debuffs give me a feeling of “helping out” whilst playing on the dom, though i can’t deny that soul is a good mastery we are united in our love of mind control but divided in our mastery 😁 should def have a team together sometime
  4. i’m all about team play so i always choose whatever is best for the people around me - who doesn’t love debuffs also Mez, can i ask you, what camping gear do you recommend? i’m in need of a good tent because i will die on this hill 😛 & i have a big dislike for the current tough & weave fad on every character. i feel people should be a bit braver and learn how to play ATs other than melee classes - being tactical with how they engage mobs and flow through a mish. the game is filled with mediocre characters which have their main primary/secondary largely ignored in favour of pointless mids stats but that’s a rant for another day now excuse me, i’m off to worship my icy shrine
  5. on a schpeed run you’ll often get the full -30% res on equal level AVs from sleet, if someone else in the team has a -res power too things really start flying. i’m all about teaming so powers that benefit The Greater Good™ are up my street. e.g if i can help 7 people it’s better than picking a power that only helps 1 i didn’t pick ice shield or build for defense as insps exists. it’s a waste of build space to pick a power which can be facilitated through insps instead. my dom always outlasts and outperforms any squishy with a silly tough&weave build as it’s permanently jacked to the eyeballs with glorious T3/T4 insps
  6. A strong disagree from me - Ice mastery is the go-to for dominators and anything else should be a rare exception. Having defender strength Sleet on a high powered dom is incredible and makes a huge difference solo and a mega difference when teaming
  7. Yes exactly that in my opinion. I think about the “greater good” when playing my kin - e.g. buffing 7 team members to fight better is more important than my attacks (irradiate is glorious though as you mentioned) I also often design teams round my kin, preferring to recruit melee fighters so people more readily bathe in the glory of fulcrum shift Sounds like you had a great posi team, there’s still plenty of team wipes on that final mish! I played with 2 sonic/dark defenders a while ago, fighting against bosses which had capped resistance and were dishing out -acc debuffs was almost impossible! many many team wipes
  8. This is why I believe being a kin defender is a full time job and the secondary powerset is mostly irrelevant SB and FS encourage teams to go wild, ensuring everyone is healed, buffed etc leaves little time to fire off many blasts in a meaningful way. I like to strategically let the occasional person die for a nice team vengeance buff too
  9. Double buffing teams and having a nice 4 minute overlap when changing missions seems like the dream!
  10. sonic/sonic to me seems like the ultimate relaxation alt, i’ve been tempted to make one for quite a while. have had a thing for sonic ever since it first came out in 2006 ..i’ll get round to it eventually
  11. still loving my mind/fire 2 years on since i remade it from live - pure ranged control and incredible damage
  12. not sure why you’re building so much defense on a support defender? they are typically a support archetype and less involved in taking alpha, hand to hand combat etc. in my opinion a defender should focus on being able to support the team as much as possible forge is one of your main buffs but it has zero recharge on it to ensure it can be applied to as many team members as possible. heat exhaustion has the same issue - needs 2acc/2rech. i really wouldn’t worry about the current fad the game is experiencing where everyone builds every character to S/L cap, it’s a rather uninformed strategy and doesn’t benefit most characters. focus on being the best thermal defender you can, the other team members will take the aggro. in CoH teams shine the most when people play to the strengths of their AT there’s some good advice in the recent kin/rad thread for proccing the hell out of radiation blast for maximum damage/debuff etc
  13. back in the day you could waste 40M inf buying up all the availible market offering for 1 type of uncommon salvage and cause some chaos for an hour or two selling it back for 5 times the price to the impatient.. ah, goodtimes
  14. absolutely. i quite enjoyed the pricing on live, it felt really exciting to have a purple or a good rare drop, thesedays it’s not really significant
  15. where does this obsession with confused foes causing you to lose out on a tiny amount of xp come from? my mind/fire is vet level 230 or so through casual gameplay, the xp received is plenty to the people who are also fixated on seeds of confusion: make a plant dom? mind is a great set and loved by many. in the 2 years i’ve had my dom mine it’s been through every ouro badge arc, tf, trial, MO run, speed run, solo AV fight etc i’ve rarely wanted the set to be any different
  16. MoonSheep


    Now that would be fun!
  17. i only play two alts since returning in 2019 - a dom and a kin/sonic def, i think this is one of those “XYZ is bad because i don’t get it” posts screech debuffs for around 15 seconds, stack it with shout and you have a nice -40% debuff without too much time, can fire off the nova also for some added debuff, isn’t hard and combos nicely with FS with AVs, use fold space to bring more enemies nearby for a meaty FS, or aggro a few things whilst bouncing towards it. my ITF speedrun whilst on the def is 11.59 - whilst this isn’t the worlds most stellar time it’s not awful either kin/sonic is one of the best defender combos out there
  18. poison/fire is well documented, great solo machine and genuinely good damage if you can manage the endurance cost
  19. The word 'build' implies i put some sort of planning into my slotting or power choices 😁 For team play, if a kin def has SB and fulcrum shift it's good enough for most things in my opinion. Take the powers you find fun and go wild with sets which you enjoy - too much min/maxing can wipe out the fun factor It's done an 11.29 ITF, 12.59 LRSF, master of various TFs etc, teamwork makes the dreamwork
  20. i picked up soul mastery for power boost on my kin def, it helps beef up transfusion if things are getting spicy, makes transference a real end sapper and it’ll boost the -defense component of your rad attacks i really wouldn’t spend too much time overthinking your build, you could slot 2 acc / 2 rech into all your powers and you’d be 99% as useful to a team than if you had a 600m build - kin defender is pretty is one of the most forgiving sets out there the game has tank/brute/scrapper archetypes if survival is a priority
  21. my main since returning has been a remake of my live-era mind/fire/ice permadom, i only play one other alt (a kin def) so it gets played quite a bit for a team orientated character, in my opinion, any player is making a mistake by not choosing sleet from ice mastery. it’s defender strength on par with a storm/cold def and opens up the character to an entirely new dynamic of being able to mez, damage *and* now put out strong debuffs. whenever you’re on a team where someone else also has an AoE -res debuff it shines even more veng is good for similar reasons, now provides the swiss army knife dom with a strong team buff, mez, damage and debuff - all on one incredible “do everything” character with mez protection
  22. I take assault and maneuvers, combined with siphon power it helps on earlier teams and TFs to start stacking up the damage. also helps to reduce the strength of AVs along with fulcrum shift veng is a must have for defenders, a great team buff interial reduction fantastic as it doesn’t succumb to the travel delay when attacking, lets you bounce around freely i don’t build for any global bonuses, e.g rech, def etc. insps keep me alive and everything recharges quickly anyway
  23. I believe SoC aggros enemies whereas mass confusion doesn’t, putting MC at a significant advantage
  24. i don’t think it needs a buff, put the confuse proc in the ST confuse and that helps spread it around there’s enough other mez powers in the set to choose from if mass confusion is recharging
  25. i team with a traps/sonic def that is huge at debuffing - makes speed runs incredibe, e.g. LRSF/MLTF/ITF etc. great character when played right on high end teams edit: just realised my friend is a trick arrow/sonic, please continue the hate for traps
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