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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. @DreadShinobi Is correct on how great Sleet is from the ice mastery. Not taking it should be a bannable offence 😛 I build my mind/fire dom for recharge to achieve perma and that’s about it. I don’t bother with any defensive powers as I prefer to lock things down or pop a few insps. You’re correct that some doms are more ST focused - I often have targeting macros for bosses and ensure I kill them in a mob first, letting the masses of AoE characters quickly finish up the luts/minions
  2. Leo - I understand your logic here, though changes are generally made to introduce balance to the game and promote underperforming or underpowered sets to increase the variety of ATs/powersets played As empathy is by far the most played set, it’s unlikely to be a candidate for positive adjustment Moreover, many people are simply bad at playing an empath. Speed run a tricky TF alongside a skilled PvP empath and you’ll have a great and rewarding time
  3. For some extra added AoE damage definitely, could be a nice combo with bonfire/hotfeet/fire cages
  4. Hey Blackfeather, thanks for considering me. I've had a review of the set and put some comments below which are hopefully helpful T3: Ray of Light - Having the primary hold as a T3 rather than a T2 may annoy some users who wish not to choose one of the T1/T2 powers, I know some other individuals who play Mind Control aren't a fan of such a layout. I like the potential chain effect T4 Refractive Halo - It would be a great dynamic for foes to be attracted towards each other within the halo, "fascination of light" or similar. Or, a reverse Hurricane where foes are attracted towards you, becoming increasingly To Hit debuffed as they get closer with an added chance for confuse for the really close foes T8 Luminous Distortion - Love this power, this should be the T9 with a few buffs. I'd want to see this one with a very large radius (60-80ft) to really give the set a memorable 'wow' power. I'd suggest amending it slightly so that there's a very large 'attract' radius, then towards the centre, perhaps 8-10ft is where there's a powerful confuse - given they are closer to the light and uncertain of whats going on. The grouping of foe is a theme I'd like to see elsewhere in the set, it would compliment modern playstyles well and make it an in-demand set to play T9 Shining Motes - This feels slightly underwhelming for a T9 power. The equivilent Photon Seekers power from a PB's Luminous Blast has a recharge of 180s vs 240 for Motes. I'd recommend making this a T8 power and have them in an intouchable state for the first 5-10 seconds of their life, like a quasi phantom army. Overall, I like some of the new dynamics within this set and there's several that I had never considered before. It feels more suited to Controllers as I'm not sure it would fit as well as a Dominator set, a lot of the heavy hitter powers wouldn't get much benefit from Domination. To put a potential spanner in the works, I wonder if it's on the verge of being more suitable as a buff/debuff set for defenders/corrupters and really play on the theme of -ToHit and foe taunt/attraction to deliver something that would really stand out
  5. Hey, I would take Sleet and Hibernate as the panic button, would definitely fit veng into it if you're big into teaming - it makes a death in the team very exciting! Everyone gets a mini god mode for 90 seconds or so If you're into defense then frozen armor is a great pick, it depends how much you plan on being at range vs melee. My mind/fire hasn't got a single melee power so I didn't build for defense and live life by the seat of my pants instead 😄 Ice storm might help get your AoE damage up a bit, combined with bonfire and hot feet it could be a nice combo
  6. Which is a shame, as many of the arcs, maps and enemy types redside are fantastic and really enjoyable Redside is let down by every single zone being so miserable and looking pretty much the same. The lower level zones are far too big and hard to navigate compared to heroside (though the 'insta-win' of travel powers being availible from the start helps negate this)
  7. Preeeaaachhh! 100%! Sleep is a very useful power - I often use it on lower level teams if the group wouldn't be ready to handle a second mob entering the fray, or during speed runs when I'm focusing on a target and don't want to get squished. I haven't built my dom for any defense/survival as I'm not interested in the entry level shield:attack playstyle. Being able to creativity influence the dynamics of a battle (especially with things like mind or dark control) is far more enjoyable. Like you say, when everyone is invinceable it gets a bit boring. I like to plan a few sacrifices during a TF for veng 😈
  8. Not picking up Sleet is a critical and unforgiveable mistake when building a dominator - it's a defender strength AoE debuff with a great recharge when slotted. Easily -30% res and -45% defense. When another team member has a similar debuffing power it makes team play great and really increases the "box of tricks" feel a dominator can bring to a team. No longer just control and damage but now a strong debuffer too! If you pick veng, you've got a nice team buff also - I find it hard to play anything else other than my mind/fire dom as it has a bit of everything I personally only build for recharge and don't bother with silly defensive builds, a permadom has all the survival abilities it needs. If you need a boost during hectic times, just pop a purple or mez something
  9. I only play two characters on HC - my dom and a kin/sonic def. i’d say just enjoy playing around with the elec end drain component, don’t worry about damage or silly builds etc. a kin def is very forgiving, your primary role is heavily focused with the delivery of kin powers rather than being a damage dealer, it allows you to have pretty much any build you like a basic IO or SO kin def is 95% as good as a kin def with a 1Bb build on a team
  10. Well said mate From my view as a mind/fire permadom main which this thread is more about inexperience than any problem with mind control. A few tweaks for quality of life may be nice, but the set is great as-is. lol @ people wanting a pet
  11. i’m late to the party, though my secondary main is a kin/sonic defender i really enjoy playing it, the combination of massive +damage for the team and -res on enemies is really fun. fantastic for AVs, GMs etc i play my defender purely as a buffing character, i haven’t slotted the sonic attacks for damage, i just use them for the -res component playing low level content, e.g posi TFs is just as fun as high end TFs, there’s always useful buffing/debuffing powers on hand to use
  12. I solo AVs with my mind/fire permadom main, keeping confused layered on the target ensures I don’t get instantly squished. The incredible ST damage from fire makes things go quite well - I bring a bunch of insps with me for any hairy moments. Haven’t built any defense/res into the build as insps are easily available and work well. I leave the armour for the brute/scrapper/tank ATs mind or dark control with fire or energy assault would be the way to go in my view
  13. That’s interesting to know. I have memories of the reactor going off on failed trials before, not something you could ever imagine happening thesedays!
  14. Hey You’re unable to switch powersets, however you can indeed rechoose your powers. The respect trials were a feature of the game many years before respec recipes and free respecs existed. They used to be quite the challenge!
  15. This is one of the few great changes in I27, I’ve been proposing it for a while in-game. I don’t understand people who wait 7 years to play CoH but then want to automatically skip one of the main aspects. There’s already too many travel “cheats” in the game, it takes away from the team spirit of helping others to the mish
  16. Hmm, I recognise the significant amount of work that has gone into making these numerous and multiple changes. Many of these likely require a lot of development I feel quite disappointed though. In my personal view, I don't understand the obsession of many players (and the devs it seems) for instant transportation to everywhere. Travel / teleportation powers seem to have received a massive buff across the board (aside from the base access code removal) yet many underperforming powersets / ATs which people rarely play due to poor performance have been ignored (or in some cases, such as blaster secondaries, nerfed even further) I27 would have been a good opportunity to use the data available on which ATs and powersets are played the most - fire and rad brutes clearly needing a nerf obvious to anyone who has spent 4 seconds in the AP AE building, yet shadow maul is the one that gets nerfed.. (righto, good thinking captain). Reviewing the data and introducing balance to encourage people to create lesser played ATs would have been a nice improvement and made a visible difference to the game and its community Having read through the entire patch notes, it seems fitting for the release name: I27 Patch Notes. Minor adjustments to powersets played by very few people I'm hesitant to hit reply on this post, as it's a rather negative comment to a volunteer team on a not-for-profit game, however I would like to contribute to the process of community feedback and I hope my comments are taken as such. Thankyou for your continued development and support of this great game
  17. Delayed posting but thankyou to everyone who joined - Was a good trial train of Magisterium, Keyes, Cathedral of Pain and an Underground to cap off the night
  18. Hi All - Hope you’re having a good week I plan on running the Magisterium Trial this Friday at 10pm BST. Putting a shout out to ensure we get some good folks onboard. Bring your 50+3’s as we’ll be fighting a lvl 54(+5) AV - spicy! Let me know if you’re interested on here or in game (@Moon Sheep) See you soon
  19. Have you considered playing a Sentinel instead? May fit better with your needs if you’re looking for damage and survivability
  20. Point 3 is very good and certainly something I’d be keen for the devs to see, perhaps they already have. From my view, the key word that describes the development the game would benefit from is: inclusive. e.g create mob types which need to be mezzed, or debuffed, or taunted, before they’re able to be easily killed. This would make certain ATs much more in-demand and ‘viable’ again
  21. Hi All - Bit of a bump just to say thanks for the guidance. Using Rebirth on auto and having the Vigor boost slotted worked very well, around 37,700 healing progress upon each application. I went up to ‘rare’ on each incarnate tree for Rebirth/Vigor as I had a lot of spare incarnate salvage Definitely worth re-zoning a bunch of times until you’re able to get lucky and have all six marching squads present All 6 healing badges achieved on my Dom, the 6th was my 999th badge. Now focusing on exploration badges, at 1108 so far, will do more later - good fun 🙂
  22. The power damage decriptions are not always totally accurate. Blaze which describes as "High" damage is more powerful (152.42) than Power Burst (139.89) You may "feel" you so more damage with energy as it has amazing FX/animations/sounds, but in reality, it puts out less damage than Fiery Assault due to its much slower animations, lack of fiery embrace and lower damage figures. Earth Assault has the same vibe (though Seismic Smash is truly amazing on both a damage and animation standpoint) You can right click the powers ingame to view the numbers, the character creation also shows the damage outputs of each power Also Soul Drain can only give you 68% +damage, not 100%
  23. However, Total Focus takes a whopping 2.52 seconds to activate, which when done the team has moved onto the next mission. Blaze takes only 1.00 seconds, combined with Blazing Bolt on quicksnipe and Fire Blast means Fiery Assault is leaps and bounds ahead of Energy Assault Fiery Embrace also gives +85% damage for 30 seconds, vs Power Up providing a tiny 35% for 10 seconds Some people enjoy playing the higher-impact, slower pace sets like Energy, Radiation Assault, however if you’re wanting raw damage output and pace, Fire is the way to go. Having everything as range is also a huge plus. Also fiery assault doesn’t lock you into any of the mastery powers, you can still choose any of them (with Ice being pretty much the only sensible choice for teamplay)
  24. This was a helpful guide - thankyou. Just completed this arc solo, thought I'd add some thoughts. The macro was certainly helpful, I did a macro for a keyword of "Rogue" which picked up the PPD on the floor easily. I managed to find all 12 and then defeated the boss to save Lawrence Harken, I chose the second dialogue option but didn't bother leading him out, I just went to the exit and the mission completed. I then went on to complete the arc for the "Helping Hand" badge. A note on the timed mission, I was inside the map when the timer ran out and didn't die, whether that's a bug I don't know. On the latter missions within the arc, the final mission is very long - you'll need to defeat Castillo as an AV who messes around a 2-3 times disappearing for dialogue interventions etc. A malta EB will also appear after he's died, so bring a lot of inspirations and be ready for a long fight.
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