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Everything posted by Sothoth

  1. West side too, I always make side trips during the pylon section of the raid to nuke monkeys on the roof tops.
  2. I know for myself, I had 6-7 50's on live that I want to have back, but I don't want to grind them all back up to 50 the hard way.
  3. Having Dark for my secondary I already have a ton of -to hit, so I go with Gravitic for recovery and recharge debuffs. Also this, I have made many T4 incarnate powers so I can switch out depending on what I'm doing.
  4. Or people could donate less so more people get a chance. Some people on my server drop 50 bucks. I would suggest donating less, and save big donations for when it take longer than a few minutes.
  5. We had a great time last night making Rikti puns on Excelsior. Rikti Ricardo - U'Kon, you got a lot of 'splainin to do!
  6. No way, I already had to chase a clone of myself that was wreaking havoc all over Paragon City!
  7. Literally, nothing. Yes, nothing at all, that's why it has subscriber numbers in the millions, while free CoX can't bust 100k...
  8. I run MSRs. I normally refer to the area with the grates as a "lane". So, working inward. Left and Right Rim Grates. Left and Right Center Grates Left and Right Bowl Grates Hell, here's my .MNU file I use. Title "Pylons" Option "Dead pylons?" "request Okay guys! Any dead pylons? Please report them now so I don't need to call them during the raid." Option "How many people wanna kick some ass?" "request Okay! Is everyone ready to boot Rikti butt?" Option "#1 - Pylon 12" "request Rush the Rikti Commencing! Attack Pylon 12!" Option "#2 - Pylon 11" "request Pylon 12 down! Attack Pylon 11!" Option "#3 - Pylon 14" "request Pylon 11 down! Attack Pylon 14!" Option "#4 - Pylon 17" "request Pylon 14 down! Attack Pylon 17!" Option "#5 - Pylon 15" "request Pylon 17 down! Attack Pylon 15!" Option "#6 - Pylon 13" "request Pylon 15 down! Attack Pylon 13!" Option "#7 - Pylon 19" " request Pylon 13 down! Attack Pylon 19! Option "#7 - Pylon 16" "request Pylon 19 down! Attack Pylon 16!" Option "#9 - Pylon 6" "request Pylon 16 down! Attack Pylon 6!" Option "#10 - Pylon 5" "request Pylon 6 down! Attack Pylon 5!" Option "#11 - Pylon 7" "request Pylon 5 down! Attack Pylon 7!" Option "#12 - Pylon 20" "request Pylon 7 down! Attack Pylon 20!" Option "#13 - Pylon 4" "request Pylon 20 down! Attack Pylon 4!" Option "#14 - Pylon 8" "request Pylon 4 down! Attack Pylon 8!" Option "#15 - Pylon 3" "request Pylon 8 down! Attack Pylon 3!" Option "#16 - Pylon 2" "request Pylon 3 down! Attack Pylon 2!" Option "#17 - Pylon 9" "request Pylon 2 down! Attack Pylon 9!" Option "#18 - Pylon 18" "request Pylon 9 down! Attack Pylon 18!" Option "#19 - Pylon 10" "request Pylon 18 down! Attack Pylon 10!" Option "#20 - Pylon 1" "request Pylon 10 down! Attack Pylon 1!" Bad pylon, order you should do the pylons clockwise, and leave shortly after the drop ship passes by, then you'll be chasing it, and wont have people getting sniped by it.
  9. At the beginning of every month they open up donations, they only take what they need to keep the servers running. The window usually lasts about 10-20 minutes, for July it was 4 minutes. I also recommend that people don't donate more than they would have paid for a sub on live so that more people get the chance. As it is we've got about 6-8k daily players, and only about 100 get to donate.
  10. Why does it even matter who clicks the bomb as long as it gets clicked...? And I know it isn't cause 'muh badges', since I have the badge on 2 characters and never clicked a single bomb.
  11. If you're playing well, and positioning yourself properly, self healing is unnecessary, the heal you get from firing off healing aura should be enough. If you're the type to ignore game mechanics, then you should probably pick it up. I can't imagine the thinking behind not getting AP, that is such a butt saving power in endgame. So many AV hits will drain the tank to near zero, and you can get em right back to full in a second with it. Early game, AP is pretty dangerous, but a must in iTrials.
  12. As an endgame healer, in my opinion, the only thing that REALLY doesn't work in endgame is a blapper. They just don't have the resist they need for AV's, but bless their hearts do they try. If only I could get badges for rezzing, blappers would make my day.
  13. Go to paragon wiki, click on incarnate trials, that page will give a list of trials, in order of story elements and suggested level requirements without any spoilers.
  14. You can unslot the powers and you don't have to use them.
  15. Pretty much, generally between 9-10pm EST.
  16. Create a mission in mission architect and test it out, boom, bug hunter badge.
  17. There are 196 countries on Earth, where are these other 300+ countries?
  18. You can buy the anniversary badges for 100 reward merits each in Ouro
  19. This is the impression I got from a casual conversation with someone who worked for NCSoft Brighton who IIRC pointed the fingers at Wildstar - but no idea how much they actually knew. It is also worth keeping in mind that it's a lot easier to break even when you don't have to pay any staff, office costs, marketing etc etc A community-based project can run on a lot tighter budget than a commercial one. It is amusing to see people who have no idea what it takes to run a successful business crapping all over NCSoft for how they run theirs. After seeing the numbers of players we get on the regular, I can see why they shut it down.
  20. We did not get the badge. And we did take them down within 10 seconds of each other. By everything I've read we should have gotten the badge.
  21. I like to go to costume contests and hand out prizes for bios.
  22. This is great, now being a jerk hacker and dupin rares is simples! Gone to the Americans!
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