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Everything posted by Alchemystic

  1. I think most of the discussion here comes from the devs' reluctance to implement their own policy, claiming it needs to be revised. Of course, people are more than happy to come up with their own revisions to put forward, to help tue process along, and that invites debate. And in true HC forum fashion, debate quickly escalates into conflict.
  2. you asked if they thought it was a problem, I pointed to the fact that they do.
  3. @Player2 to clear up some of the confusion, you would only have to log in once a month if your character keeps getting flagged for inactivity. This isn't some hard rule I've said where "if you are level 50, you MUST log in once per month", its basically the condition to remove the flag on your character if the script happens to flag you. It shouldn't happen often enough for you to have to do it monthly... unless you were actively trying to be inactive. And the only reason a level 50 would be flagged in the first place would be if it was either farmed up and abandoned, or if it's been sitting idle for well over a year or two. A little context for you, since ignorant people are misquoting me.
  4. They did... that's the whole point of this thread... to enforce the expiration rules (or some variation of them) that THE DEVS put forward. And stop bringing up the military, beating a dead horse at this point...
  5. Mostly for the idle characters way of things, but I don't object to the other methodology. so long as something is implemented (and hopefully better than the initial proposition).
  6. My bad, I needed to go back and edit cos I spaced out a little! But yeah the proposed policy is hot garbage, on that we agree. But I'd also like it so that any account has a chance to be flagged, just so we can also address the following; people namesquatting, this one is obvious people who have migrated server, and have a buncha abandoned characters left behind people who have just opted not to play a character and may have forgotten about it
  7. ... The formula is more complex than that. Well, at least my one is.
  8. Nobody said the formula determined who was worthy of a name.
  9. If my character has been inactive for half a year and not got past level 10, go for it.
  10. I'd argue that nobody is entitled to anything. We don't pay subscriptions, we're here at the generosity of the Homecoming team, and what they decide to do with their server isn't up to us.
  11. Oh, sorry, I didn't think I would have to explain the joke. The joke was that it would never happen. And "generic'd" is a term used for characters who have had their names changed to a placeholder like "GENERIC19865"
  12. What's the saying again... Use it or lose it? On a more serious note, I don't care about guilt or innocence. That's why I made the formula, to mathematically decipher which characters names should be released without launching an inquest into their moral practices. It's just numbers, and that's all we should really consider.
  13. Yes because the HC devs are going to implement this secretly and tell nobody about it. Look at your character roster, they're all generic'd already.
  14. Honestly, if you think my name clearing policy is harsh you should seen the old one that literally just took into account character level and when it was last logged in 😅
  15. The only thing that would be at risk for active accounts would be low level characters with virtually no playtime and extended inactivity. I cant stress enough that this sorta thing should be indiscriminate, whether the player is active or not, an unplayed level 1 character is the same either way.
  16. Realistically, an active player should be at no risk, even if their characters are inactive, so long as those characters have actually been played and not just sat there for the name alone.
  17. Honestly I hadn't considered the script being run manually but you raise a good point, at least that way people are made aware of it in advance. And if people still have an issue with it after that, then they're either lazy, greedy or spiteful.
  18. @Snowdazeexactly my thinking, it's why I made character playtime a consideration in my formula, because it's not hard to farm a character to 50 and then never use them again.
  19. For real? How would I be able to? I'm not a GM, I cant peek at other people's account information. the only way I could would be with the old Info Tracker that isn't even on Homecoming... but THAT is a topic worth discussing elsewhere.
  20. it's already been addressed that mass name squatting is a thing. People who heard the game was making a return rushed to swindle as many names as they could when the server sprung up, that's fact.
  21. Again, logging in once a week/month would only happen if you were at all flagged by the system, it's not expected of everyone. The first part of the formula is designed to find who should be flagged, but it doesn't cause anything to immediately take effect. So a level 1 character would only be flagged if they were created and then instantly set aside. If you at least play for a little while you'll be absolutely fine, it just encourages people to make use of the characters they have created so you're safe, even if that's just idling in Atlas Park or RPing somewhere. Same applies to level 50s who were farmed up, but the system is more forgiving of that. Then the safety buffer gives people who have been flagged the opportunity to log in, and that would be enough to remove the flag. If you're flagged and you dont log on at all, that's when your name may be up for grabs, but you're safe if nobody else attempts to use it. it's a fairly forgiving three step process in my opinion.
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