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Everything posted by Mjolnerd

  1. What. The. Eff. Are you talking about? That's not how it works. That's not what enhancements do. And all enhancements (apart from ATOs) are available to all ATs as long as they have a power that can take that type of enhancement. Seriously, your statement makes no sense whatsoever. And neither does the complete non-sequitur that followed it -- what does capping damage have to do with anything?
  2. I mean, I literally quoted the episode in the post, so....
  3. I mean, this is a discussion forum. Discussing things is literally what it's for. If you need to complain about a problem but don't want people to offer feedback or solutions or otherwise respond to you, I don't know, man... start a blog or something.
  4. I was gonna say. Ask for clarification, maybe? This whole thread strikes me as the overly-defensive complaints of someone who doesn't actually want to learn, they've already decided going in that a subject is "too hard" and that they'll "never get it" so they aren't going to bother trying. I work with a lot of retirees who have that same "stonewall" mentality regarding simple tech concepts like passwords despite those having been commonplace for at least twenty-five years now, and in my free time I teach people how to play board games, so I see it a lot -- glance at thing, fail to instantly understand thing, declare thing impossible, blame thing for being impossible. "We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas!"
  5. It should (SHOULD) unlock more or less instantly. But every once in a while... it doesn't. And when that happens, the answer is "turn it off and back on again."
  6. Oddly enough, I find Spinning Strike to be maybe the single most satisfying-to-use power in the entire game. The fun-to-button-press ratio there is off the charts for me. I'd play StJ just for that animation/sound combo alone, even if it were extremely subpar performance-wise (which it isn't).
  7. You're preventing the weapons deal, not... intercepting the weapons for yourself. Nobody is going to be like, "thanks for keeping that cache of stolen experimental military firearms out of the hands of that violent death-obsessed street gang, hero! Why don't you hang onto one as a reward?" The rock isn't one of the weapons, it's just a rock.
  8. They're not an energy blade and energy fist, though. They're a telepathic blade and a psychic fist. Psionic Melee -- the clue is in the name.
  9. This is the same almost-logic that leads to Empaths who spend most of their time waiting for someone's green bar to drop but not contributing anything while everyone is at full health because "I'm a pure healer," and frankly: fart noise. And more to the point, it's also not just there for damage (unless it's Fire, I guess). If you're not blasting, you're not applying that blast's secondary effects either; you're not debuffing enemies' damage resistance, or applying slows, or reducing their accuracy, or whatever your blast set's "thing" is. You're only doing half your job.
  10. I read a book last week. Well, not the whole book, just the last chapter. I found the characters to be really underdeveloped, and the plot was almost nonexistent. What a terrible book.
  11. Race past 90% of the game as fast as possible, then complain that there's nothing to do. Look, I don't want to tell someone they're having fun wrong, but....
  12. This is the saddest controversy ever. I can't believe either side of it cares this much. Or at all.
  13. That's at least one bartender who should have been reprimanded, too.
  14. Well, everybody, this guy definitely seems like someone whose opinions we should give a damn about.
  15. A guy had way too much to drink, you say? And as a result it was intensely unpleasant for others to be around him, you say? And this all occurred in a NIGHTCLUB of all places, you say?
  16. Sounds like it's your fault for not writing a five-paragraph essay in LFG chat about exactly how you plan to run the TF, whether it's a speed run or a kill all, and exactly what level each and every individual enemy group is expected to be. And including three notarized references from previous teammates regarding your leadership style. Certainly not on him to ask those questions before joining so as to avoid wasting his time as well as the rest of the group's. Nossiree -- you're the problem here. Not him.
  17. Having new powers (or "new powers," anyway) added to the game that are actually useful to existing alts and don't require starting over again from level 1 to use them would actually be pretty nice.
  18. I actually won an '80s themed costume contest a while back with this character: Power Ballad (Sonic/Electric defender).
  19. No, this is the thread where the OP panics about the price of a commodity taking a slight dip and literally calls that a "collapse," then tries a little light extortion ("I'm holding out selling the boosters that I made... There will be a lull in the market until the price goes up.") to convince everyone to start paying more again artificially even when the commodity is apparently available for a lower price because they as a seller "need" the revenue "just to play the game," and then everybody dismisses the threat part while simultaneously suggesting helpful alternative strategies that might allow them to circumvent the perceived problem or possibly prevent it altogether.
  20. I made that much, before drops, this morning by soloing a single hero tip mission with one of my 50s, and earning inf wasn't even my goal at the time. It just sort of... happened as a result of other things I was doing. It was basically passive income. Took all of 20 minutes. If I had been on my farmer playing a farm mission in AE or otherwise actually trying to maximize my earnings, I could have easily made 5 million in half that time. And again, that's before drops. Two orange salvage? That's another million(ish). Enhancement catalyst? Another 1-3 million depending on the day. As someone else already mentioned, generic white IO recipes at 50 sell to vendors for about 100,000 apiece, and those basically just fall out of the sky. And I'm not even that good at this. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
  21. Weird, I don't sell boosters at all and the game works for me just fine.
  22. Storm Summoning has been high on my "must finally give a real try" list for a long, long while, so this seems like a sign that it's finally time. I'm debating whether to go with a defender or corruptor, but currently I think I'm leaning toward the corr.
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