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Everything posted by Megajoule

  1. Meh. Sorry, but I'm reminded of an old rule from the MUD / MUSH days, still just as true IMO: "You can't solve social problems with software." (aka, you can't make people be nice to each other.)
  2. Customer: "So, a couple of weeks, then?" Coder: *headdesk*
  3. I was just thinking of this the other day (I have a character over on DCUO who has it for their "skin"), and regret I have but one "Like" to give.
  4. Bentley, before I read your posts I would have said i was PvP's least biggest fan (in this game and in general). And even so, I gotta say, you're being a jerk about this.
  5. See also my requests for Minimal FX options for Afterburner and Slide, elsewhere in this sub-forum.
  6. Would I, as a team member, be informed of this toggle being activated? Or would I be left to figure it out on my own?
  7. Thinking of this again tonight. Actual, my ideal would have two options: Minimal FX, and color tintable. But I'd gladly settle for just the first.
  8. Maybe make a few tweaks while they have the chance, but yeah, pretty much.
  9. When I saw the subject line, I figured this was a joke or parody post. IMO, it should have been. /jranger
  10. Seconded - I actually asked for this myself, earlier, on the previous forums. Hover and Fly both have Minimal Fx options now, but this power does not.
  11. A flyer can potentially see the whole zone, however. SS sticks to ground level and ramps.
  12. IMO, if a speedster wants to stand there and spam Flurry until the other guy falls down, more for flavor than uber damage, I'm all for it.
  13. My understanding was that while balancing 3d freedom was a factor, the main reason was always technical -- what computers back in 2004 could keep up with rendering. It's 15 years later. Bring the speed.
  14. Should the title of this thread be changed to reflect what it's actually become, a ... "discussion" of the pros and cons of knockback (in general, not just for Kheldians)? Or a new one started?
  15. Anecdata: my Rageless Inv/SS seems fine, is fun to play, but I expect that's as much a matter of me not delving deep into the numbers or pushing the envelope; if anything, I'm probably being carried a bit by my fully-IOd teammates. That's me, the filthy casual (since 2004).
  16. That, incidentally and/or ironically, is why none of my characters spend much time in the D - they have other social circles and/or much better things to do with their limited downtime than hang out (or try to hook up) with random strangers in a bar.
  17. Would people accept a cashless Rage with a reduced bonus? Or is this one of those "I want it ALL" situations?
  18. IMO: The in-game space is mostly for blurbs, summaries, teasers. Stuff to get attention, not full dossiers. There are various sites, like the old Virtueverse*, to put up all the details. * I'm sure there are modern successors, either in the works or already existent.
  19. You're not wasting your time. You're choosing to spend it on one sort of gameplay, which fulfills one sort of desire/need/goal, rather than others which have more concrete (but still ultimately virtual) rewards. But you're obviously enjoying it, or you wouldn't keep doing it. The problem, IMO, is not that you're not getting xp, it's that some part of your thought process defines activities that don't earn you xp as "a waste". That's clearly not the case, and that's the part I advise you to work on. Since that's something internal, it's something only you can change.
  20. There's also rolling the character(s) on another server, though I understand why you might consider this a last resort.
  21. IMO, it's both - the bonuses they give are too small to matter, even when lingering at those levels, and the current leveling pace makes it moot. On live, I'd grind to DOs, minimum, before slotting anything; now I grind the rest of the way to SOs.
  22. You're right that, on the game mechanics side, it's a fairly minor thing either way. I've tried to explain why it matters to me conceptually in this post. I want to go back to having a clear bright line between characters of mine who are Incarnates, and those who are not.
  23. So two things about the whole notion that "only Cosmic heroes can/should level all the way to 50": One, that's wayyyy beyond the scope of what I was asking for at the start, and I have to think we're getting off track. Two, you're saying that if I choose to limit my character's conceptual power level, I should also be satisfied with having (say) only one or two attacks, and a similar number of defenses or utility powers? That because of the concept I've chosen, I should also be restricted to a much smaller number of powers? And possibly giving up vital (under the current game design) tools like mez resist, or a self-heal? Precedent suggests that every character, regardless of origin or player-imagined power level, can - as a matter of game mechanics - reach level 50. Going beyond that is the exclusive province of Incarnates.
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