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Everything posted by Megajoule

  1. Not to dismiss the effort that's been put into this by Leo, but I really do feel that this particular issue could have been solved just by capping the RWZ at 100. Leave the Hive and Abyss at 50.
  2. True. I was there, I remember. Also, I note that Endurance costs were already reduced once, back on Live. Used to be that putting an End-Redux in your travel power(s), or being sure to toggle it off when fighting, was not optional if you wanted to keep a blue bar.
  3. Whereas I am in favor of simplicity, and against complexity-for-its-own-sake (which some call "flavor", YMMV) and min-maxing. 😕
  4. If you're wandering (or dozing) off in the middle of character creation often enough for this to be a thing, I'd say you have another issue.
  5. And there's the pure Trinity, "a tank should only ever be able to take (an infinite amount of) damage, not actually do any" PoV heard from. Walls of armor and HP with stubby little legs and arms are so early 2000s, if not 1990s (yes, I played dikus back in college, long before any of this newfangled eye candy came along).
  6. Can we just go ahead and close this thread? It's been made abundantly clear that a few posters (whether representative of all TW users or not) will never accept any nerfs to their power fantasy, and if any adjustments are to be made to the powerset for the sake of balance, it will have to be despite them.
  7. Leaving the power with 1% defense is like taking all of a treasure hoard except for one coin, IMO.
  8. Only in the sense that 00s MMO design was to use travel time to pad out extend leveling/playing (and thus "paying subscription") time, in place of actual content.
  9. Only if the Minimal FX option removed said smoke cloud, for players who don't care for it and characters who it doesn't fit.
  10. While we're at it: I realize this is a little outside the purview of this thread, and/or what Homecoming staff are capable of, but - what are the chances of changing the LR Teleport icon? It's always bothered me, to the point that I've replaced it with a macro (using the regular Teleport icon, which isn't on my bar because I use The Teleport Bind™) ; it just does not (IMO) fit in with the 'style' of the original icons. It is ugly.
  11. Health is health, whether we're talking about a computer game or people. That the latter is objectively more important, and has more lasting consequences, is acknowledged but not relevant to the conversation. Within the context of the game, this stuff is serious; it matters.
  12. Kids enjoy cake, so let's let them eat nothing else. Three meals a day and snacks too. It's what they want, right? What's the harm? Okay, so they might get a little fat, but it's not like it's actually poison... Really, the only reason that anyone might want kids to eat things they don't like, or do things they don't like (like study or exercise) is because they're busybodies who just hate fun.
  13. I've seen Team Teleport used once, years ago, and it was very effective in that singular role - letting a full team of (in this case) all Defenders zap around the map in a tight group, buffing each other into the stratosphere and melting everything around them. That is not something I've seen reproduced since, making it even rarer than farming, and thus its utility in that very specialized circumstance does not, IMO, justify retaining its current function.
  14. No, raising the other sets to match is NOT the same thing. It leads to power creep. Are you familiar with the term?
  15. No. Absolutely not. There have been many occasions when I only want to grab one person, NOT the whole team.
  16. EM was overnerfed. I don't think anyone here disputes that. That does not mean that no powers can ever be nerfed ever again, for any reason. It's also disingenous, IMO, to claim that just because it's not a literal I Win button, or that other powers can - under very particular circumstances - also do broken things, that TW does not deserve a closer look and perhaps some adjustments to bring it in line with other melee sets. And above all, "lol whatever I'm having fun wrecking everything with it" is NOT the endorsement or justification you think it is. Of course you like the set like it is; you've found easymode. I'm asking you to think about people other than yourself.
  17. I believe you can make a macro to do that, though you have to keep clicking it.
  18. Color me very, very wary of that last idea. It sounds dangerously like teleporting a cottage onto your own position. 😛
  19. What the OP seems to mind most is all the clicking. They're asking for a one-button solution.
  20. No, they're right. While I'd prefer it gone for all of the reasons I've already stated, there's (IMO) no way to make just eliminating a power, with no replacement, work mechanically and practically, Tangent over. Sorry, everyone.
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