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Wild Claw

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Everything posted by Wild Claw

  1. It was *years* ago, so the version we were running under was probably different. And I know IPB has... interesting ideas as to what constitutes an 'upgrade', so it's entirely possible you have different options available. Hopefully like specific permissions for the OP. The last several rounds of updates we got from IPD *removed* functionality in an effort to go more... Twitter-like as that was the darling of the social media at the time. I haven't really been paying attention recently, although I'm still technically in the staff Discord for that other forum.
  2. Just as a note, I was a community manager on another forum that also used Invision Community as the forum software. Because of it removing (hiding) entire threads when the OP removed the original post, we had to turn off the ability of users to remove their own posts. They could edit them, but not remove them. It was an uptick in moderation work, as users had to request removal of posts from the mods, and there was serious gnashing of teeth over that as it 'removed agency' from the user-base, but it *did* fix the issue of entire threads disappearing...
  3. ... I wanna see the popcorn ostrich.
  4. At one point someone managed this, but I remember it involved jumping through a *lot* of hoops, and using old tools that I'm not sure are available anymore. https://cohtitan.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=a3livjgo3u2gf7617eh1a9i0n5&topic=4947.0
  5. I think they fell out of use before CoV became a thing, or were broken and they didn't bother to fix them. I joined Live with the Good vs Evil release, and they didn't seem to work at that time. I vaguely remember someone telling me that the stats they produced were incorrect for some reason, but I don't remember being told what that reason was. Since then I've puzzled over if we could repurpose them, but I wasn't entirely sure what to do with them. Given they were 'info terminals' I wondered if they could pop a browser window to the wiki, City of Data, and the like. (I also remember someone telling me that there *used* to be a browser extension built into the game some time around Issue 2, but it had been removed the next issue due to extreme bugginess.)
  6. This is an odd one. The program is freezing when I try to open the Options menu. Eventually I get a 'program not responding' popup, but that's it. I let it run frozen for fifteen minutes and no dice. I tried uninstalling and re-installing the game, just in case somethings gone weird with the install. Didn't help. I tried on multiple characters in case it was the *character* that had gone stupid, still nope. Funny thing is, I seem to be able to do everything else, I just can't open Options. (Which means I can't turn XP back on with a specific character, which is what I was trying to get to.)
  7. It always struck me that the full 'Superadine' (Souper-a-dyne) sounds like what a pharm company would name it, and the formal pronunciation wouldn't last long. From Souper-a-dyne to Soupah-dyne to Soupah-D to Supped to just 'sup. Then a drug deal would just be two blokes going 'sup at each other.
  8. It depends on whether you count spin-offs and backdoor pilots. (For those new to old TV procedures, spin-offs are when you take popular characters or settings from a show and give them their own series. A backdoor pilot is when you have an idea for a show, but can't convince a studio to produce it. So you write the characters and plot into an episode of an existing show in the hopes the studio will like it and give you the go-ahead to make the new show. Often the new show would have different actors in the parts due to studio shenanigans.) A lot of old shows did this kind of thing. Heck the original Star Trek tried at least once to do a backdoor pilot ("Gary Seven"), but the studio didn't bite. The earliest I know of started with "My Favorite Husband". One episode of that had characters that backdoor piloted into "Green Acres", which in the first season established that "Petticoat Junction" was in the same universe, and later "Beverly Hillbillies" was added to the mix.
  9. This was mentioned in a thread about regen: And that sparked a thought. Outbreak, Breakout, and the Galaxy tutorials exist... that's about all I can say about them. The Twinshot and Graves tutorials are kinda pointless as any character high enough level to trigger them is already past the point of needing a tutorial on the things they cover. And then there's the AE 'tutorial' which is more a walking simulator as you don't actually *do* anything, and the Invention tutorial... which is fine, if boring the 1000th time through it. What other things *need* tutorials? And the actual sparked thought: Are there any tutorials that the expert players here could put together themselves in AE and present to the Devs as fait accompli? I have no idea how you would do that for a powerset like Regen, but I'm not as creative as others. 🙂
  10. I'm not sure this is a 'bug' as such, or just weird behaviour; I was on a character with the No XP gain option on in order to finish some missions before they were out-leveled, and quit to character selection screen. Then I created a new character... and that character retained the No XP gain setting. I thought to myself, okay, maybe that's a global setting then, turned XP on, did a bit of street sweeping to get to level 2, and then quit to go back to my higher-level character... and the no XP gain option was still on that character. Weird, I thought. Not really that big of a deal, but it is inconsistent, so I thought I'd report it.
  11. +1, but only if all the current skin colors are added to the 'master' palette. I believe there are a couple of shades/tones in there that don't appear on the costume set. Though to be honest, it would be nice if the option was added to be able to use a wider palette if desired. Though that starts digging into a deep well of issues, where some items have overlays that alter the colors so they don't quite match, other items have fixed tertiary colors that are un-editable, etc.
  12. I'm under the impression it's not actually an acronym as such, but what the Korean name sounds like. Latinized as 'En Si', which I have been told translates to Mister Yen? Not convinced of that last bit.
  13. Or to go back even further, like Hank the Ranger on the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. 🙂
  14. I agree with this. It weirds me out when I get multiple missions that point to the exact same door. There are *so* many doors on each map, the RNG has to be weighted in some weird way to get the same door over and over again.
  15. I'm gonna have to go with something I have half-a-chance of actually doing, since I have a vague familiarity with: Reorganizing the costume creator would be a side effect, but the big swing would be rebuilding the 3D assets/textures in a more accessible toolset. The fact it's all built in a proprietary toolset that no longer officially exists, and has to be hacked at to achieve anything is a big barrier to adding more costume pieces, converting existing NPC pieces to usable PC pieces, dealing with base building objects, buildings, vehicles, *maps*, etc. The graphical update that people have been asking for would likely be easier if the asset modelling itself was easier. Personally I'd convert it all to Blender, GIMP, and Inkscape as those seem to be the current freeware standards for 3D modelling, raster painting, and vector drawing, and they are unlikely to go away any time soon. However, others are far more skilled than I in this area and might have better ideas for more efficient workflows.
  16. I remember being told ages ago that when the game was in beta, or originally released, or something like that, the 'scale' on the character creator was from 0' to 6' or something like that. When players asked to be able to have bigger characters, Jack simply increased the top number on the 'scale' from 6' to 8' and didn't actually adjust anything else. So, if this is true, all those 7-8' NPCs running around in-game were originally meant to be about 6' or so. It's one of those things that bothers me a bit. Several of my toons who would be considered tall in RL (6'5"+) are often the *shortest* in missions. Especially the Council bases and whatnot as Council seems to have a high percentage of maxed-height 8' soldiers.
  17. 52 here. It feels weird being in an online fandom now-a-days, and *not* being the oldest one here. I've gotten used to being 'that crazy old guy in the corner over there' on most forums. 🙂
  18. Yeah, I agree that the current 'types' of contacts, and the fact they share mission sets is a bit obscure. I started looking at the HC wiki with the intent of rewriting the contact pages so they were more explicit about the grouping by origin and were more complete, as several contacts seem to be missing missions and the like. But I ran into a wall of 'that's a lot of work, is this just me being anal and does anyone else actually care?' I also agree that the name of the contact should show up somewhere on the Oro pop-up. It's a bit of UX design that would make things a bit cleaner to the user.
  19. What I think this is referring to is that there are contacts that offer the exact same missions because they are the same Origin in the same level range, and you normally only get access to one of them. For example, in the level range 05-09, Rachel Torres, Detective Joe Brogan, and Vic Johansson are all Natural Origin contacts with the same missions on offer. When I took my main through the missions, I got introduced to Rachel Torres, and the other two wouldn't talk to me. In that same level range (Genevieve Sanders, Laurence Mansfield, Paco Sanchez) are Magic, (Henry Peter Wong, Kip Cantorum, Samuel Pierce) are Science, (Juan Jimenez, Linda Summers, Ron Hughes) are Mutation, (Maurice Feldon, Paula Dempsey, Tony Kord) are Technology. Each character can get one contact in each origin 'set'. So that same main got Paco Sanchez, Henry Peter Wong, Ron Hughes, and Tony Kord. So far, soloing that main, I have to regularly shut of XP in order to do all the missions from just the contacts without outleveling them, not even considering TFs and other content.
  20. I swear I have a commodore PET in the attic...
  21. Just as a point of information, some people (including myself) have built 'hybrid' VEATS that take powers from both paths past the 24 respec. So I somewhat object to any of the plans that split the AT paths up into their own ATs, and prevent the hybrid versions from being built. However, I do want to note that I tried to pre-build my Widow so that the 24 respect wouldn't require any change. That she could just continue on, adding the appropriate powers like a normal character. But I couldn't, because there wasn't enough slots after 24 to get the powers I wanted out of the options that became available post-24. So the respec, annoying as it was, became necessary even when building a hybrid rather than following one path or the other. I got real close, as a I remember. If the respec happened at level 22 instead of 24, I would have been able to pull it off.
  22. I believe you're right. Spark Blade, Rose Star, Foreshadow and Mirror Spirit were all part of the supergroup "W.I.S.D.O.M." which was part of the "City of Hero" Korean beta. It never made it to production, but parts of it got integrated (All the 'young faces' in the character creator came from that beta, I believe). I think Spark Blade at least appeared in the physical Top Cow comic for a couple of issues. Not sure about Rose Star.
  23. Call it the 'Drunken Master' set...
  24. Hrm.... I like the MA set personally, and I'm not a min/maxer in the slightest so I can't comment about it underperforming vs any other set. But other people say it does, so .... When I cast my mind back to all the old Hong Kong chop-em-sock-em movies that this set seems to follow, two things pop to mind. One, is scenes where the 'attacker' is knocking the attacked about by small increments, basically controlling where the victim is standing and *keeping* him from falling down in order to continue wailing on them. @Redlynneideas of making the minimum stuns more consistent and more easily stackable feels like this to me. Two, is a lot of the martial-artist vs martial-artist fights are them blocking and avoiding blows from each other, turning them into attacks of their own. Maybe some kind of small +def or +resist on successful to-hit rolls on one of the powers? Just spit-balling ideas here. Though to be honest, without the visual cue of a duck, jump or parry, it won't feel quite right.
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