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Everything posted by GraspingVileTerror

  1. I've found one so far, but have to get going to work . . .
  2. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/32174-influence-sinkgood-bad/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-409658 Scavenger hunts, @Ukase? See here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/31366-the-upside-park-graffiti-wall-duck-hunt-final-contest-info/ Hide something somewhere and ask people to post screenshot evidence here in the forums. First poster(s) to provide the screencap(s) win the prizes!
  3. I figured that I would give a benefit of a doubt for them and see if they had an answer beyond the usual.
  4. Aye, the topic did come up previously: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/27292-dont-makr-posts-as-edited-until-a-few-minutes-have-passed-since-posting-or-someone-else-has-responded/ I'm still in favour of a "Preview Post" button. While Invision -does- sort of pre-generate previews on the fly, there's something to be said about seeing your own post reformatted to match the thread layout, rather than the clearly-different post composing box.
  5. Sorry. I put a superfluous space in there. Apologies. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0370263/taglines
  6. Who ever wins, we lose.
  7. Would you be able to elaborate on what you mean by "legit mechanics," @Zugzwangz?
  8. And in my search, I found this old gem! https://www.polygon.com/features/2013/5/2/4271302/city-of-heroes-community-phoenix-project
  9. I'm trying to track down a website with a copy of the old Service Agreement, @Optimum_Man, but as I recall, what was remarkable about City of Heroes is that it specifically did -not- claim ownership of players' user content. "Just" an unlimited license to reproduce said content for the purposes of advertising, and a clause that if the user attempted to pass off someone else's intellectual property as their own, then penalties would apply. But it's been a while and my memory could be hazy. Hence my attempts to track down a copy of the old agreement right now.
  10. I'm hard of hearing, so I had trouble hearing dialogue from time to time, but I don't think it was the soundtrack interfering with it. (Personal note, more theatres need to add the reflective captions feature. I don't understand why it's so rare.)
  11. Check out the latest from @Cobalt Arachne and @Piecemeal here on the forums, @Sakai. They've been talking about it quite a bit.
  12. I appreciate them pacing it out the way they did. It's just WAY too much content to compress in to a single film. Lynch's Dune kind of proves that. I do appreciate the miniseries hitting more of the story, but this movie feels punchier than I remember the miniseries being. But, as I said, I should honestly give those older versions a fair shake to see if I am remembering accurately.
  13. Given the state of Homecoming and the other City servers out there, the continued and disparate development, and the long-term health of the game and community . . .yeah, I think it's quite reasonable to say that the revelation back in March of 2019 was a pretty huge favour to most people. City stands its best chances of survival with the code free and accessible to as many people as possible.
  14. Seems some wounds are still pretty fresh. Some apologies might help lead to some reconciliation. Is there any hope of that?
  15. I had this plan to write a review comparing this latest version to the book, Lynch's movie, and the miniseries (and maybe even the computer games, but I've really only played one of the many Dune games) . . . and then I realized something: I don't remember which versions had which scenes and revisions! I'm going to have to reimmerse myself in all the various versions again. But, even without drawing comparisons (or at least no specific, verified comparisons), I have to say . . . Yeah. Yeah, they fuckin' nailed it. A few things felt different than I remembered, but nothing was wrong or bad. Like the Baron was far less manic and maniacal than I remember, but still just as sinister and terrifying (perhaps moreso, actually). Casting was spot-on! Best version of the Duke that I can remember. The worms look like something off the cover of the board game printed in the 70s, and I am here for it! Going to give this a rating of: Highly recommended.
  16. @macskull has a really solid grasp on the situation with https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/32038-its-so-frustrating-to-see-all-these-cool-new-costume-ideas-and-implementations-only-to-see-that-theyre-rebirth/?tab=comments#comment-407941 Kudos for that. There are also other factors at play: - The Bree Element (both the original spin-up that got scared down, AND the reporter over at Massively who has given Homecoming quite a bit of spotlight). - Brand Loyalty (people will just about commit verbal suicide to defend a brand which they've tied their personal identity to, and City already had many of us in its grasp seven or more years ago) - Cognitive Biases (including the human tendency to make a choice and stick with it, and THEN come up with arguments to justify their decision, even though those arguments could easily be applied to competitors. Marketing teams LOVE to exploit this, by the way) So . . . sure. Some individual may be choosing Homecoming for specific reasons and be fully self-aware in their decision-making. But years and years working marketing? I don't have faith that everyone chose Homecoming proactively. In fact, I imagine very few of us made the choice that way. Also, people tend to "betray" a brand if they feel actively pushed out of it. I can't speak with certainty regarding Homecoming and the other servers on this particular subject, I'd need more data, but I've seen posts in the forums here or messages in-game that speak to that. It certainly doesn't do harm to compare one product to another, and share that feedback. Getting compared to another human being can feel really shitty, sure. And as personally vested as many of us are in City and/or Homecoming, it's important to remember that a lot of us FEEL very connected to this product. But if someone isn't happy with something here (or, more to the point of this thread, not happy about something NOT being here), then it's nothing to feel hurt about. It's just helpful feedback. So, hey! If someone's still got Tequila, they love City of Heroes, and they haven't personally checked out the other servers yet . . . I suggest they try giving it a shot! The overhead is low, and that person might discover something beneficial elsewhere.
  17. I don't think it's cynical to admit that niche content will appeal to a niche audience, @Bill Z Bubba, and I'm fairly sure that Cobalt and Piece are both aware of that. It would be nice, though, to see some of the other niches getting interested and talented volunteer devs permitted in to the team to reach toward the "everybody" target from the mission statement.
  18. Are you asking @Easter Bunny, @_Kai_, @026, @TorrentYed, @summers, @Laserbow, @TwoDee, @El D, @Siouxsie, and @CienFuegos?
  19. So . . . last time there was a special ultra-duck searching contest after the main contest had concluded. Any special plans for such here, @Wravis?
  20. Explosive Sphere sounds good. Razor Bubble sounds delightfully ironic.
  21. Circuit Boy, an out and proud member of City's Pride community since the Legacy days, has passed away on 2021-10-15, in his sleep. I am at a loss of words right now. I may edit this post in the future. Suffice to say, he will be sorely missed and his stoic confidence will remain an inspiration. His mentorship and teaching helped many. He is survived by his husband.
  22. It scares me how good at this you are, @Wravis.
  23. "Shield" is perhaps misleading, and suggests something defensive. Let's see . . . Barricade? Blockade? Blockage? Boundary? Impediment? Limit? Obstacle? Any of these seems like potential candidates, @Blackfeather? Edit: Explosive Obstacle Cutting Boundary eh?
  24. Restore City of Heroes to paid development, with an emphasis on diverse content generation and ethical job security for developers.
  25. You've caught my curiousity, @Blackfeather, but it's a little difficult for me to imagine how such a Set might play out exactly. It certainly breaks from conventional Control models, and I am entirely okay with that, but it does mean that it's hard to really wrap my head around what it would feel like. Maybe someone like @oedipus_tex can work with you in making a demo version of the Set for use on personal virtual servers, and get some feedback that way? As ever, though, thank you for your continued efforts to enrich the game and this community with your top-tier quality posts. It's very much appreciated.
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