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Everything posted by Healix

  1. Those were SO much fun to look through! Some of my best screenshots from live were due to game glitches.
  2. You can also use the slime aura (hands, combat only) and color it red so it looks like blood dripping when beating up a baddie.
  3. 1000 X YES! This was always a fun area that was laugh-producing and provided a mental margarita. More suggested thread names would be "Funny/Awesome/Weird Pics", "Punny Stuff", "Give this a Caption", "Questions Answered with Questions" among others.
  4. I have set my screenshots in the game Menu>Options>Keymapping set like this: This setting shows NO UI interface in the game so I can get shots without any chat, etc. An example is this mission pic. There was a lot of NPC and team chat and as you can see, the shot is clean with no UI windows. These kind of shots always show up in the folder where you have the game program installed (the CoH folder you created) in 'screenshots'. The very first picture at the top just shows up as the blank grey wall I used to display my keymapping settings. To get pictures with all the UI included, after I hit PrtScr, I open my default picture manager (in my case it is XnView) and click on 'import clipboard'. The shot I took shows up there and I can save it. There is also a screenshot program I have that captures everything. It's called FastStone Capture, and this is the last FREE version. You can capture the entire screen or a selected area. It works like the windows Snip and it's a nice little proggy. http://www.aplusfreeware.com/categories/mmedia/FastStoneCapture.html This is what works or me, and has since I had WinXP (Win 10 now.) Hope it helps.
  5. I chose this server specifically to honor the great man.
  6. I made macros that I keep in a square tray above the insp tray /macro WENT "$$ auctionhouse" /macro VLT "$$ toggle vault"
  7. More great improvements from the hardworking GMs here! Thank you so much, GM Jimmy!
  8. I agree totally. There are people on fixed or low incomes and live paycheck to paycheck who love this game and are over the moon to be back. Their $5.00 donation is just as valuable and worthy as someone who is able to donate $50.00 easily. We are all here because this is not 'just a game'...it's the family of friends that makes the CoH community worth being a part of.
  9. ...catsi had me tied up in the basement. I escaped, and now here I am!!!
  10. I'm sorry PK, I did that from memory. The way I found the right size was downloading your avatar and checking the size! LOL Sorry I messed up the info.
  11. Freakenstein, perhaps you could put a small square stone there, or a decorative item. Corner stairs would lead to nowhere and destroy the nice look you have going there!
  12. Don't forget to get out of SG mode when visiting the tailor or it will cause you to stomp your foot and say bad words...did then, still does
  13. The picture needs to be 84X84 or it won't be accepted. I had the same problem at first. You might try saving the pic, resizing it, then upload it.
  14. I will never cease to be amazed by the creativity of folks here...great job, guys
  15. Korbian is right, it's always been that way
  16. LOL yah...they look like monkeys on acid. The best part about that arc is DILLO! *Hoorb*
  17. A bun with a gun! I love it! I would have named him Hare Trigger
  18. Well please, post them here and I will see if I (or others) can help you. Back on live I had a zom MM and the pets would perform the entire YMCA song complete with emotes. Here are some pet binds for anyone interested These are macros, but can be changed to binds (evil) /macro EvLAUGH petsay_all <em evillaugh>MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! (regular laugh) /macro LOL petsay_all <em laugh>LOL /macro SERVE petsay_all <em Propose> We exist only to serve you, Mistress! <em praise> (substitute 'Mistress' with Master or any name) /macro FEAST petsay_all <em plot>YESSS!!!!! First the killing, then the FEASTING! <em victory> /macro SLAP petsay_all <em slap><em smack> /macro SIT petsay_all <em sit on ground> /macro KILL petsay_all <em cheer>KILL! KILL! KILL!
  19. For me, bases are for storing tons of stuff and an easy way to travel quickly from place to place. It can be small and utilitarian or massive and mind-blowingly amazing, thanks to all the additions and base love. This is awesome for people who love it and spend hours creating them.
  20. One of my characters, Angelikah, was leader of the Wings over Paragon SG. I am on Excelsior here and global is @healix. (All of my characters were on Tri.)
  21. It would be lovely if there was a EU section for French, Spanish, etc. threads for our world friends
  22. Oh yah! Ninja run and Beast run are also free, forgot those. Thanks, Brightfires!
  23. Don't forget about the silent but deadly green Rikti monkey fart gas......
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