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Everything posted by Troo

  1. Would you be okay if stuff had minimal impact on your ability to play? If limited on time, some task forces are just not doable in one sitting. As long as it doesn't gimp everyone that can't, I'm okay with that.
  2. Nah, you are correct @Murcielago. IMHO, the best games have things that aren't easy to get. Right now, that's just badges/accolades. There is likely a balance that would work. Out of the box stuff that is plentiful with somethings that need to be unlocked (like trooly white, black or gold costume colors). Many always thought once we made it to 40.. err I mean 50 then we could change primary or secondary without having to totally start over. The flip side being maybe we only get to do that for an arch type. Brtues do not equal controllers after all.
  3. Thanks. It seems to be a new thing recently. I wish it was on my end so I could do something about it.
  4. Its been very bad the past couple days. Speed test shows 300mps download 10mps upload.
  5. But but.. the list has to be..
  6. Do AE farm missions and Portal Missions have the same risk / reward ratio? Honestly curious if anyone here knows?
  7. You're right on this. So.. are you saying AE rewards for repeated missions should be reduced?
  8. As needed. This is the quick answer. At lower levels: If attacks are missing get some accuracy. If running out of endurance too often, get some endurance reductions. Etc. Longer answer link: New-Players-Enhancements (comments there may also have value) A character is going to level fairly quickly in this incarnation of the game. 'Buying' might not be necessary until leveling starts to slow down a little. Buying a whole character's worth of enhancements every handful of levels may not be necessary. Once introduced to invention origin enhancements in the game the decision to slot better single origin enhancement (which only last a handful of levels) and invention origin enhancements (which continue to work) is a choice with not real wrong answer. Once past that phase you'll likely be looking into invention origin sets as an option. If you are looking for detailed IO information https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Invention_Origin_Enhancements. (good info regardless)
  9. Agreed, advertising would provide a boost. There is, as with most things, a honeymoon period followed by a tailing off over time (if lucky). I would love to say give me $10M and I could turn that into $20M but I can't get the math to work. There are significant to-dos or issues with the game that many may not realize. To-dos that add up to significant costs before being able to advertise (even if that was an option). Example: Text Chat/etc. and complying with the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA)
  10. I've had similar issues where crafting badge counters would stop. Some delays in receiving rewards have also been reported. It's not you, there is a little hiccup in there somewhere.
  11. I'm confused by dated 'gameplay" comment. Would you mind expanding on that? Feel free to shoot it over in a message if you prefer. You know we can modify the graphics quite a bit to get it to your liking?
  12. Many would love that, but we'd be talking millions in dev and production costs. The original game "produced 400 hours of content for the first version of the game, largely constructed in 45-minute chunks subdivided into a formula of 75% fighting, 25% talking and helping people. "
  13. Super group name likely puts it over a line. (if this was math related, many would have caught that😀) Name alone definitely okay. Name, Costume and Bio seems fairly innocuous (kinda tongue & cheek). Attempting to create a hot topic post pointing to yourself with a 'Ban Me' sign.. well you get what you get. Probably would never have been flagged and if it was, reasonably defend-able until this thread.
  14. Maybe dual boxers have short attention spans?
  15. You know, that just hit 50 feelin
  16. Thanks to everyone who chimed in ( even @The_Cheeseman & @Lost Ninja 😀 ) It's a big game. There is nothing wrong with using single origin enhancements, even at high levels in the game. By the time we have 3 or 4 pages of alternate characters (yes, I used all the good names.. sorry) we've long forgotten the low level yellow and orange enemies. Have fun, try stuff, mess up. We get to jump over buildings and friggin fly!!
  17. I liked this part for new players. This is the new players introduction to IOs. Expecting to "fit yourself out with 15 IOs" might be a little overselling it. Definitely a sound plan for creating alternate characters.
  18. Level 15 Dual Origins Level 15 Single Origins Level 15 Single Origins Level 40 Single Origins Level 50 Single Origins Level 50 Invention Origins http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1477&c=597&a=1194&f=HEX&dc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
  19. Enhancements can be used to increase the effectiveness of powers. Accuracy, damage, endurance, defense, resistance, ect. Training Origin (TO), Dual Origin (DO) and Single Origin (SO) can be acquired as random drops when defeating enemies, completing tasks (missions, story arcs, task forces, ect), or bought from vendors. Dual Origin and Single Origin enhancements must match a characters origin (magic, mutation, natural, science, technology) to be 'slotted' in a power. Enhancements at a characters current level or 1-3 levels higher (+3) or 1-3 levels lower (-3) may be slotted. Example: A level 15 tanker can use level 12 to level 18 enhancements but not a level 25 (at least, not until they get to lvl 22) Extra enhancements maybe sold to vendors or markets (Auction House for heroes, Black Market for villains). Recommendation - Just sell them to the vendors. What about Invention Origin (IO) enhancements? Lots of posts about builds, set bonuses, & uber builds costing billions. Don't worry, that'll become relevant soon enough. It's good also to know that IOs are not required to have fun and be successful. IOs showed up in Issue 9, before that SOs and 'special' enhancements were what most high level characters used in their builds. Example build Level 15 Tanker (Shield Defense / Electrical Melee) [pics of build posted in reply below] Note: Phalanx Fighting using 2 allies Dual Origin Enhancements Defense Melee, Ranged and AoE = 33.2% (pretty good) use one Luck inspiration and +12.5% to defense for 60 seconds = 45.7% (Awesome! 45% is the effective defense cap (see Link for Def Soft Cap)) Resistance ranges from 15% to 18% (again, pretty good) (note: except psionic) Single Origin Enhancements Defense Melee, Ranged and AoE = 37.9% (pretty good) again one Luck inspiration and we're capped defensively. Resistance ranges from 15% to 21% (again, pretty good) Training Enhancements - well, they are better than nothing while acquiring DOs or SOs. Example build - Level 27 Tanker (Shield Defense / Electrical Melee) Single Origin Enhancements Defense Melee, Ranged and AoE = 45.7% (done for now) Resistance ranges from 23.4% to 36% for anything that gets through (again, pretty good) 9 Powers and 41 slots to go Example build - Level 40 Tanker (Shield Defense / Electrical Melee) Single Origin Enhancements Defense Melee, Ranged and AoE = 48.1% Resistance ranges from 23.4% to 42% Example build - Level 50 Tanker (Shield Defense / Electrical Melee) Single Origin Enhancements Defense Melee, Ranged and AoE = 51.6% Resistance ranges from 23.4% to 42% Very viable tank. Getting end heavy if selecting to run additional toggle powers like Maneuvers and Assault all the time. Power selections and slotting can shift around to achieve preferences. IOs can gain a little bit more. Invention Origin Enhancements Defense Melee, Ranged and AoE = 52.4% Resistance ranges from 23.8% to 44.9% Additional comments for new players welcome.
  20. @Purrfekshawn @Grandfeatherex As I read it I think this was the zero 50 list as of 9/3 (ish). Maybe this has the missing sentinels? I realize you may be looking for builds not attempted at all.. Archetype Primary Secondary Level 50s Total Attempts Blaster Assault Rifle Darkness Manipulation 0 198 Brute Street Justice Stone Armor 0 90 Brute Savage Melee Ice Armor 0 82 Brute Ice Melee Regeneration 0 67 Brute Katana Stone Armor 0 24 Brute Spines Energy Aura 0 24 Brute Ice Melee Super Reflexes 0 21 Brute Stone Melee Super Reflexes 0 14 Controller Ice Control Sonic Resonance 0 47 Controller Ice Control Traps 0 25 Corruptor Assault Rifle Force Field 0 81 Corruptor Dual Pistols Trick Arrow 0 73 Corruptor Electrical Blast Traps 0 54 Corruptor Energy Blast Nature Affinity 0 47 Corruptor Dark Blast Traps 0 37 Corruptor Radiation Blast Traps 0 31 Corruptor Assault Rifle Thermal Radiation 0 25 Corruptor Water Blast Trick Arrow 0 19 Corruptor Psychic Blast Trick Arrow 0 4 Defender Cold Domination Archery 0 301 Defender Cold Domination Assault Rifle 0 143 Defender Time Manipulation Assault Rifle 0 64 Defender Storm Summoning Beam Rifle 0 29 Defender Storm Summoning Assault Rifle 0 24 Defender Traps Energy Blast 0 22 Defender Sonic Resonance Assault Rifle 0 18 Defender Traps Psychic Blast 0 12 Defender Trick Arrow Electrical Blast 0 5 Defender Trick Arrow Radiation Blast 0 3 Mastermind Beast Mastery Traps 0 335 Mastermind Necromancy Trick Arrow 0 65 Scrapper Dual Blades Ice Armor 0 93 Scrapper Ice Melee Radiation Armor 0 39 Scrapper Ice Melee Super Reflexes 0 30 Scrapper Ice Melee Invulnerability 0 20 Scrapper Kinetic Attack Dark Armor 0 46 Scrapper War Mace Ice Armor 0 21 Sentinel Archery Invulnerability 0 107 Sentinel Archery Electric Armor 0 71 Sentinel Energy Blast Ice Armor 0 26 Sentinel Archery Ice Armor 0 24 Sentinel Assault Rifle Ice Armor 0 24 Stalker Broad Sword Dark Armor 0 213 Stalker Ninja Sword Fiery Aura 0 65 Stalker Claws Fiery Aura 0 56 Stalker Ice Melee Ninjitsu 0 49 Stalker Broad Sword Fiery Aura 0 36 Stalker Kinetic Attack Ice Armor 0 30 Stalker Claws Ice Armor 0 29 Stalker Dark Melee Fiery Aura 0 27 Stalker Martial Arts Fiery Aura 0 21 Stalker Martial Arts Radiation Armor 0 21 Stalker Kinetic Attack Fiery Aura 0 14 Stalker Fiery Melee Electric Armor 0 12 Stalker Martial Arts Ice Armor 0 11 Stalker Martial Arts Dark Armor 0 68 Stalker Dark Melee Ice Armor 0 37 Tanker Fiery Aura Street Justice 0 79 Tanker Electric Armor Savage Melee 0 60 Tanker Fiery Aura Kinetic Attack 0 46 Tanker Bio Organic Armor Ice Melee 0 43 Tanker Super Reflexes Battle Axe 0 43 Tanker Dark Armor Kinetic Attack 0 40 Tanker Super Reflexes Spines 0 40 Tanker Dark Armor Martial Arts 0 37 Tanker Dark Armor Street Justice 0 54 Tanker Super Reflexes Ice Melee 0 19
  21. Is the lesson here "don't trick or treat alone" or "trick or treating in teams for success"?
  22. I remember hording DOs for later use. Of course that's when I was new to the game and at the time they were beneficial. There is a lot of game before level 22. FYI - SOs are available at lower levels. I think Mr. Yin's even sells some that you can get at 10.
  23. As you can see in my post, Yellow and up are not even level enemies.
  24. Awesome playing with your kids! Accuracy at low levels, I hear ya.. though at low levels, maybe we should be scared of things. I'm okay with flying or jumping over buildings while firing lasers out of my eyes letting me feel super. Oh crud there's a RED. -or- Run it's a PURPLE. The descriptions for con (Consideration System) levels are: Yellow = "A bit ahead of your power level. Combat-oriented characters should engage solo with caution, avoiding them when they’re in large groups." Orange = "Substantially ahead of your power level. Only characters skilled in combat should attempt to engage solo, and then only with extreme caution." Red = "Significantly ahead of your power level. Should not be engaged one-on-one." Purple = " Far ahead of your power level. Do not engage one-on-one. Purples near your level may be successfully engaged in groups." I don't think we need to feel like the most powerful force in the universe early in the game. I'll disagree with " There is a lot of room for improvement here ".
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