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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. It would come down to how many level 53 D-Sync Provocations you could fit into it; most everything else would be round off errors.
  2. I recall back on live a number of people would add "Male driver" or "Female driver" to their bio to separate themselves from the characters they're playing. I don't see it very much at all anymore. No one really cares. I assume a bio for a roleplayer describes the character not the player, unless it specifically says so. Would some non-roleplayers not share that understanding and interpret the bio to be about the player?
  3. I think pylons are a fine baseline provided they're equally defensed-from and resistant to all damage types, so there's not a trick build that produces a high pylon DPS but has trouble in most other content. An even better measure would be a series of foes to defeat in sequence with high resistance too all damage types but one, with each foe having a different vulnerable type, and the hit points in the foes being distributed proportionately to how often those resistances are found in-game in normal content.
  4. Sorry if it sounded like I was doubting your word -- I thought you were not sure why it affected the mobs you teleported and was trying to explain. My bad! For everyone else: Minions, Lt's and Bosses each have different base protection from Teleport effects, and this, combined with a modifier from your level difference (including shifts) compares to your teleport power's magnitude to determine if they can be teleported. Some other things could be involved, and I may not being using the right words for all the terms; sometimes resistance, protection, and magnitude all get turned around in my mind. Teleport other is relatively weak, but with a level difference in your favor, it can teleport many things. Stronger powers can teleport level 54 Bosses and EB's even in normal content, if a level 50 caster gets their level shift up to +2. I've done it in Mothership Raids with fold space many times. I don't usually try to teleport other in those circumstances, but I might tonight and see what I can grab. Possibly level 54 Lt's consistently. Teleport Other is two points weaker than Fold Space. I think only AV's have enough base to not be teleported under any circumstances. And heck, maybe there's a low enough level AV out there that it could be teleported by a 50+3 using wormhole or foldspace.
  5. Try getting the power analyzer temp and using it to see how much teleport protection a variety of minions, Lt's and bosses have.
  6. I believe it also depends on the relative level, including shifts, between the teleporter and the target. Teleport Foe is pretty weak generally though, compared to Wormhole or Fold Space. In Dark Astoria specifically, all of one's incarnate level shifts will active, and let you teleport higher tier mobs.
  7. I've taken to using Fold Space on my tankers for a quick KB undo ability. If the mobs get scattered, for whatever reason, I can bring the ones still alive back.
  8. You make an alt for each category of IO on a server you don't normally play on. Bid for recipes and finished IOs. Captain Melee AoE Damage Maiden Bidder of Pets Ranged Avenger Area of Effectress Intensive Recharger Man Sniperriffica Daños Universales And an alt for buying salvage. (maybe more than one) Junkyard Defender An alt for buying converters and doing conversions: Stalwart Converter And finally, your seller: Jumping Jacks Used IOs Join them into a super group and make a base filled with storage to move stuff around efficiently. Then you use their market slots to bid low on all the recipes and IOs. Revisit each one once a week. Collect the things you buy and refresh bids. Occasionally update prices. Craft, convert, sell, profit. Keep a spreadsheet to track it all. Estimate your breakeven minimum sale prices. optimize your window placements and mouse actions. Undercut your adversaries. Dominate the market. Buy a tropical volcano island. Life is good.
  9. If you see a bio with those RP-tags that indicate various preferences and such, you are also likely seeing someone else who reads bios. And in my experience, most of them are eager to follow the code of conduct, and they use those tags as a means to do so. If you see any of those various mature content RP-tags, don't worry about being dragged into something unpleasant - they're probably reading your bio too, and if you don't have these sorts of tags then they know you're not interested. If you intend to roleplay, just put "((Roleplayer))" at the top of your bio, and turn on the "Roleplaying" status title. If by some off chance someone does try to initiate code of conduct breaking RP with you, ask them firmly, but politely, to stop. If they don't, then put in a support ticket, and let the GM staff take care of it. Otherwise, a creative bio can be a lot of fun to write and others may find it interesting to read, even if you never roleplay in game.
  10. A giant bag of yellow salvage, sooner or later, someone will! Or maybe not. How much salvage is it even possible to store on a character? Even if a player managed to get ten+ billion worth of it, that's a million pieces of salvage, enough to fill half the market slots on a thousand alts. And we have folks here who could shrug and write that off as a bad Tuesday.
  11. I prefer not to try to bring real scientific principles into things. It's a game, things need to be fun. Realism beyond a certain minimum usually makes it less fun. Make it fun, and reasonably balanced so no one feels like they're constantly being carried, or constantly carrying everyone else.
  12. All other things being equal, faster projectiles and impacting objects are less likely to cause a force of knockback than slower ones with equal kinetic energy. So when you see a shotgun blast knocking someone off their feet and through a window, that's hollywood, not physics. But we see it so often we get conditioned to expect it.
  13. In weaponeering, we call this the "Coupling Problem"
  14. This and using multiple builds are still the best answers. Using multiple builds has a high up front cost, to pay for all the duplicate enhancements; using unslotters has a much lower, but ongoing cost.
  15. I think understand the feeling, but it's wrong. Unslotters are cheap. Consider if there were such a on-demand toggle, it would certainly have a cooldown that's fairly long. At most then, the player would use a half dozen unslotters to swap in equivalent. Cheap. This game dumps influence and merits galore for things like this. Use them instead of asking developers to spend their scarce efforts on something that's already been fixed once, even if not fully to one's liking. Or, and this is my last suggestion, volunteer to work on the development team and offer to do all the game changes necessary to make a toggle work. Teams of volunteer developers often don't rigorously follow a task priority list. Often, the things that get worked on are the ones one of the volunteers is motivated for. Be that developer for the thing you care about. If you don't have the talents and skills, find someone who shares your motivation who does and get them to volunteer. If the team's management doesn't accept that task at all, then they must feel it's one that's actually harmful to the game in some way.
  16. Another, somewhat kludgy, solution is to use unslotters to remove your KB->KD set pieces and put them to the far right of your last enhancement tray, and temporarily put in the damage/etc maximizing enhancements one would prefer to use instead. Unslotters are only 120K each. Carry a few hundred.
  17. We do get a third build already. When you unlock your Alpha slot, you also unlock your third build.
  18. I think the KB->KD set pieces are all those for whom KB is a problem are going to get. These set pieces exist because of years of asking for a solution. I don't think there's going to be a "page 2" for this.
  19. I'll go a little further. You can swap builds anywhere, not just from a trainer. To be extra convenient, on your first build make this macro: /macro BUILD2 select_build 2 On your second build, make this macro: /macro BUILD1 select_build 1 You can swap to the other build by clicking the macro. You can arrange everything on your toolbars identically in each build, except you have this one macro. Boom. You have a toggle to turn knockback on or off.
  20. Knockback can be excellent for solo survival. Converting it to Knockdown can be pretty good on teams. Use two builds, have both. I also wish Knockback did damage to the enemies depending on what they hit, so that knocking a foe back into a wall or heavy object damaged them, but knocking them back along the floor much less so. And attacking a foe who is helpless/flailing on the ground ought to be at an accuracy or to-hit advantage. Although I'm happy they're not abvle to attack my team while they're in this state as it is. I don't want knockback removed. I want it to be made more useful tactically on a team, which is a challenge given the nature of the game.
  21. I did a bunch of email claims right after the patch yesterday, and it still jammed up occasionally. Was it better than before? Maybe. Can I be sure? No. The pauses I experienced yesterday were short, lasting just a few seconds. Those aren't serious problems, and in the past, there's been much longer pauses. I'm holding off judgement until I've had more opportunities to stress it and see if it will jam for longer.
  22. Many of the exchange rates throughout the game are pretty bad. I suppose they're intended to be firewalls, or perhaps, exchanges of last resort.
  23. I want a set that reduces my personal aggro cap by 1 as a global effect, and up to five sets can be slotted. I also want a set that increases my aggro cap by 1 in the same manner.
  24. I will add to this phasing techs, which can leave chunks of the world and whole zone in contradictory states depending on who has the star. Wildstar was really bad at this. Not only did they have zone phasing depending on quest state, but also they did not account for whose quests were active. You could be on a team, doing team quests, walk across an invisible line, and your teammates and the things they're fighting completely disappear into another phase. You could not even see your teammates.
  25. I think if we were going to get a more traditional style mmo crafting system, it would need to come in flavors by origin. E.g., technology does traditional item manufacture. Magic does spells, brews and magic item enchanting. Science does experiments and breakthroughs/accidents,. Mutation does something biological, and so on. It sounds really cool, but not for City of Heroes. Crafting items from recipes and salvage is really only one small part of our crafting system. It also includes converting, catalyzing, boosting, combining, and trading/auctioning. And converting is pretty complicated. I don't think more really improves my game experience.
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