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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. (emphasis mine) Of course you still have the option. DfB hasn't been removed from the game, the rewards are just lessened at higher levels. And up until about level 17 or so aren't even nerfed by all that much. You can absolutely continue to run DfB until level 22 if you wish. It just won't be the absolute, 100% most efficient method of gaining XP any more. Which completely misses all and addresses none of the points made. No, we no longer have the option of getting to level 22 as quickly as we could yesterday via DFB, which makes doing it beyond lvl 15 or so pointless. We tolerated the monotony because it was fast and efficient. Now that it's no longer efficient we are forced to slog to 22 via the other ways we CHOSE NOT to use but now have no other option. Doing DFB was always a choice. No one was ever forced into the speedy lane. But we have certainly been forced out of it.
  2. The DFB nerf is foolish at best and highly counterproductive at worst. Now it'll just be level 1s looking to get PL'd in PI/Grandville farms, in exchange for giving the mission owner any good drops (recpie/salvage). The XP rates available from that (remember double xp weekends on live servers where people would PL from 1 to 50? I do. So that's just your P2W +100% xp buff "anytime") are similar to way over DFB's depending on the relative "efficiency" of the two teams. The advantages of DFB are huge and being overlooked compared to the other content: * A group of low levels can do it, without begging/selling their soulsdrops. * It actively encourages actual participation as opposed to piking at the door -- you help, the run is faster, your xp/min goes up. * All ATs meaningfully contribute (mostly because when you're limited to level 10, everybody sucks equally). * It teaches people to use some of the tools (building a team, queueing to lfg, etc) of the game. * It lowers the cost of experimentation ("would I like this powerset/at combo? Let's get it to 22, do it up with SOs, and see!") and so players will be more willing to experiment. ** * Its relatively short content so you can drop in and drop out when you have 15 minutes as opposed to, "oh yep another 1.5 hour task force. That's excellent, but I have a family these days so I guess I'll just go play... something else." * When high levels drop in because they only have 15, newbies can ask questions and learn something. This x1000. All nerfing DFB is going to do is push new players into other PL situations where they will not actually have to engage the content and learn how the game works. As for those saying "Yay, it's nerfed, now I don't have to run it anymore", guess what? No one was forcing you to run it at all. You always had the option to get to 22 by other means if you chose. Now no one has the option.
  3. Middle mouse button.
  4. Excellent! Glad it's working. I can't really say for sure as I'm not familiar with the game code. I do know this is a known problem with these Intel drivers under Windows 10, in regard to the way the OS queries the driver as to the version of OpenGL installed.
  5. What did you set FOV to? Maybe try a smaller #
  6. ALT+Enter will put you back into windowed mode. Alternatively go back into the registry and set the resolution to 1920x1080.
  7. No, the game doesn't use score.exe anymore. Are you sure you entered ig4icd32.dll as a parameter? EDIT: Perhaps since you have the HD 4000 the driver name is different. Look in Windows\SysWOW64 for igXicd32.dll, where X is a number. That's the name of the file you should use. Also remember to click Install under the file menu.
  8. Graphics options are stored in the registry, under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\CoH The two keys are screenx and screeny respectively. You can try changing them there, see if it sticks. There is an FOV option in-game, but you'll also find settings for it in the registry as well. Set autoFOV to 0 and fieldOfView to whatever number you like.
  9. The game now uses homecoming.exe, not score.exe
  10. Try using the command /neterrorcorrection 1 If that doesn't help try /neterrorcorrection 2 This command tries to establish a better connection with the servers. Might work, can't hurt to try.
  11. Right click on the desktop and select Display Settings. Scroll down to Scale and Layout.
  12. See if this works for you.
  13. Set Windows display scaling to 100%. As for the mouse, no easy way to do that. The only workaround I can think of is to put the second monitor so that only the upper right corner of one touches the lower left corner of the other (or vice-versa).
  14. I FINALLY got this working on an HD 3000 laptop. It can be done, but it's complicated.
  15. I got this working on an HD 3000 laptop, shimming homecoming.exe.
  16. /changehandle @Solarknight
  17. Pressing the right and left buttons at the same time will do pretty much want you want -- move forward and enable mouse look, and after 2 seconds puts you into auto run. You can then tap the left button to stop. I'm not a bind expert, but I don't think you can trigger a bind using two keys or buttons (the exceptions are modifier keys shift, alt, and control). The right + left button is a unique case, with it's own special command.
  18. Where do you install the 3 updated maps? The data folder?
  19. Have you tried resetting your password here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/account/
  20. I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to accomplish. You want the LMB to be default click, unless you're pressing both the LMB and thumb4 simultaneously, which then initiates move forward and mouselook (W + middle button), but no click? Is this correct?
  21. Your forum login is not the same as your game login. Did you go to https://forums.homecomingservers.com/account/ and create a game account? If not, that's your problem.
  22. The game only uses 2 cores. And like all MMOs it's very CPU-dependent. So all you people with 6 or 8 core CPUs with hyperthreading, those extra cores are doing nothing for you, and why you're seeing low CPU usage. Also why your FPS is so low.
  23. I actually agree here. I'm just saying that if we have a system that protects character names, it should account for all play styles. If someone has 100 characters they can't be arsed to actually play, at all, I don't give a damn about their character names. My point on the hours thing is protection against life getting in the way of your gaming, which I said in my original post on the subject. There's a lot of things that can happen to lead to a person not being able to log in for 30 days or more; military deployment, sudden illness or injury, chronic illness, computer failure, moving, loss of internet, etc. Allow me to provide two scenarios: I build a new character for PvP, I PL them to 50 (not that every 50 is PL'd, at all, just bear with me please), in all of 4 hours. I realize I need to farm more merits and/or inf to complete the build, so I shelf it. I plan to get back to it in about a week after I am doing farming up the resources for it, but my laptop dies. I can't afford a new computer for at least a month. Three friends and I decide to play through Praetoria's story arcs and get the badge for switching alignments a ton. Because we want this badge, we need to turn XP off quite a bit. Maybe we're also roleplaying through, which slows us down on leveling even further. We play for 4 hours every Monday. After the second week we're still only level 5 because we had to turn off XP. Again, my laptop dies (I really need a new laptop if it dies this much ;)). In the first scenario, it doesn't matter how long I am away from the game unable to log in, I will not lose the character name. In the second scenario, if I can't get a new computer in 30 days, I could lose the name. Even though I have spent more time, and probably have more attachment to that character's name than I do the character in the first scenario. As far as I understand it, the idea behind using character level as a metric for how long a character name is protected, is to provide a player with protection for their characters when life happens based on how much work/how attached to a character you are. My suggestion adds a second metric to check for that protection, to account for other play styles. We cannot measure a persons attachment to their characters in any meaningful way, if we look at the metrics of what level they are and how much time they have spent on the character though, we can get an idea. Are they a high level? Then they probably really enjoy playing that character. Have the clocked a lot of hours? Then they probably really enjoy playing that character. Solution to scenario 2: have one of the friends you play with log in for you. Problem solved. Enjoy your perpetual level 5 with a lifetime of broken laptops. Of course this won't help if all your friends die from a zombie apocalypse, a plague, or drown from tidal waves due to global warming. Or some other ridiculous scenarios you continue to concoct.
  24. It won't matter. Regardless of what the time frames are there will always be people who claim they aren't long enough. Or the cutoff level for "never" isn't low enough. I stand by my (and others') statements: if you can't be bothered to periodically log in characters to keep the name, then that name and/or character isn't all that important to you.
  25. /firend Brutality. Watch your friends list when you log in. When you don't see Brutality, go get the name. Pretty simple and takes relatively little time and effort. It doesn't work this way. Character names aren't taken away, simply unlocked. Characters keep an unlocked name until someone else tries to use it. Only at that point is the name lost.
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