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Everything posted by Sakidave

  1. For table top gaming, I’ve gone to Hero Forge exclusively. They are durable, hold paint well, and the ability to create the exact figure you want is well worth the $30 for the highest quality resin. When I saw the crowd forge for color minis, I jumped on that. I don’t have a lot of time to paint, so I was excited to see this. While it remains to be seen whether the color depth and detail stand up to a hand painted fig, I’m sure it will be just fine for table top sessions.
  2. Or more tolerance for the people trying to keep a team of 8 alive...
  3. It’s part of the winter event. The winter event is over. Make way for Cupid!
  4. Also, when I play melee and target an enemy, I immediately hit ‘f’ to follow the target. Doesn’t matter if it gets knocked back. My toon immediately stays on them.
  5. Since HC became available to the public, I’ve played 5 or 6 toons to level 50 because they were power sets I never played during Live. But, I don’t have a single Incarnate. Why? Because after level 38, it gets boring. All it is is button mashing. I now have about 10 toons sitting between 35-38. I play to get the TF Commander and usually run an ITF. Then I park the toon and start another. I have more fun with less powers because it’s more challenging. Team size doesn’t matter as long as it’s a good mix to get the job done.
  6. Better not be. There can be only one!!! (And soooo tired of reboots! Come up with something original!)
  7. Back on Live, 6 of my real life friends and I played as a group fairly regularly. We had several themed groups. One of my favorites was The Chessmen. Obviously, toons all based on chess pieces. Only 2 of us returned to actively play HC, and that’s sporadic at best. Ah, life and responsibilities. Still, having 7 of us run around doing missions together weekly was a lot of fun. Good luck and hope you get a great team together.
  8. Seems to me that this power should work like teleport. You have to be in a certain radius when activated. You can opt out of the buff. From there, the buff grantor has no more influence or interaction. The buff lasts until the recipient deactivates it via a small icon that appears on the GUI. (Not in a tray). Cross multiple zones if you want. For ATs that have summoned pets, the pets gain flight and follow in formation until the power is deactivated.
  9. You’ve spent 10 minutes recruiting for a TF in the LFG channel, you fill your last spot and type a message addressing your team and hit enter...and you’re still in the LFG channel.
  10. Will biography text be used as part of the judging or is it necessary?
  11. Herring...
  12. Wish list (because I know some of these will not be feasible without a substantial income base): Upgraded graphics/game engine New story arcs (I play the game for content, not p/l ‘ing) New costume pieces New power sets (a ‘stretch’ set would be cool!) Complete liberty to mix powers. Ideally, the character would be given a fixed pool of power points to spend based on level. Player purchases whatever powers they want. Minor powers cost little, allowing for more diversity of powers, but at the cost of not being focused. Major powers cost a lot, allowing a character to be really good at one thing, but not much else. The challenge would be finding the balance.
  13. I’ve already scoped out some of my old favorite Trick or Treat locations with maximum door efficiency. Ah, the memories. 🙂
  14. No apologist here. I’ve been running Windows 10 daily on multiple boxes playing countless games and running productivity software. Not once has Windows 10 automatically shut down anything I’ve been working on. And I suspect if that actually did happen to someone it was because their system was so out-of-date that Windows 10 was pleading for mercy and had no choice. xD But seriously, keep your system (any system) up-to-date and it will generally treat you just fine (with the extremely exceptional need for a roll back).
  15. I imagine you could, but iirc you have to be fully stationary to use a sniper power, and the game doesn’t root you, so I imagine you’d have to come to a complete stop before it would fire.
  16. On topic (CoH), but still off topic(cat), I have a cat that learned how to shut down my PC if I wasn’t paying attention to him. When CoH was Live, there were many a TFs I disappeared from due to a cantankerous kitty.
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