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Everything posted by retiarius

  1. Does it appear in the 'Hit Rolls' chat tab as an autohit power when it procs?
  2. I'm sure it does a number of things better. Exactly what those are will only ever be known to me through others' responses, because I don't have now, nor have I ever had any interest in playing it. From what I could see of it via advertising, others play experiences, etc. it simply never had any appeal for me, despite the fact that I played both Ultima Online and EverQuest, which were early trailblazers in the fantasy MMO genre.
  3. Times change, situations evolve based on changing needs/desires and discovery. To try to inhibit change because "they did it this way back then" is to needlessly impose limits that are substantively weak.
  4. I'm not sure whose idea it was to have the Starburst Glow effect when using the Stealth Pool Power, but I'd guess it was an entertaining staff meeting. The ability to turn the aura off completely would be great.
  5. I played a Hovering BS/SR Scrapper from the moment he obtained Hover until shutdown. You might occasionally have to do some positional jostling, but finding the 'sweet spot' for powers like Slice and Whirling Sword in a crowd of enemies is very satisfying.
  6. I remember enjoying the Rikti MSRs back in the day. I hadn't yet had the opportunity to try them out in Homecoming. And based on what I've read here, I don't think I'll bother - it seems like there are plenty of other options for fun / xp / whatever that would be a more efficient use of my time.
  7. But this would disrupt the at least two-minute routine I have perusing & obtaining the Outbreak P2W vendor's wares every time I roll an alt! Kidding aside, I don't have a problem with an option to remove the NR animation from the benefit for the rare occasion I make a non-ninja character.
  8. CO, for whatever its flaws, doesn't really come close to the disaster that is Anthem, does it? I mean, I never read an article in Forbes about just how much Champions Online sucked.
  9. That's pretty much how I looked when I misplaced my e-meter, too. It's always in the last place you look.
  10. It was old (and ceased to be funny) hours after I first saw it originally in the forums, and that was over seven years ago. I don't have any issue with something along these lines -- as long as the idea is well-considered and implemented well, it's hardly going to break the game.
  11. Take these broken wings And learn to fly again And learn to live so free When we hear the voices sing The book of love will open up And let us in
  12. CoH was an original idea. CO was born out of the idea that a Superhero MMO was commercially viable (the success of CoH), and it was based on a pre-existing IP (PnP Champions had been around since the early 80s). Based on those factors, I guess they thought they couldn't lose -- unfortunately, CO was really nothing like CoH, and it was nothing at all like PnP Champions, so right off the bat, you alienated two different potential fanbases.
  13. Hazard Zone officers need love too.
  14. It's really cool that people are able to enjoy it in this way -- it's a lovely counter-balance to a more nuanced view like my own, viz. while I do really enjoy playing the game, and spend considerable amounts of time in it (both before and now) it's not the only video game I have any desire to play - not by a longshot. There's a lot of good games out there, and so precious little time.
  15. Added one of my own here -- with your help and criticism, I hope that it avoids being stillborn from the keyboard.
  16. IIRC, I don't believe I picked up CoV immediately upon release -- I already knew that the concept would be, for me, one that was very niche, assuming I explored it at all. I eventually did purchase it (twice, for two accounts) and created a Villain, but I scarcely played him back in the day - he might have reached level 30. Upon reflection, somewhat in hindsight, I think Redside does have valuable play experiences to offer (hence, I've currently got several Villains, one Rogue, no Vigilantes (yet), and one Praetorian), but Heroes always had the most attraction for me.
  17. So, for example: {original (current)} You got Invention: Immobilize Duration (Recipe) becomes You got Invention: Immobilize Duration [30] (Recipe) Of all the items that I struggle with visually, the numbers on the enhancements are the most difficult to read, especially if the enhancement is out-leveled - red text (on any background, but especially a dark background) is pretty much impossible for me to read easily -- I either have to ask someone else to read it for me, or move within a foot or less of my primary screen. This suggestion would be just one way to simplify and facilitate knowing what I'm moving back and forth in the Auction House, as I could verify in chat (as above) that putting out / placing in Enhancements of the level desired. Thanks for considering! :) Edit (for clarification): The game currently reflects (via your Auction House chat tab) moving items, including Enhancements, to and from the AH - it doesn't include in the chat the level of the Enhancement being moved. The above example was meant to reflect a level 30 Immobilize Duration, but obviously the enhancement and level would vary depending on what is moved.
  18. Huh. And here I was thinking that the true endgame was padding your in-game ignore list -- or, alternatively, padding your friends list, depending on your approach. ;D
  19. Why does the first one use the Obama Foundation logo?
  20. This underscores a great example of something that is very likely highly undervalued in the marketplace: patience. Even if you list something for more than its current going rate, that could change (intentionally or, accidentally, as above) tomorrow.
  21. 'Sort by last played' would be my pick -- and the greater the number of low-level characters you have, the more useful it becomes.
  22. Whether or not the archetypes are trivialized is significantly less impactful on a player who primarily solos rather than groups. For that kind of player, as well as for the player that prefers to group, it's a simpler matter to make content difficult for yourself than it is to make content easy for yourself. Difficulty can be increased any number of ways : start over at level one, up your challenge settings, artificially restrict the powers you choose to use regardless of level or ability, etc., etc. As primarily a solo player, one who sometimes joins full groups, more frequently duos (or, alternatively, plays in a three- or four-person group), the appeal of gathering greater ability to do things alone is part of the appeal of the journey. If I want to ignore the Incarnate system for my own personal gameplay, I'm free to do so; on the other hand, if I want to strive for maximum power levels, some of which make me less dependent on groupmates filling certain roles, then it is an avenue to be explored.
  23. Actually... did someone administer the Turing test to these mobs? Until recently, I couldn't tell if there might be a human on the other side. Seriously, though -- for code-driven mobile objects, they seem to be of fairly average moral fiber. I'd leave their morals as-is.
  24. This is the probably the main reason that I don't have more redside characters. Other reasons include my feelings of discomfiture with its arbitrary nature, because CoV was meant to represent (in spirit, if not in actual practice) the moral polar opposite of its predecessor, CoH -- and I've always viewed morality as a grey-scale spectrum, not a binary choice between black and white. There's as many different moral motivations to action as there are people who take said actions. The human brain just wants to put everything into simple categories, even if what is being categorized doesn't lend itself to such.
  25. Excellent, thank you for the clarification. And if I was using FUD, then I beg that I err on behalf of ignorance, and not a deliberate attempt to mislead.
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