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justicebeliever last won the day on April 9 2020

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913 Excellent

About justicebeliever

  • Birthday 10/12/1972

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  1. I think both are proper. I get replies sometimes up to 10 minutes after I post, meaning some people are just scrolling thru to see what’s going on. I think it’s courteous to close the loop so those people don’t waste their time if you are full. However that bring said, you should always respond to that tell personally as well.
  2. I like this as well...be fun to recruit for other content besides the WSF.
  3. Such a good show...I heard they are talking about a reboot of it...
  4. There has been a continuous stream of updates by the Homecoming team since the game was relaunched in the 2 1/2 years since it's been relaunched. Short of legal action by NCSoft shutting the game down, or the burn-out of the all volunteer development team, neither of which seems imminent right now, I'd trust for additional updates to come.
  5. First one to post! Made a donation this month! I'm usually not able to make it in time
  6. I'm curious about the Ranking system. Will prior posts be taken into consideration or is everyone starting over? Seems like the latter at this point, but not sure if there are data shenanigans that'll happen to update it further.
  7. I just found out that I earned some forum badges and I see that there are forum ranks. Can the Dev's tell us more about this? Exciting.
  8. Can you clarify more on what the requirements are for this badge? Epidemiologist - Defeat all the prominent Vahzilok leaders.
  9. +1 to this, though it’s always interesting hearing part of the RP when cruising through Pocket D, I always feel like an eavesdropper.
  10. I'd also prefer it not auto select a mission for me (I can see that being problematic for teaming), but I would prefer the MT not activate at all if no mission is selected
  11. Did you do it last year and already have the badges?
  12. Click on your avatar, and clcik Edit Profile. Member titles are self-assigned... Reminds me to change mine...I no longer spend much of the day on these forums...
  13. I always thought you were a clever little beagle, typing on top of his doghouse. Or perhaps a snapping turtle, but then I'd expect a lower post count. Unless @MTeagueis really a whole community of snapping turtles... I agree with your point though...unless you know the person or seen evidence of their work, their credentials to me are fairly meaningless. Everyone considers themselves an expert in everything on the internet...probably because there is no one around to call them out.
  14. Watchmen <- Great story and visuals by Alan Moore League of Extraordinary Gentlemen <- Imagine all victorian fiction shared the same universe. Also by Alan Moore Crisis on Infinite Earths <- Most epic and for years, most long reaching comic event Golden Age <- Great Riff on the DC Golden Age of Superheroes New Frontier <- Great Riff on the DC Silver Age Man of Steel <- John Byrne's rebirth of Superman, post-crisis The Death of Superman <- Sure, an event for event's sake. But a good one. Batman: Year One <- Frank Miller's great take on Batman Batman: The Long Halloween <- Another great take on Batman's early years
  15. It was probably clear, but in addition to the 2 files, you'll need to have a starter bind: /bind f "cce 2 CCPureEnergy$$powexec_toggleon fly$$bind_load_file flyoff.txt"
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