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Everything posted by Ibarra

  1. I wonder if Lord Nemesis is gonna ride that Nemesis Horse of his, just riding around with a pumpkin head and his staff, just a thought.
  2. traders: haha there's no way we'll be caught, ez pz homecoming team: am i a joke to you? Sucks that following the rules are too much for some people, so easy to acquire some things but they just get desperate or don't bother to do their research.
  3. Amazing work Jon, seriously. The pixel art is neat.
  4. You have to make sure none of the Freakshow destroy the cars in the part when you have to protect Wentworth from Sky Raiders & the Freaks themselves (so basically the end portion of the taskforce)
  5. They'd just break out since the guards are terrible.
  6. Exceptional stuff so far CP, eager to see these changes implemented. I only have one tanker at the moment but I have been managing to enjoy him nonetheless, course with all this it might give them the resolve they need.
  7. I noticed when I tried it puts an ugly line at the top of the screen.
  8. Now we just need a squad of cowboys singing Old Town Road.
  9. Most of the time it's the sounds for me. The demons constantly screaming destroys my ears, Beam Rifle, it's good but it sounds like someone is scratching with something sharp on a piece of glass to make that ear-murdering sound.
  10. Definitely would like to see new content & the other incarnate slots finished, along with The Coming Storm story arc so it can be done in Kallisti.
  11. Bane Spiders are basically great at single-target damage, pretty much like Stalkers. Crab Spiders relish in AoE and are more team-oriented, the VEATs in general can apply very good leadership buffs that help out the entire team. I don't play Widows/Fortunatas so that'll be up to others to clarify.
  12. Yeah. You have to form a league, then the league leader queues the group in that tab then you just have to wait for the pop up and then you head off (and maybe wait for the traditional 1 AFKer).
  13. What shard do you play on? Incarnate Trials are run on Everlasting pretty frequently by Veracor & Uh Oh. Usually somewhere in the evening in EST.
  14. I definitely would like to see a road map. Regardless of how long it takes, it's good to see progress.
  15. Yeah, you can turn it off. Just type in the command again or press H and manually set it from the dropdown menu next to my status.
  16. You're not the only one. Been plenty of threads and what not regarding it, really is dark.
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