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Twisted Toon

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Everything posted by Twisted Toon

  1. I believe that shield is the Vanguard shield. It'll expand an energy barrier to make a larger surface, when deployed. Currently, it looks to be in its collapsed state.
  2. I pulled up a tip that I had gotten in Talos, and it sent me to...Atlas Park. Of course, I was level 49 at the time. I just like to run my tip missions in Talos because I've been sent to IP a couple of times, from PI. It's just easier to do Talos to IP than PI to IP. Unless, of course, you have an Oro Portal handy. However, getting back to PI can be a hassle. So, Talos is my main tip mission headquarters. I refuse to do tips missions in IP. It would invariably send me from the north end of the zone to the south, then back to the north end...like I need the exercise or something.
  3. I suppose I should have prefaced my assertion that you didn't work for NCSoft , etc with an, "As far as I know"... 🤔
  4. I never used those boots, since my favorite travel power was flight. I did use the Rocket boots on a couple of characters, though. they really went with the theme of the character as well.
  5. I know I'm probably a month late with this reply... For the Rocket boots' animation, think of Ironman. They're basically rockets mounted, aesthetically, in boots. For the Spring Boots, Think of Spring-heel Jack. the boots themselves have animations attached to them. They don't alter the animation of the flight pose or Jump. Although, you can change your flight pose (only while flying forward) with /e flypose# (# being 1, 2, 3, or 4). Personally, I prefer the default fly pose.
  6. I just realized that I said her name 3 times in that last post, and there's no hiding form the Arcanaville... 😢
  7. Mercy Buckets. 😛
  8. I'm sure someone had mentioned Arcanaville earlier. I'm also 99.9% certain that she has tested the combat code 6 ways from Sunday. She also never worked for, in any way, Cyptic, Paragon Studios, or NCSoft. If she didn't find anything wrong with the code, then I doubt there is anything wrong. If you doubt Arcanaville, when it comes to how things work in the game, then there's no hope for you. I think Acranaville knows more about the game than any other individual, Dev or not.
  9. I have 2 accounts. I rarely log on to the second one. Mainly because my internet connection (at the moment) is done by making my phone a WiFI hot spot. It won't handle 2 accounts running concurrently. It barely handles 1 account and Firefox. Honestly, I'm surprised it even handles 1 account. I occasionally have issues with lag. But, not very often. Even on a team of 8. That is one of the reasons why I think CoH is one of the best games out there. A crappy 75Kbs connection can still play the game effectively. Can't play STO or SWTOR with that kind of connection.
  10. Keep in mind that the power boosts you get from Death From Below only last until level 20, I believe.
  11. I don't remember seeing one in Outbreak, but there's one in the Galaxy City tutorial for heroes about ten feet away from the Longbow Heavy you train at before you jump past them to the second part. There is, indeed, a P2W vendor in Outbreak. to the right and slightly behind the first contact as you are zoned in. Lovely lady in a business skirt.
  12. My personal thoughts on why people seem to prefer the Villain ATs over the Hero ATs is because the ATS on the villain side were made to work with the Inherents they were given. They were designed with those Inherents in mind. The Hero ATs had their Inherents tacked on around the time CoV came out. for some of them, the inherents really seemed like an after thought. The Blaster Inherent 1.0 and the Defender Inherents didn't really mesh with the ATs like all of the villain inherents did. That could be part of it. Possibly. Maybe. ???
  13. I'm currently on the last mission of Night Ward. I did not find Night Ward (or First Ward for that matter) all that difficult, with the exception of a few Elite Bosses and a couple of swarming waves of ambushes. But then, I'm playing a Demon/Dark Mastermind. Everyone knows Masterminds are teh OP...except when all of their pets are one-shotted and they are held.
  14. In those cases, use Fly or Hover to get above the group before using Knock Back powers. Knock Back is away from the caster, and so that'll be straight down into the floor, more or less, making it into pseudo-knock down. Not quite because some might go a few feet depending on angles, but it's far, far less scatter. If you don't have room for either power, there's pleeeenty of jetpack options in the game! Or, the Tank can learn to pull near a wall and not to the middle of the room. They can work a little harder to position the mobs, just as I work a little harder to position myself. Fortunately, I usually team with people that don't mind the occasional misplaced knock back, and they actually place the mobs where it's easier to knock them into obstacles.
  15. I have had times where there were no convenient walls, trees, cars, mailboxes, shelving, Jimmy Fallon's ,crates, stairwells, ostriches, Taco Bells, other enemies...or anything really, to toss enemies into because the Tank chose the middle of the room to take his stand. That leaves Agent Knockback with few options for powers use. If I were to not knock enemies away from the Tank, or any Melee character for that matter. Usually, I do attempt to use the surrounding environment to mitigate the knockback distance. And I refuse to use the KB to KD enhancements.
  16. I never really used it myself. However, I believe HeroStats is what you're thinking of. I'm not sure if it has been updated for the re-release of the game yet.
  17. Don't forget the Rocket Boots and Spring Boots for flight and Super Jump. Or the winged boots for Super Speed. All of them animate for their respective travel powers.
  18. I would like to point out, it is acceptable to do other missions and stuff to level up and go back to take on a difficult mission later. Sometimes, an additional level can make the difference when taking on an Elite Boss. Fortunately, the missions are set at the level at which you took them, unless you out leveled the story arc, then they'd be set at the level cap for that arc. So, getting a level or 2 is a viable option for difficult missions, if teaming up is troublesome.
  19. I put my Celerity: +Stealth enhancement in Superspeed. Gives me plenty of time to set up for an Alpha of Doooom! Alpha strike of utter arrestment (Or so I'd like to think). Also lets me map missions in near total safety, if I so desire. I also got Superspeed at level 4, for exemplaring purposes.
  20. There is. It's called delete your character after you're defeated the first time. Of course, that relies heavily on the players honesty and what not.
  21. You realize that Illusion Controllers are the least controllery Controller in the Controller Universe, do you not? They have, three actual control powers (if I'm not mistaken) and a power that turns them into the back-up Tank for the team. Should Illusion be retooled to make it fit in the controller class better by taking out Phantom Army and replacing it with something generic (Most likely a mass immobilize), and taking out Spectral Wounds ( a power that self heals!!!) and replacing it with a generic immobilize? Basically, taking what makes Illusion special (and the most direct damaging set) and turning it into a generic Control set. You are asking for, essentially, the same thing to be done to Dark Blast for Blasters. Maybe, there are people out there that like to play Controllery Blasters. I know my Illusion Force Field Controller took the roll of Controller/Scrapper/Tank. Don't pigeon hole the use of a powerset by the class it resides in. The Repeat Offenders should have proved that by now.
  22. I don't think they sell Girlfriends in the auction house/black market... Well, maybe the black market..? ???
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