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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. i like elec/elec, and have mone at 30 some. it does good damge, but I have no frame of reference, and am comparing with dominator dmg levels I'm used to. good as it is...I'm debating stripping the character and re-rolling seismic/earth. i have a seismic/kin corruptor... which should serve as a comparator... a seismic / earth seems to look good across the board, and honestly, kinda like a what i bet an earth/earth dom wishes it could be in todays steamroll meta. anyone got s seismic/earth, or /earth? any decent?
  2. weirdly, ran a posi 1 today on excelsior. half the group were melee, and we managed a time of 31m with only 1x tt available. which is reasonable. it cant be overstated that you are proper invisible. if you put celerity stealth in sprint, itll only be a venganced up guy-with-brass-rifle type that can see you, so you can go to objectives and att (p2w power, dont spend power slots in tp pool that deep unless crazy). also, if you like or want to try pvp, you have a big upper hand. but ya, half of us were melee, and a matrial arts stalker was there with my en/en. ST stuff everywhere. horrid monsters popping from full health to dead. and um, moonbeam, and shadow meld, when your a big kid, if you like soul mastery. pew.
  3. weave is an lotg slot, you can think of the tax that way. and tough can hold the 4 or so res uniques youll want until you move any you want to a patrol/epic pool armor for mild set bonus, which is typical. its just a build tax. point made in prior post by @Zect I'd echo: if its off recharge and superfluous, it better be typed for set bonuses worth that, or filler (like kick, 99.9999999% of the time.) otherwise its loss as situational at best. becsuse, of essence, its not used...or use prevents use of a superior alternate means. TLDR; whatever works 😀
  4. shameless plug, wip, but theres a section nearer the bottom about earth assault. its one of the best dominator secondaries, imo. honoroit's tier-splain
  5. earth assault is pretty good on domi. its no seismic blast, but neither does seismic blast have the strong melee that earth assault boasts.
  6. stalkers are useful on teams. a well equipped on can almost tank and do stupid damage. +3/+4 groups you can feel them more, as you can still delete bosses and lieutenants. proper delete. you're right though, stalkers seem rarer.
  7. i suffered micronaps a few days back on back to back synapses. you kind of realize youve been standing still all at once. good times. yes pls. or babbage waves. in defense of the clockwork king... 1, 2, then 4 babbages! good luck. in the instance. would mess with soloers tho. maybe a glowy red button your (not) supposed to press!
  8. mistooks! im dominating these days
  9. spines/bio - fill things with -def splinters, do trash clear fast. spine burst crits are fun, throw spines too. savage/shield would hop about a lot between groups - as a melee you gotta close travel time to compete with / supplement the ranged blast crew. elec shield similarly, I prefer savage due to the built-in recharge boost on the blood stack buffs thats always ticking. (savage just has better powers - jacobs ladder vs shred as an example. tho you can argue on dmg type, practically you'll likely have more fun in savage) savage / bio also works, because bio dmg buffs. but shield is more team friendly >> grant cover.
  10. i want the pbaoe fear 'inspire panic' to be available as a second choice... not to have to take placate. or a single target fear along with provoke. scrappers gotta tank.
  11. added a sample build. my mids is all wonky with 'advanced totals' on the latest version it downloaded. but, in principle, should work, mostly. it's not all proc'd out, I prefer set bonuses typically.
  12. time doesnt work on pet monsterd, does it? i mean they ignore recharve buffs. not that I think itd beat kin. i really do hope increased density is enough for pet survive. is it common to recast on loss (or low health to refresh) as something other than necessity in typical mm play?
  13. Masterminds of the rogue isles! Betrayer (or infiltrator) masterminds of paragon city. something something gold.... I'd beg your council for a moment: I want to make a mastermind, whose pets stay on me like stink on the preverbial. on live this was sorta how necro played. I want to use /kin, because damage boost. can I get away with it? will the pets live? Am I better going something like primary?? instead? necro or demons, probably necro, right? I remember those skeletal champion guys hitting like a broadsword scrapper. imagine all kinn'd out theyd be impressive. which, in your opinion, would be viable, if either? character names: hungry baphomet cruel leader by three they come
  14. Im guessing as the pop dwindled the dev team wanted to funnel new characters on blue to one zone?
  15. (WIP - this started as an ode to thorntrops... were doing a tier-splain, give me a bit, new stuff put to the bottom with loose diatribe between until I order it up) Preludes to Nocturne - The State of the Homecoming Dominator Before we begin an examination if powersets, highlighting some f my favorites, and meanly skipping over symphony because i want to scream at mobs not sing sheet music symbols at them... the state of affairs as a CoH dominator on homecoming. Can you solo. yes. can you +4/8, ya, but its more frenetic than it needs to be. mostly, we group, for content that either rewards much more xp/time, or is more exciting than what you can muster all alone. So I consider group play herein, as primary play, with an eye towards at least being able to participate well with +4 regular content. Why take a dominator to a group over a controller? theyre quasi dps, they have good control because domination and mag stacking quicker than a controller can (mag 6 typically vs mag 3/4). however, as secondary contribution goes, we're a good damage scale... but provide nothing to a team with regard to buff/debuff/accelerant. what does more damage? a corruptor, who provides a secondary support (e.g. kin). what does more damage (presuming its this in a party slot or you as domi)? a controller, who provides secondary support (eg. kin) what does more damage and says to hell with control? blaster. whats tougher and when speccd as fortunata gets stupidly good selection of powers. VEAT fortune tellers. so, to earn our keep, we gotta be able to pull tricks. we need to be faster than others with situational awareness, we need to soften alphas with control, we need to push groups to team with things like telekinesis or wormhole. we need to be able to get into melee and work that damage. we need to be able to select targets right, instead of spamming a power and relying on autotarget, or spamming 'target closest', when we can. dominator is very much a git gud AT. its not bad news, we can really shine with lockdown cc and damage to go with.... its more where the meta has been at on homecoming that supports a play loop such as: desire: experience powerset combo, reach power level to trivialize content, feel super. nothing wrong with that... but the journey is fixed on a destination that sees a reset and do over. this os why we all have hundreds of characters and 'lose' billions of inf worth of slotting, not knowing who has what :] then look at the higher end. someone told someone.meta that you gotta have cold dom (the most boring secondary, in the world), and not thermal or rad emit. if your in support - go corruptor... people say defender for cases like sonic, but thats typically them looking at 10-15% of -res across 100% uptime, or base values.... they wont beat the damage scale base, nor scourge. OI'm away from dominators, our topic here, and indeed we're shadowed by a lot of other options. so you must, work that domination mag stacking, fight hard, and pull off tricks. good luck, and have fun. An Ode to Thorntrops, or, why thorny assault is S Tier Perhaps it's because a lot of folk run spines for their farmer (with good reason), that thorny assault gets skipped. Perhaps its the spines draw, which really isnt that big a lag, that does the same. Regardless, thorny assault is, in my opinion, one of the best, if not the best(est) secondary a dominator can get! savage is cool, but not quite as much as thorny assault, imo. THORNY ASSAULT - THE GREATEST DOM SECONDARY! 1 - Skewer (0.83s cast) - Melee, Moderate DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic) -DEF good. quick. this is my lvl 1 pick. its a stabby motion, not unlike VEAT widows similar movement. I try to six slot this. 1 - Thorny Darts (1.33s cast) - Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic) -DEF skip. you won't need in attack chain, so its recharged and not doing anything. you'd be better with another primary choice. I say this also because skewer is a superior choice, and now we're not locked to the 1st in the secondary. 4 - Fling Thorns (1.62s cast. 30ft, 60*, 10) - Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic) -DEF amazing! get. the range is short, but the cone is wise and forgiving functionally. point at a mob in front of you. youre typically good. 6 slots. 10 - Impale (1.433s cast) - Ranged, High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Immobilize, -DEF, -SPD, -Fly, -Jump hard hitter, immob, fly-grounder. get. (also look great with a wind up animation and full bodied hurl of the thorns). 6 slots, its your hadest hitter for many levels. 16 - Build Up (1.17s cast) - Self +DMG, +To Hit its build-up + gaussian. i tend to get this later, into the 30s, and only leave it 1x slotted for the build up proc. on dom you end up with so much recharge, that this is up very regularly. 20 - Thorn Burst (3.0s cast, 15ft, 10) - PBAoE Melee, Light DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic) -DEF yes. and 6 slots. use in cooldown with 2+ mobs. 24 - Thorntrops (1.63s cast) - Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -Speed surprisingly good. its a control (mag 50 terrorize), if your a primary that can immob its damage that can't be escaped. throwable damage aura with fear. multiple patches will not cancel prior patches if recharge sufficient. I've been running thorntrops for the first time on my latest dom. Its great for creating a safety patch, at low-mid levels the damage is reasonable. I will likely respec this away in the 40s. 28 - Ripper (2.17s cast, 7ft cone, 60*, 5) - Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic) -DEF, Knockback, -SPD its quicker than it was. tricky to use, built in knockback. hits hard enough. skippable if you need power space. 6 slot this if your taking it. between fling thorns as a closer, this, and thorn burst, thats your aoe short range stuff (7 ft for this, 15 ft for burst, and fling thorns at 30 ft) 30 - Thorn Barrage (2.0s cast) - Ranged, Extreme DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic) -DEF pew. its like the savage eagle power. but hits harder. so, what to skip? Thorny Darts that's it. the rest are worth taking. no junk powers. good mix of aoe and single target. toxic dmg dots. what does thorns pair well with? plant, and thematic. mind is just good, the flow of mind/thorns is earth/earth good imo. earth stacks def down with thorns, and thorns is a nicer set than where rad is at, imo. probably fire, dark too. gravity, sure! (but Id do energy there and just realize your a single target machine with TP powers) why do you pick, or pass, on thorny assault? Sample build: so, what else in secondaries? Youve a problem as a dominator. you need 5x lotg, you need hasten, you need tough and weave. A few 2ndary powersets help with this quite a lot - savage has a dedicated recharge help mechanic, and earth and energy assault in particular give many options for knockback. that can mean, sacrifice a slot, get force feeback change for +recharge. its a few seconds of 100% rechanrge and can greatly help seeking permadom pevels of recharge. PSA - you dont need permadom, you need it up every group minus travel time and to engage your secondary when control isnt doubled more. I'm excluding the farm state, get on a brute. so, savage, energy, and earth... lets take a look. Savage Assault savage has a built-in recharge help based on blood stack count. it has combos with those too. you'll kind of get the flow of it naturally, and dont stress exhaustion, its not that big a thing practically. we dont get haemorrage on domi. 1 - Call Swarm - Ranged, DoT (Lethal), Foe -Defense, -Speed, +1 Blood Frenzy as with thorny, I skip the tier 1 ranged. the damage is too low, its superflous in the chain at even mod levels. 1 Maiming Slash - Melee, DMG(Lethal), DoT (Lethal), Foe -Speed, +1 Blood Frenzy decent lvl 1 pick. core to ST melee chain. 6 slot it. 4 - Vicious Slash - Melee, DMG(Lethal), Foe DoT (Lethal), Knockdown, Self +2 Blood Frenzy same as prior. get. 10 - Unkindness - Ranged (Cone), DoT (Lethal), Foe -Speed, -Defense, -Fly, +2 Blood Frenzy it looks really neat... the dot is ok, it build 2 stacks of frenzy. its quite a tight cone, at 30 degrees. I try to take this, just for some aoe coverage 16 - Spot Prey - Self +DMG, +To Hit, +Perception a build up with perception. 1 slot gaussian. 20 - Rending Flurry - PBAoE, DMG(Lethal), Foe DoT (Lethal), -Blood Frenzy great power, that extends range if you have fully blood stacks (the button lights up when this is true as a visual cue) 24 - Blood Craze - Self +HP, +Health over Time useful, sort of skippable if youre tight on powers. 28 - Call Hawk - Ranged, Foe DoT (Lethal), -To Hit, Knockdown, -Fly another very unique looking skill. anti-flier, its similar to thorny's 'impale' but with more dot component. 30 - Feral Charge - Melee, DMG(Lethal), Foe DoT (Lethal), +3 Blood Frenzy, Self Teleport signature power, does more damage the further away you are from target at cast. movement tool. good to combo with vicious slash or unkindness to get 5x blood stacks (if at 0) before popping a rending flurry. overall, A/A-: because movement skill and recharge builder happening constantly while in combat. also feels great to play, rawr. Earth Assault we have a potential for silly recharge cheating as multiple force feeback +recharges can proc, their independent off each piwer where theyre slotted. 11my elec/earth domi 'tale of salt and sky' did well until I stripped them off this principle. (that was because of slow chains in elec) conpared to thorny, we lack aoe punch. fling thorns really is a very good skill. fissure is ok. at ST melee, were better off than thorny, and the three of stone mallet, heavy mallet, seismic smash tend to wreck things - 2 of the three having potential for recharge boost, the third adding hold magnitude. note: you want to be comfy with melee for earth assault. a lot of knockback helps a drop there, but you'll be in the thick of it, and want to be. 1 (1.6s cast) - Stone Mallet - Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Knockback (force feedback candidate) exceptional lvl 1 skill. good damage. 6 slot. core in attack chain. 1 (1s cast) - Stone Spears Ranged, Light DMG(Lethal), Foe Knock Up (force feedback candidate) normally I skip the lvl 1 ranged, but the knockup and quick cast time make this one a pick. no missile associated with power, the mob just gets hit. a 1sec cast time keeps this quick as a finisher, or reactive. youre casting it all the time, and in filler. put force feedback in it. 4 (2.53s cast, 15ft, 10) - Tremor PBAoE, Light DMG(Smash), Knockback (force feedback candidate) yes. you want a melee pbaoe (or I do) for purple sets follow your tank, do smash. skipping force feedback here isnt the end of the world. 10 (1.5s cast) - Hurl Boulder Ranged, High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback, -Fly (force feedback candidate) - an anti-flier. perfect to 4 slot if your making room, otherwise 6. i 6 slot this and use it in ST nuke chain, as one would fit a quick snipe. 16 - Power Up Self +Special, +Dmg(All) skip. your recharge is sufficient that mag stacking will be fine with set bonuses from ATO / else. no to-hit, so no gaussian. skip. 20 (1.63s cast) - Heavy Mallet Melee, Superior DMG(Smash), Knockback (force feedback candidate) with stone mallet, and seismic smash, your melee attack chain is looking nice, and is packed with control element. 24 (1.5s cast) - Seismic Smash Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Hold get it for the damage. core in attack chain. stacks hold magnitude. 28 - Mud Pots Toggle: PBAoE, Minor DoT(Fire), Foe Immobilize, -SPD skip. end heavy and youre not in one place long enough typically for this to be worth investment in the power, let alone slots (we have a lot of powers to attend to in this 2ndary) 30 (2.1s cast, 20ft range, 10ft aoe, 10) - Fissure Close (Targeted AoE), Light DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback, Disorient (force feedback candidate). close range aoe. its a force feeback holder, and can be slot sleighted if needs be. Earth Assault tier: A/S. it can open and close a build, you can easily get permadom with forcefeedback abuse, but pay in set bonus loss to do so. pair with something that can make safe a melee zone. (dark is a standout) Energy Assault Energy assault is fun! Listen, villians, dont slot kb > kd, get good at kb. in the air, is not fighting back. As with earth, we INSTEAD sacrifice slotting for force feedback recharge procs. Quite single target focused, energy works great with something that lock immobilizes, like earth, or plant, if your worried about mob scatter. theres disorient in several powers, meaning you can slip in one of the procs thats good but i dont remember the name of (think its stupify) 1 - Bone Smasher - Melee, High DMG(Smash/Energy), Disorient, Special, Chance for Energy Focus this is the one to pick at lvl 1, and becomes core in st melee chain. 1 - Power Bolt - Ranged, Light DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback, Chance for Energy Focus skip this. while quick, you will have a solid ranged st chain without it. powers sitting recharged and unused a lot of the time are wasted. 4 - Power Push - Ranged Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe High Knockback, Chance for Energy Focus want a mag 16 knockback on a 1.1s cast time, that does moderate dmg? you do. aim generally at a wall, or dont bother. this power is great as mobs close you, and you can clip a mob with a cast after, even if they end up out of range, because the next cast occurs at where the mob is at time of cast, not time of impact. steal a slot for force feedback. 10 - Power Blast - Ranged, High DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback, Chance for Energy Focus high damage, force feedback slot, this is a good one. get. 16 - Power Up Self +Special, +Dmg(All) while power up is fun to allow you things like mag ~30 power pushes, its skippable, and we gotta keep that 'i need 5 lotg' thing present in mind. in the steamroller of our coh'ing, this wont really be missed. 20 - Whirling Hands - PBAoE Melee, Light DMG(Smash/Energy), Special we want this for set slotting. its not too bad. 24 - Total Focus Melee, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Disorient, +Energy Focus unless your trying ranged only, very possible with energy assault (but stop, and make a corruptor or blaster, honestly, take TA if you wanna play at light cc) - this is an awesome power. 6 slot and love the damage. 28 - Sniper Blast Sniper, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback a snipe, useful. you can sleight this a bit on slots. you can think of skipping (i wouldn't) as were starting to accumulate a lot of ranged ST powers when we consider a primary woth energy assault. too many to cast. candidate to skip with yoy might think to be power push, but I'd disagree - power push's 1.1s cast and ludicrous kb makes it a valuable tool, possibly more than this. 30 - Power Burst Ranged, Superior DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback, Special combos well with power push, het another st ranged. 6 slot. see ^, theres too many st ranged in energy assault. B tier. honorable mentions: sonic is newer, and decent. standouts here are the -res, and a pbaoe aura that does it. Combination of gravity, power pool teleport-foe-to-you pbaoe, into this aura is dangerous and strong in group play. fire primary would work well with it too. plus bonfire with kb to kd in it. the melee in sonic assault is strong, and theres no terrible powers. shockwave can be used to knock back mobs for catch in large cones, in the case of a primary like symphony, or any of them that have cone fear. Primar(il)y mind control Y2Mate.is - Subway sucks-tH4ZjYE9Lzw-480p-1656076069194.mp4 (some people want a pet, at high levels, it vanishes, or dies) Over the years I've played a lot of dominator. Of the primaries, I'm not keen on symphony because of how the skills look (wish there was a sonic-like option), but it cc wise is decent. dark is better stacked on controller, imo. earth is sick, pseudopet not getting domination bonus or otherwise, and likewise elec is good despite having slow crawl chains (elec affinity, fast crawl chains, elec control... hop...hit...hop...hit...) plant is great for carrion, and the cones. it was my first dominator on live. if you dont like mind.... go plant. or ugly-symphony. grav is grav, and plays nice for herd. i like it better on controller. about 3/4 of my dominators I actually play end up being mind control based. (you can see how I slotted mind in a sample build above / attached) A complaint levied against Mind Control is its lack of a pet. the typical comeback is: we have mass confuse. Indeed with high recharge its going to be available every 2m or so, and coupled with the fear cone, were good. As a control set, if you want pets, pick illusion for PA, or gravity for singularity. the rest are fluff, to be entirely honest. at higher content they will die, vanish of your awareness, or slowly run to catch up to a chased steamroll of pounded council. Mind keeps us light on our feet in that regard, in that we dont take a pet power(s), and we dont six slot a waste of precious slot upgrades. 1 - Levitate - Ranged, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Knock Up skip. take mesmerize instead. toi slow cast, delay on hit. mild cc packed but dmg too low 1 - Mesmerize Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe Sleep boosted range (100ft vs 80 on most), quick. mag4. good damage, easy to slip into attack chain. yes. 2 - Dominate Ranged, Light DMG(Psionic), Foe Hold good, the st hold. get this. 6 - Confuse Ranged, Target Confuse this needs buffed to ve like symphonys, as dark needs its cone fear buffed to damage. there is too much going on to piss about trying to stack st confuse. 8 - Mass Hypnosis Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Sleep low cooldown, good as opposed to the aoe immob for a ato holder on the fire orb. can be used as an interrupt of sorts, and with a drop of finesse can use right after a blaster aoe wave. people do not give a damn about your sleeps and breaking them. advise, dont complain at them. luckily its up all the time. just use opportunistically. 12 - Telekinesis Toggle: Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Hold, Repel definate get. slot only 1x end reduce. watch your blue bar while active. consider yourself at the circumference of a sphere, with mob auto-hit by this as center. apply gravity if not flier. now circle the mob to herd group pirtions at or away from the team. clump mobs for a cone power, drive them into a wall, move that melee boss whos come up on you the hell away. stack hold magnitude for harder targets. this is a great skill, signature of mind and should be strongly considered for inclusion. 18 - Total Domination Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Hold eh, its the aoe hold. 4m is a annoyingly high base cd. alright once your all recharge bonused up. ultimately, sorta skippable. 22 - Terrify Ranged (Cone), Light DMG(Psionic), Foe Fear(Special) ludicrously expansive cone. does damage. combos well with mass hypnosis for snapping at a group. 26 - Mass Confusion Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Confuse put contagious confusion in this. high recharge, considering what plant and ugly-symphony get, but with your recharge built out, its a tool worth having. dont need to 6 slot, really. Other Primaries Earth (B tier): A number of powers (earthquake, volcanic gasses, quicksand) are not affected by domination. staligmites is exceptional, with a dom mag 6 disorient, and very low cast time. the immobs prevent knockback. pet is ok, but at todays pacing is just kind of there. Earth is better on a controller due to pseudopet spread, a pet taking a power slot. staligmites and the usefulness of the pseudopets props it. Electric (A/B tier): electric suffers slow chain jumps. the chain attacks crawl from mob to mob, but do so at 1/4 speed or slower than something like electric affinity. the sleep patch, static field, is great for making an area safe, and is compatible with aoe spams because it pulses. its recharge will overlap for you in the 20s or earlier if your keeping slotted nicely and have haste. pets are a bit soft, and theres 2 of them. has a chain confuse (put contagious in it). jolting chain is an early standout, and boosts my ranking of this set. put force feedback proc in it. apply with frequency. Plant (S/A tier): spore burst is low cooldown, and a mob interrupt more than anything. As with mass hypnosis, I often find the aoe sleeps are good at catching at least a few mobs that escape aoe waves from teammates. seeds of confusion is marvelous. put contagious in it. carrion creeps can be buffed, and follows you about it seems. its what lets plant/x farm on controller along with seeds. spirit tree is... a pretty 🌳, but not much use. 150% regen isnt doing anything. if it were 1500% regen... itd really need to be a decent placable heal aura. good for RP if you make a controller plant/nature, and enjoy horticulture. the pet is alright, and has some decent attacks. what makes plant very good: creepers and seeds. ugly-Symphony (S/A tier, but C because of sing song sheet music animations): by all mean, this should be mind mk2, and perfect for the dominator. theres no pseudopets. the ST confuse damages! its worth taking vs minds. the fear damages (poor dark control). hell, the sleep cone damages. confounding chant is a nuke, and a disorient. staligmites is better for control. you have no aoe confuse. aoe ranged focus makes slotting sets annoying, pick a secondary with ST options (like energy, earth, or sonic, less so sonic as this thing wants to be at cone maximizing ranges and lends to a ranged build mainly. or just skip the res aura in sonic *gasp*). this would be up with plant for top tier, if it werent ugly. if it had an option for sonic like look... solid S tier. people dont like the pet. think of it as mag stacker freebies. thats it. and its good for that echo. Illusion (B/A tier): people dont like that pa are missing taunt on dom version. just ignore that and them. its damage, its untouchable. phantasm is as bad as ever, but spawns an untouchable copy. gleam is quite good as a snappy-ish aoe disorient. flash is bad. we lost spectral wounds. blind had an aoe sleep in disguise. spectral terror is a workhorse, tho has a longish cast when you need that now for area control and the steamroller presses forward. good in that instance where theres prisoners running by. superior invis is a worthy lotg holder. deceive is terrible, now weve basis of compare with symphony. Ice (C/D tier) arctic air is too expensive. its 35% more expensive than focused accuracy! its because it combines a confuse, and energy consideration weighs that highly. cold snap should be a 80ft cone, its 60x135arc, that a damageless fear. those, as with dark, are looking somewhat lackluster against mind and symphony. Ice slick had a decent radius, at 25ft, and is like earthquake that does a drop of damage. this combos well with sleet and ice storm epic pool... and i guess you could make a weaker ice/cold corruptor from a fldamage perspective that has a few aoe things. youd be anemic tho. aoe hold being pbaoe pushes this set towards D tier. Epic/Patron Power Pools: Fire Mastery (B): fireball a res shield (no lotg slot), rain of fire. ok. Ice Mastery (A): sleet (good rain debuff), ice storm (slow effect, dmg), frozen armor (def based, lotg slot), hibernate (situational hard recovery), hoarfrost (max hp plus, meh) Leviathan Mastery (B/A): water spout (cc, like tornado-ish), shark skin res armor (no lotg), hibernate, useless sunmon, cone aoe. Mace mastery (C/B): def shield (lotg slot), reasonable -res ST ranged (18.75%), Mu Mastery (B): res armor, high cooldown buff to res, recovery etc., end drain, terrible summon. Psionic Mastery (A): res armor, self+ally buff with def (lotg slot), terrible confuse aura, decent ranged aoe, debuff prot with psi def (lotg slot) soul(C): no. ----- the core of the dominator problem is hybrid, but without support capability. incarnate nukes, and 1 or two alpha absorbers on the team (any melee), and your there without a purpose, or your running away from the group to solo if your able. i dont know how to fix that other than by level scaling night and first wards and driving new content to mobs you really wanna make stop. suppose dark astoria, or layering debuff mobs -- you can make things stop. Dominator - Mind Control - Thorny Assault.mxd
  16. OP is rude, presumptive, aggro, and mean spirited in this coversation. 'probably help desk 101' - you maintain and write for a game that's on ancient codebase ported forward, and dig for bugs that don't affect the play experience in an impactful way, reported by people who demand satisfaction. do that for no pay. fluff, I wouldn't want to have to deal with your ass at work.
  17. your best bet at traction here is, beyond reporting the nature of what you saw, and 'I'm sure it happened' would be to try to recreate the issue -- to see if it is repeatable, that you can generate an error state with a transaction. then, note the time it happened. its not too bad without, as the devs can see game telemetry associated with your player ID, but it helps lessen log-look, and raises likeliehood of someone examing your claim. theres lots of ghosts in the machines. maybe theres an inf thiefing one. you are CERTAIN you didnt bid 11,111 on something you meant to bid 1,111 on - right, kupo?
  18. necro dark is cool, but i dunno any keybinds thatd not be fiddly on a keyboard thats 10 keyless, im using a 75% one.
  19. ive seen offset happen in vendor, like if you spam sell on salvage or recipes. but never ah. by offset i mean the caret of next selected item become unselected, meaning you cant spam sell anymore, which is when you notice. very repeatable. but never ah.
  20. dark blast appears just superior on corruptor, when compared to blaster, powers wise.
  21. all the power, please, and thank you. the money and the dollars. provoke / inspire panic scrapper new amaze? i think so if its only 2x power choices... i shall call my character: the king of salt (pls dont ninja it before im on tomorrow, beasts)
  22. hi @Snarky i thought about maybe sneaking in provoke and invoke panic from presence pool. on scrapper. its mag 3 on 60s cooldown. and... 20 foot pbaoe, so catchy. think id get away with dropping fly and maneuvers in your above'ish? i dunno if you have to take 2 anymore, the power pools seemed like they were opened up recently. i dont wanna do it if its 3 choices to get invoke panic, but provoke is useful, and i can be a scraptank?
  23. sorta! more definately psychotic and will hop into mobs alone if the group is even half a blink slow to my tastes! something that makes you feel thats its discordant, but oddly quick at the same. more nightmare grasp than...shadow maul. maybe i could sneak in savage, on a scrapper. but thatd be cheating. something like it doesn't line up right, on purpose
  24. so, dark/dark? what works best for you? Ive tried out a dark dark tank, and found them very end hungry. (i wish confront was aoe, provokes me) dark dark controller is grand. dominator maybe, but darkness affinity is really very good. (tentacles, control, sadness) stalker, brute or scrap, never tied. sentinels dont count. blaster gets a nicer cone with tenebrous. presume theres a darkness manipulation. defender, or corruptor? (pew) blaster or a melee? im totally wrong about sentinel? warshades can play too? if you could only pick 1 AT dark/dark/dark, maybe dark/dark/soul - what would it be?
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