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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. This is exactly what happens with me! I'll be playing and die. 'Grumble grumble. I wouldn't die if I was on X'. So I start playing X. A week passes, no deaths, but at some point, 'good god, that took so long whittling those guys. It would have gone so much faster on Y', so I pick up. Y. A week later... Currently and though a new addition I don't see my playing any other Tanker than my little Rad/MA. The ST damage is sort of painful with 200-ish for my 'hard' hitters, but makes up for that with a torrent of *wide* AoEs. Dragon Tail, Electric Fences, Ball Lightning, Dragon Tail. Gap, fill with Storm kick for the 10% defense. START AOE ALL OVER AGAIN! I *adore* my Claws/Bio Scrapper for damage. And weirdly enough I never play it. It's what I use to powerlevel my new alts to 22-23 before they start TFing and it's so much more satisfying than using my Fire Armor tank for it. Have the Critical ATO proc go up, fit both Shockwave and Spin in its duration, see a *flood* of CRITICAL DAMAGE! and spawns melting. The ST feels damn good too. And to top it I had an inflated view of Bio Armor being super good for survival until I made other Bio Armor characters and realized I thought so because Shockwave/Focus kept mobs on their ass while I tore them apart.
  2. My man, are you even taking time to breathe and sleep? Dare I say play the game? You seem to be breathing and eating this project.
  3. I just come from running tips with a friend set +3x8 and bloody hell, damn Carnies. SO SLOW! And I actually had to kite a few times and eat insps because they debuffed so bad. But the slowness, intolerably. They were an underslotted dom between us it was like watching paint dry trying to whittle the illusionists between phase shifts.
  4. Yes, it's how I have mine set as well. Though only for +3.
  5. That's been removed in the tanker patch. Are you sure about the accuracy thing? Because with each incarnate level shift their con drops to us. I looked it up but couldn't find a source about the accuracy thing to say either way. I've done incarnate content with 45% defense and I'll be honest I did not notice the difference. If it's a full team of incarnates, then incarnate content or not it just melts. Your basis is still 90% resists and defense just a layer. As for the Barrier remark, context, man. You're trying to reach 59%. 5% allows to juggle your slotting. Juggling the ATO proc also means you can juggle your resists and move slots around since you know you can depend at *least* on 14% resists from two stacks of the ATO. With Barrier you know you can depend on 19% resists. That means you can play with your slotting, ease on some bonuses, aim for others. I've personally removed Assault from the original build to grab Taunt. It's a fat 15% damage to all but Taunt is almost solely for Tinpex and pulling Battle Maiden from the blue circles.
  6. Always and all the time. From the moment Musculature reaches T3 my difficulty slider never again budges. Edit: Except if exemplaring and starting a TF. Then of course not, poor lowbies I might be playing with.
  7. Sovera

    Best Brute

    Definitely roll a Claws/Bio ....Scrapper. *flees the Brute forums!!*
  8. I've had that here. We were talking about the base macro and his whole answer to my post was 'alright, cheater' or something like it. I called him an idiot, post got purged, got a warning, his post calling me a cheater is still there 😄
  9. Out of curiosity and while we're at it, is there anything else you'd like for everyone to change to accomodate you?
  10. - You've broken the 45% defense to melee/ranged/AoE and I am not sure what you've gained in return. - You've also lost the 1-2 damage procs per attack to help with the damage. - You've also lost the two extra AoEs to help with killage and I'm not sure again what you've gained in return? The faster you kill the less time you're being hit. - You can also pretty much coast through leveling and even the end-game on Radiation Therapy alone with Particle Shielding either for those hard moments or for extra endurance. Turning Radiation Therapy into a proc bomb instead is a bold strategy, though I know some people do the same with Dark Regeneration. - You have way too much resistance already. You should read the original post I link in the OP that leads to the Elec/MA build where I go more in-depth about resistances and the Superior Might of the Tanker stacks. Basically the first time you hit Thunder kick you'll be overcapped, which makes the second and third stack useless. You have an amazing 15% resistances-across-the-board ATO and you should aim, IMO, in leveraging it. Considering how Storm Kick should be something you will spam for the defense the ATO really should be in there. Thunder kick is not necessary for the Crippling Axe Kick, Storm Kick, Crane Kick, Storm Kick rotation. - You're overcapped on accuracy so Tactics does nothing for you. I can only speak for myself. But - Musculature 45%. (Hasten is at 130 seconds. With more mobs around (and when is a Tanker not surrounded by mobs?) this goes down. FF proc in Crane Kick and Dragon Tail Kick will also go off reliably. Hasten is plenty perma and past. Cardiac is not needed, Rad Armor overflows with Endurance since Radiation Therapy is the son of Dark Regen and Energy Drain, plus Gamma Boost, plus Particle Shielding. No, seriously, you'll be fine in Endurance.) - Degenerative. - Barrier (5% defense to finish reaching 45%, 5% res to all) - Assault. If my emphasis on extra AoEs and Incarnate choices seem all damage oriented that's because they are. The build is strong by itself and we don't need to go with the trope that a tank is a low damage impervious character. Now, all of this said, experimentation is healthy and it's super easy to respec in and out of stuff, so definitely try things, that's how new discoveries are made and not everyone's playstyle is suited for everyone else.
  11. Hmm, this is extremely useful to transfer empyreans, but I am unable to make it work despite copying the above macro. At first I thought it was the empyreans but it works if I use inf and still doesn't if I use white salvage. It works for inf: /emailsendattachment @sovera "Emp" 100 0 0 "HAX" It still works if I sent a mail without attachments or inf: /emailsendattachment @sovera "Emp" 0 0 0 "HAX" It works to send inspirations but only the first one. Changing the last number from 0 or 1 prevents it from working: /emailsendattachment @sovera "Emp" 0 2 0 "HAX" Trying to send salvage simply does not work. According to an old post in another server the salvage number starts from left to right so the very first ought to be sent: /emailsendattachment @sovera "Emp" 0 11 1 "HAX" Edit: Alright, we're getting somewhere! I had a lightbulb when I looked at the different tabs and saw how 'Inventions' had 172 but these did not include incarnate materials. I currently have six incarnate salvage materials and one white salvage for testing purposes. The white salvage shows as first in the time window, but, the macro only worked when I used /emailsendattachment @sovera "Emp" 0 11 6 "HAX" which means they are not ordered as we see them in the window. Neither the first, nor the seventh. So, what happened now is that the macro suddenly worked: /emailsendattachment @sovera "Emp" 0 11 2 "HAX" where previous it did nothing. The empyrean is actually third in line though, after the white salvage and an arcane cantrip common incarnate material. The macro now works and I have zero clue as to why. The only thing that happened was that I managed to send the white salvage and collected it back. TL;DR Sell all salvage first for ease of use. If you have (i.e.) 10 salvage left then try the numbers in increments and you'll get there. It's a bit of a hassle but once having figured it (the easiest way is to use the command in the chat and alter, and once satisfied it works then make a macro with it) it's a ton easier to transfer empyreans. In my case I had 56. 56 times clicking on mail, drag one empyrean merit, click on message body and press a random key was worth it this bit of investigation for the future.
  12. Yeah, I posted it though it didn't seem to draw much interest 😄 And as you say, complete abuse of Storm Kick. I think it dropped to the second or third page of the forums. There's nothing glaringly wrong with the build you were using other than some minor slotting choices, I think your woes were indeed from not liking Psi Melee and not having an extra layer in softcapped melee or S/L.
  13. If you don't like you don't like, nothing to be done there, but you might have used, perhaps, a wonky build. Radiation Therapy is Dark Regen's little cousin and heals for full in an AoE situation. It's up every 20 seconds or less too. With a Theft of Essence proc it doubles the native endurance gain of the skill so you can completely coast through leveling and even max level just with that one skill. Particle Shield is icing on the cake and has double the recovery of Stamina on top of it. Beta Decay with the extra recharge it brings is really valuable too. The debuff resistances it has are phenomenal as well. The rest of your explanation is valid though. Resist sets usually want S/L and or melee softcaps to layer the defenses which in turn means throwing a bunch of slotting and power picks at it. I played my Tanker as a little beast with 45% melee/ranged/AoE + 90% resists and unsurprisingly with those stats it's stupidly survivable.
  14. That's what I do. I play one character at a time. And extremely seldomly return to a character once I have stopped playing it. But when I play a character I will do multiple alts of it with different powersets. They will all have the same background and costume.
  15. As others mentioned there are options in game for this. One I did not see mentioned is the super simple Recovery Serum bought at the P2W vendor. You can buy stacks and stacks of it por a 10k-per-charge pittance and they apply a tremendous Recovery buff that tends to overwhelm Clockwork and Freaks' early sapping.
  16. O_o; Nah, kidding, but man, you're hard to please when the current best meta armor is something you feel as mediocre 😄 What turned you off from it?
  17. I felt too squishy with the character to be enjoyable. I'm pondering a DM/Ice Stalker next, keep the triple proc approach. Ice has a great T9 that actually *does* function as a life saving button, Hoarfrost for tankyness. Siphon Life to help top life. But I don't know it if is going to be an improvement on this character. To be truthful nothing really lives up to my Claws/Bio Scrapper standards.
  18. About the same. I have a 2:30 wall that my Ice/, Staff/, and now KM/, have all hit on. But to put it in perspective people have talked about 2 minutes with their Ice/ and /Staff so I'm doing something wrong. I confess I expected more from this. With the damage maxed the crits should be hitting for as much as they can and then have triple procs added, then +25% damage from /Bio. 2.30 is just ok. 2:00 would be good, and under 2:00 would be great. I believe you're thinking of Genetic Corruption. I skip it for the reasons you're mentioned.
  19. Aaaand I finally copied the character to the Brainstorm server to do a pylon test. 2:30 was the average.
  20. One thing I had noticed in the past but attributed to lack of proper slotting is how useless Parasitic Aura is. I am sure that in spreadsheet terms it has value, but in practical in-game terms I have yet to use it and notice it did anything noticeable for my survival. Things such as: - Doing Maria Jenkin's arc against those annoying robots. They do some sort of debuff and stack DoTs. Seeing my HP at half I use Parasitic Aura only to see the shield devoured in seconds and me dying anyway. - Jumping into the middle of the ambush atop the hill in the first ITF mission. Using Parasitic agroed everything and they all turned on me and I died in seconds. - Fighting the last boss of the ITF and using Parasitic during the first moments of the fight to it hit the last boss and all his Nictus. It did nothing measurable since the auto-hits chewed through the shield and the regen didn't even recoup my HP noticeably. Basically the squishyness of Bio is stark. Barrier is the real panic button flooding us with resistances and defenses to survive when things get sour. This brings me back to thinking about using /Ice. The loss of the 25% damage is unpalatable but Icy Bastion is a *real* T9 with 30 seconds uptime and one minute downtime that maxes resistances *and* super charges regen without the need for targets. But with Barrier taking the role of T9 (so to speak) Bio is durable and there is no need to lose on the 25% damage.
  21. What an epic saga! I have but one like to give 😄 I'm still amazed how you guys have your mains and stick to it. In the meanwhile near a year later and I'm still bouncing from one character to the next.
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