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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Am I the only one who gets the program lagging tremendously? I'm not sure if it's a memory leak or what, but I will click on a slot, be in the process of looking at the IOs and the window closes by itself. I will click on the slot again, it will stay open for a few seconds while I'm looking, then it closes again. I need to be very fast in opening the slot, picking the set and click on the IO I want to slot in. It sometimes help if I minimize all programs and only have HD up over my desktop, but even that is not a sure way of preventing the lag. For example, it is *very* common to hover the mouse over a power and have the description of another power over it. Then, but only sometimes, after a good five, six second wait the description of the actual power shows up. But sometimes it does not and it requires a lot of mouse moving to get the actual description of the power I place the cursor over. This does not happen all the time, but closing and starting Hero Designer does not fix it like it usually does to memory leaking programs
  2. Hmm. The problem with Ageless is that it knocks a full 5% on the proc chance. I also checked the difference between Damage/Endurance and Accuracy/Damage/Recharge in Thunderstrikes and it is of 2%. 26 to 28 in X-Ray Beam, 33 to 35 in Cosmic Burst, and 35 to 37 in Cosmic Burst. The purple proc loses a full 4%. Too little recharge and we get gaps in the ST chain though, so perhaps switch to Damage/Endurance, gain 2%, then use Ageless and lost 5%, effectively 3% but examplaring will be more painful once losing incarnates. Another revised build. Bigger emphasis on Ranged % to make up the loss of the Thunderstrike bonus if/when examplered down. Took out a slot from the endurance clicky (like hell I'm spelling that :p) but made up for it by replacing the T1 for the T2 to gain Defensive Opportunity and a smidgen more base damage. I could remove the four slots from Aim and spread them to the resistance auto for another near 4% res to all and AoE leaving AoE at 44.5% and the last slot either in Stamina for more base recovery or back to the endurance clicky. Hasten down to 128 seconds.
  3. ...the simplest answers under one's nose. In my country we say if it was a dog it would have bitten you. That seems perfect. On top of it it gives debuff resistance which is wildly useful in a variety of ways.
  4. Ooh, double like for you if I could, @nihilii, I wasn't even aware of that particular tooltip. Good show! So the procs seem to be averaging 35% and 36-38% if I replace the accuracy/damage/recharge for something else. Also, I'm starting to think I should just name the build as 'beast build' 😄 It started as a good AoE lawnmower, and then with the added tips and rework it has become a good AoE lawnmower but also triple procced ST chain with two different stacking -res procs built into the attack chain. And still softcapped. Pity about Hasten but I'm waiting for @oldskool to show me what he did with his DP/Nin build to see if I can get the same results.
  5. Alright, proc based version of the radiation build. Melee was pushed 5% more against DDR (had cascading failures against Crey while leveling despite being at 45%). By +5-ing the Thunderstrike pieces i get some decent-ish stats, though the bonus will be lost if going under level 45 since its no longer attuned. Ranged will go down to 43% if so, which is still decent for examplar content. I don't know what witchery @oldskool used to get his Hasten perma but mine is stuck at 132 seconds despite being +5 as well. I guess it's okay still.
  6. While I leveled, and when farming in the AE, I noticed that the sapping worked fine, but playing at 50 the sapping without those extra slots and backed by /elec is no longer really doing much. At least that I noticed. Still, after radiation I sort of miss the sapping, yeah.
  7. Is there a way to remove this? What is this about turning off haste and does it help?
  8. I was messing around with the radiation build to incorporate procs, but I don't know if it is Pines lying to me, but the numbers don't seem super interesting. Considering the brouhaha about procs I'm leaning on Pines. But it shows my regular slotting in Cosmic Burst with just one proc doing 253 damage, and triple procced as doing 285. Neutrino Blast with my usual slotting without procs as 113 and triple procs as 130. I was leveling the radiation version since I had already done the elec before, but it's not clicking with me. Only level 33 so far, but the sapping was more useful than the -def, although the -def will allow for -res procs. I can't seem to get Hasten to be perma though it's not a big deal either. Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build!
  9. Do you have a link to that? I'd like to see how to improve this further.
  10. If I wasn't chasing for global recharge I would try that. Triple proc goodness ought to be lovely to watch. But global recharge fuels a lot of the build(s) and neither radiation nor elec has a KD we can tie a Force Feedback to. Much like you I too build always considering solo/random pugs. In a static group we could min max but with randoms who may or may not be min maxed, may or may not have powers slotted with -res... Same reason we softcap via set bonus instead of having a static group with 8xManeuvers.
  11. One thing to consider is that mechanically speaking Radiation plays in a similar fashion. The difference being in how Thunderous Blast is a fireball effect and Atomic Blast is a PbAoE, but otherwise both have a targeted AoE and a PbAoE sharing the same cooldowns and numbers across the board with radiation being generally faster to animate. The secondary effects are also different. Elec can and does sap enemies even without trying, but this works more on inconsequential targets. It is common to see enemies sapped dry and no longer attacking, but it is also common to either kill them before this happens, or them ignoring the effect such as AVs, or even EBs. What Radiation has is a -defense effect that usually fails to have much use since we usually have abundant accuracy from sets. But it allows to slot -res effects which will increase our damage, but also of the team (assuming they don't have them slotted as well because they do not stack). In the Pylon thread over the Scrapper forums the best numbers are always attributed to managing to sneak in -res procs. With one of these slotted in to feed the ST chain and another (different one so they stack with each other) in Atomic Blast we receive a bonus, which is the fact that -res is the only effect that increases a proc's damage. A Fulcrum Shifted character will do the exact same proc damage, but one attacking a mob with a -res effect will do that bit extra. And we are sort of proc heavy without having gone overboard. I initially leaned towards Elec since it possessed a sapping effect, but as I played I realized the sapping is not all that useful so now I can't really say which one is really best, though gut says Radiation. Radiation version of the build. Slightly worse Hasten but at 125 seconds I still consider it acceptable: Hero Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build!
  12. I love you guys. It's been so very long since the last news I had started to give up up on the game being worked on. Sentinel still has wrong information in the text boxes and bugs in powers not doing what they says they do, and a player in the forums having worked out how the Offensive Opportunity is so gimped.
  13. These are good changes in my book. As someone who took Stealth to enjoy complete stealth with the IO I was headscratchey at finding my Hover doing less 5 MPH with it turned on, which prompted another respec.
  14. For those who read my last build where I lamented over the fact its AoE was weak this is what I came up with. It pleases me on the AoE front though losing the 'fun' and beastly survivality that the Sonic/Bio boasted from an early stage. There are several persons in this thread that helped refine the build, between help with Ageless tips and alternative slotting, but @oldskoolis the one I'm going to name as the one who pushed and paved the way towards the triple proc alternate. The early iteration was an Elec/Ninjutsu that turned into a Rad/Ninjutsu for the ability to slot more procs. The real difficulty here is the theme, as my friend mockingly asked 'So, you're a ninja who throws radioactive beams?' Well, listen here you little sh-.. Ahem! My early builds focused heavily on /bio for the yummy 30% extra damage, though /bio has some great defensive tools in Rebuild DNA and Ablative shield to the point of making everything else extraneous. No need for Defensive Stance, no need for Parasitic Leech. This came at the cost of only having defenses up to 33% and needing to munch on a small purple inspiration to render me softcapped. This *usually* worked fine but it became annoying if I happened to run out of purples which was *very* noticeable in combat. Even with inspiration combining binds this happened enough to annoy me. So I switched to Ninjutsu. Easy softcap to the point I didn't even take the fighting pool. Endurance clicky (very useful while leveling. Still useful to pop between packs), heal (okay heal, nothing special), built in stealth (sure, why not?). The alternative would be Super Reflexes but it lacks a built in heal even though it boasts of an absorb shield. In my testing Aid Self simply did not keep up with the damage though. The reasoning was simple: instead of doling out purples and be in danger if I run out I instead run on reds which makes up for the offensive output of /Bio. This has worked very very well. The build boasts of not having the Fighting Pool which minimized the useless powers in it. One thing Pines was tripping me was saying that Shinobi-ri can not be used with Combat Jumping, but after testing they do work together. The build could have used Energy Aura and it's still something to consider because the heal in Ninjutsu is weak (IMO). It's a nice pick-me-up but it is not going to save anyone if the going gets tough. But EA is typed and after several Bio builds I was getting a bit sick of worrying about picking small bonuses to 36 different damage types (for example, it will always have a toxic and psi weakness though neither is a popular damage type). Still, with EA's built-in recharge bonus and its heal having a big regen component to it I will probably work on an alternate build using it. I play a Council farm when in a farming mood (I prefer Council since they run to me, where fire mobs tend to stay at a distance plinking at me. In either case neither fire nor Council mobs hurt in the slightest) and I don't think it lags much behind traditional farming builds. With the T4 Musculature and T4 Degenerative I kill a pack with 10 seconds (no bosses) to spare for my nuke to recharge, which covers nicely travel distance to the next pack. For those newer to the game working towards getting the +1 shift from Incarnates is a big big damage boost since +4 enemies turn into +3. This alone increases the damage and the accuracy factor by a lot. I started with Neutrino Bolt and eventually changed to X-Ray Beam. The ST chain worked fine, so it's a matter of picking Offensive Opportunity or Defensive. With @Sunsette having done research on Offensive and showing there is no huge gain on either at the very end-game just pick which one you care more. Don't hurt yourself trying to level with X-Ray Beam because it has a longer recharge than Neutrino and at the low levels there will be a biiiiiig gap. But, I think, after obtaining Proton Stream it is fine to switch Neutrino to X-Ray Beam because boy, is Neutrino bad or what? Caveat, in the low levels we favor burst damage more than sustain and having that extra damage tick may be more welcome. Make an informed choice though. X-Ray Beam does do a bit more base damage and the defensive Opportunity makes Endurance a non thing, but Ninjutsu's endurance clicky can take care of business allowing for Neutrino Blast and still allowing for the Destiny Incarnate to be a free pick. Chain Fences shines well in how it keeps everything clustered (do let them surround you first) but it also recharges so fast and is well slotted that an AV putting on a Benny Hill tape will find itself stuck in place before they can get going since AVs are weaker to immobilizes than they are to holds. The AoE rotation can be a simple Aim, Irradiate, Neutron Bomb (this gives times for mobs to come out of their stupor and rush to surround us), then Nuclear Blast, Irradiate, Chain Fences, Neutron Bomb and keep going until all are dead. Move Chain Fences up the list if mobs are starting to run earlier than that. In teams skip the fancy and just Aim, Nuclear Blast, Irradiate, Neutron Bomb. Pick a hard mob, Proton Stream, go back to Irradiate and Neutron Bomb. The opener ST rotation I am using is Aim, Proton Stream, Atomic Blast, Cosmic Burst, Proton Stream to ensure all fit in Aim. After that it's just Proton Stream, Cosmic Burst, X-Ray Beam until Aim has recharged. Overall while neither the build nor its results are nothing earth shattering (4 minute pylon kill) considering the cost of what went into it it does prime for its ease of use. ST attacks are triple procced for extra damage, nuke is up every 26 seconds, Chain Fences keeps stragglers from straggling, all the AoEs are circular and can be spammed, Lightning Field just ticks away while we're doing our thing, softcapped defenses defend, and both HP and endurance clickies keep us topped, which leaves the user free to use a movement bind to combine insps into reds. The last iteration of the build: - Softcap achieved, but without much of a buffer. Ninjutsu's DDR is poor, IMO. A hit or two and are cascading failuring hard. This leaves several options to explore. A) Ageless Radial Epiphany will make Hasten perma and have us chockful of DDR while also doing some minimal DPS increase. I will post my tests about this further below. No particular DPS increase, though the DDR aspect is still valid and perma Hasten is welcome. Having Aim and the T9 up sooner is helpful when in a team and the debuff resistance protects against sappers such as Freakshow (the endurance clicky is almost enough to keep up with Freakshow though). B) Barrier Core Epiphany will give a large defense boost and resistances. But, you might ask, we already are defense softcapped, won't the extra defense be useless? Yes and no. Yes, we won't make use of the extra defense past 45% (or 59% in incarnate content). But no since the extra defense will act as an absorb shield for our regular defense in terms of DDR,. Barrier also grants extra resists which will make us survive better. C) Rebirth. Large heal and regen to heal back the hits that we do take. In my experience playing the game I seldomly got whittled down little by little until I died which is where Rebirt would shine. It tends to be insta kills such as routinely standing in the middle of +4 ITF spawns without a hitch for the whole TF and suddenly one of the small fat bosses doing a spinning leap crit that kills me dead from full to empty on 1685 HP. That tells me that Barrier is going to be the smarter move to mitigate the nature of such deaths. But do we plan for the 5% deaths or the remaining 95% of the game? Decisions, decisions. Make an informed choice though. Smarter move? Get all three and use according to what content you're doing. - Resistances buffed where possible making for a near EA level of 23% S/L, a meaty 40% to Fire/Cold which is by accident, but welcome for dem farms, then 19% energy, negative, 33% toxic and 40% psi. I worked towards this because as I was leveling I felt squishy as hell when my softcapped defenses were punctured through. - 1658 HP. Get dem accolades. Yes, it's dull, but it's a 200 HP boost. There is a guide on these forums. The OP is a bit sparse but there are more comments after it that flesh out the thing. - All ST attacks are triple procced. The attack chain has just a small gap with Hasten up, not enough to use a weaker attack in the interrim. This is a two minute improvement on a pylon kill (six minutes with a 'normal' slotting) from the original build, so definitely go this route. - Hasten brought down to 128 seconds, which is acceptable, and perma if going with Ageless. - A substantial 3.84 endurance recovery (Hero Designer does not account for Performance shifter, but it's another 0.24 + 0.43 from Panacea on top of 3.17 native) which is helped by Defensive Opportunity and Ninjitu's endurance clicky... - ...which is good because I have two flex powers I don't know what to do with since I have no slots to spare. I took Tactics and Assault and they are probably too end heavy for what they provide, but between the native end recovery + Defensive Opportunity + Ninjitsu's endurance clicky it is more than fine. I did Pylon testing a few times already and even after 4 to 6 minutes of wailing on one I never had to use the endurance clicky. This despite running NINE toggles. The endurance never dipped further than 70% and the next Defensive Opportunity simply refilled the endurance bar. The endurance clicky is there for non stop running in missions or farming where we don't do ST attacks as much. Clicking on it as we run to the next spawn has us at full at the start of each fight. The build: To see the binds I am using that allow to have our mez clicky and Hasten going off automaticaly while also combining insps into reds check out this thread.
  15. You ought to have tried a demon thermal then. Still gets healing for pets and team, butthe res shields marry very well with res aura thatthe pets have, plus all the AV kiiling and team buffing tools thermal has.
  16. I ran a Citadel (CAVES!!!) and as usual paid zero attention to whom I recruited as long as they were willing. We ended up with FOUR MMs! IN TINY CAVES! It was glorious and we laughed all the way through it 😄
  17. Speaking of I just did one. Alternated Frost Sleet with Tornado to plink at the pylons without having summoned my pets. Reached the bowl phase and alternated those again to spread out the goodness. pets were mostly fine until they kept chasing mobs so far away they would be out of range and be one shot.
  18. I believe so, but it only hits one target.
  19. I'd settle for ranged pets staying at range even if they have to wait.
  20. Defenses works as you said, resistance will only work for the appropriate resistance.
  21. Well, that's good to know. It goes against what I have read, but if you have tested it then alright.
  22. From all I have heard Overwhelming only has a *chance* to turn a KB to a KD. Have you actually experimented this in game or were you just assuming it will act like this?
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