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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. After thinking about what you said I respecced back into Neutrino Bolt to have Offensive Opportunity back, and.... oh boy... Sunsette did warn that Offensive Opportunity wasn't all that... but the next runs were a consistent 5 minute 😄 ... 😅 ... 😭 ... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ! Yep. Defensive Opportunity shaved a minute off of OFFENSIVE Opportunity... I suppose the blame lays on Neutrino doing less damage than X-Ray Beam combined with the wasted clicks for endurance (which wasn't that bad, I could blast for a minute and a half to two minutes despite nine toggles before using the endurance clicky). Boy, am I disappointed here.... I mean, it's fine to say it's amazing sentinel DPS, but your Fire/Rad was a consistent 3 minutes or even lower.
  2. My bad, it's there, just not in the posted build. I'll fix it. I wouldn't exactly call 287 DPS as amazeballs though 😛 Even though there are some early numbers in the thread with epople having 7 and 10 minutes. But you're right. The idea was to skip on Offensive Mode of Bio and just pop red pills since I don't need purples ones. By not popping red pills I'm going against the build and obviously /Bio takes over since it has that native advantage. Nothing to do there in the name of fair testing though.
  3. I finally finished getting Hybrid to T4 as well. I tested on a Pylon and posted on the Pylon thread but will duplicate it here. I'll clean out the original post with the final build and findings. Radiation/Ninjutsu Sentinel. It's a generalist character aimed at all content and with a strong AoE bent. T4 Musculature Core Paragon, T4 Degenerative Core Flawless, T4 Assault Core Embodiment (not clicked). Endurance positive despite nine toggles up and never had a need to use the endurance clicky or the heal. Maybe go for the Offensive Opportunity to squeeze that little bit extra oomph. Chain consisted of Proton Stream, Cosmic Burst and X-Ray Beam, where X-Ray Beam substituted what ever clicky I had, such as Hasten or the anti-mez clicky. This last one was not used on CD but only when the effect was wearing off. I could have simply not used it but I'm doing the normal gameplay when out there. 4 minutes on the dot. I'm not sure if I did something wrong since the character *feels* like it hits hard but the time turned out average to meh. Not really sure what I could do to improve this further without -regen sources or outliers like Enflame (who doesn't even work for Sentinels, according to the beta server patch notes). While I felt a bit disappointed by the numbers compared to the outliers in this thread I'm revising that. This feels definitively like the AT is expected to behave. Nine toggles and endurance at 90% for the duration? Softcapped defenses to all and still be ranged and have a wide radius AoE, T9 included? Jump first into spawns? I had several /bio Sentinels which I eventually eschewed for this one under the reasoning that being at 33% defenses and need to dole out purples to be softcapped or be softcapped and munch on reds to replace the 30% of Offensive Adaption then I preferred being softcapped 100% of the time and turn my whole tray into reds with insp combining binds. Overall I'm still disappointed with 4 minutes but just in terms of bragging power. Edit: A new try without Atomic Blast to test if the long activation time was skewing things. 5 minutes and 29 seconds. Definitely use Atomic Blast, definitely. Attempt with Assault clicked: 3:49 seconds. What does this even *do*?! I still have a small gap and might build my Ageless next to test with but I doubt it will shave a minute or two. Re-edit: Crafted a T2 Ageless with what I had laying around. Zero difference or a bit worse. Will post again once having T4 just to test if there is a difference or not. In theory I should churn out Atomic Blasts and Aims more often which would toss more -res uptime into the mix.
  4. Radiation/Ninjutsu Sentinel. It's a generalist character aimed at all content and with a strong AoE bent. T4 Musculature Core Paragon, T4 Degenerative Core Flawless, T4 Assault Core Embodiment (not clicked). Endurance positive despite nine toggles up and never had a need to use the endurance clicky or the heal. Maybe go for the Offensive Opportunity to squeeze that little bit extra oomph. Chain consisted of Proton Stream, Cosmic Burst and X-Ray Beam, where X-Ray Beam substituted what ever clicky I had, such as Hasten or the anti-mez clicky. This last one was not used on CD but only when the effect was wearing off. I could have simply not used it but I'm doing the normal gameplay when out there. 4 minutes on the dot. I'm not sure if I did something wrong since the character *feels* like it hits hard but the time turned out average to meh. Not really sure what I could do to improve this further without -regen sources or outliers like Enflame (which doesn't even work for Sentinels, according to the beta server patch notes). While I felt a bit disappointed by the numbers compared to the outliers in this thread I'm revising that. This feels definitively like the AT is expected to behave. Nine toggles and endurance at 90% for the duration? Softcapped defenses to all and still be ranged and have a wide radius AoE, T9 included? Jump first into spawns? I had several /bio Sentinels which I eventually eschewed for this one under the reasoning that being at 33% defenses and need to dole out purples to be softcapped or be softcapped and munch on reds to replace the 30% of Offensive Adaption then I preferred being softcapped 100% of the time and turn my whole tray into reds with insp combining binds. Edit: A new try without Atomic Blast to test if the long activation time was skewing things. 5 minutes and 29 seconds. Definitely use Atomic Blast, definitely. Attempt with Assault clicked: 3:49 seconds. I still have a small gap and might build my Ageless next to test with but I doubt it will shave a minute or two.
  5. Something I found that helps with bestowing buffs is using: /optionset buffsettings 1184529 This removes autos and toggles from the status window allowing to only see clickies. It makes seeing who has or has not buffs much easier.
  6. Mid's Reborn and Pines were the protoypes, now it's Hero Designer and a good thing too with all three pooling their efforts into a consolidated project.
  7. Sentinel has it. I picked it, and yeah, it's pretty darn noisy.
  8. I can't see Opportunity gains on the combat log, but after testing either it was a fluke or me misremembering with the chaos of combat. Irradiate seems to be a constant 8 Opportunity no matter the targets hit and Neutron Bomb 13 Opportunity.
  9. You're trying to fire two powers which is why it will not work. To fire two powers you need to use the auto command which goes around that limitation.
  10. Are you using Hero Designer?
  11. I have re-thought how the system works and will edit it again tomorrow with an improved system. Nothing will really prevent the un-auto if pressed twice in a row though. Edit: It is done.
  12. The easiest thing to do then, would be to just follow a build since someone else already has done the math. You could grab Hero Designer to check for yourself the numbers with slotting and all.
  13. I've noticed Rad's Irradiate procs more than once, but nowhere to the crazyness of Sonic's Shockwave and Howl. I don't have hard numbers though, and not close to the game to give them just yet.
  14. I have pretty much finished the build now. All the purples, all the ATOs superior-ed. The only thing I still lack is boosting all the IOs in the build to +5, though the gains seem small (HD shows Cosmic Burst going from 312 to 318 damage with +5 slots). Spent part of today getting all the accolades and I'm at 1658HP which is a nice 200 HP boost. Thoughts so far: - Endurance is fine. Just with Ninjutsu's endurance clicky things might have been tight with eagle eyed hovering over it as it recharges, but with Defensive Opportunity added in the loss of endurance is actually pretty low since every DO activation actually makes me endurance positive with my bar slowly refilling. Not enough to be perpetually with a full bar but the endurance clicky comes in then. - Still squishy. Too many things puncture through softcapped defenses. Which leads to... - ...I need to be less aggressive about going into melee to abuse Lightning Field/Irradiate and save them for farming. - Ninjutsu's 26% DDR does not keep up in the slightest. I would need at least 50-52% to not go under the softcap under a single slash of a sword. - Damage is moooooore than okay. Farming and a +4 pack dies in fifteen seconds with just Musculature at T4. Seriously, and Fire is the AoE set? The ST damage also takes chunks out of enemies which I doubt the current bugged Fire can do with the lack of procs on top of said bugs. I'll test against a pylon once I have the rest of the incarnates T4ed just to see how it behaves even if I don't expect thugs/storm 1000 DPS performance 😜 - ST chain is fine without Ageless. Minimal minimal gap. I intended to grab Ageless to perma Hasten but not *needing* it the choice is now open. Barrier would largely fix the resistances while the extra defense would act as an absorb shield in terms of DDR. But Rebirth would add a large heal (almost 900HP) plus a regen that would simply heal back the hits that manage to get through and negate the need to use Ninjutsu's not too brilliant heal. Decisions decisions... - I feel presumptuous enough to say I don't need more damage so for Hybrid instead of Assault I could instead go for Melee. Regen is good and resist would be be very much welcome. But to be honest Hybrid does not thrill me due to the 2 minute CD. I would rather have it at half power for 100% of the time than having a 50% uptime. If I am depending on that regen and resist I can't have it down. An all defensive line-up would make no sense though. Ageless is not going to appreciably increase DPS since the ST chain is already near gapless. So I could use that for one of the defensive options (leaning on Rebirth, though I already *have* a heal. Barrier would negate (sort of) the lack of DDR while adding a big chunk of dwindling resistances to mitigate the damage. While Rebirth would mitigate the incoming damage a cascading failure would mean a lot of incoming damage, perhaps more than it would help against. Prevent instead of heal is a good motto. For something like SR without a built-in heal and heaps of baked in DDR I'd say Rebirth would be the best choice). It makes more sense that, since Destiny does not have a damage increasing choice, then it ought to be the defensive boost of the build leaving Hybrid for the damage boost. This suits me more in any case since I don't want to depend on Hybrid for survival with it's 50% uptime. Not that Barrier/Rebirth is *actually* 100% due to its dwindling nature that would only give 5% for the last minute of its existence, but it can be a panic button and the 5% fit in what I feel to be needed to combat cascading failures.
  15. This was an emotional rollercoaster 😄 You're an amazing nut, good grief, two hours butting heads in something like this. I'm almost done with my build to start trying my own luck. But I will need more since I tried a mere +2 ITF in a GROUP and got slammed down by a random patrol. Ninjutsu's DDR is crap. Will get Ageless with DDR before trying anything.
  16. @oldskool, my dude, both of these are amazing, but the WP write-up takes the cake. That was sheer poetry.
  17. I've been meaning, and wanting, to ask the resident sentinel forum inhabitants about meeting up in game and doing some runs together. I, for one, am happy we don't have a cross server LFG because it means we meet the names and faces and get to be acquainted. I actually ran into Sunsette earlier and we briefly spoke and it reinforced my wish, so here I am! Not that an all AT run has as much gusto these days with incarnates that tear through content, but, hey, meet and greet.
  18. Regen cap was mentioned, its 2000%. I've actually achieved it but on a dom with Drain Psyche. Blasters also get their own version though the cap is 1500% for them. Even at 2000% it did not keep me alive under focused fire though it was *amazing* at seeing my HP bounce back up from stray shots. Regen has a few goodies, but regen regen is achieved by other sets with different goodies. For example, elec also gets around the 700-ish% regen, but backed by a lot of resistances even though it does not get an absorb shield.
  19. Alright, the last iteration of the build. I don't see where to improve this further but I welcome advice if anything looks tweakable. - Softcap achieved, but without much of a buffer. In theory Ageless Radial Epiphany should have us chockful of DDR though. - Resistances buffed where possible making for a near EA level of 23% S/L, a meaty 40% to Fire/Cold which is by accident, but welcome for dem farms, then 19% energy, negative, 33% toxic and 40% psi. I worked towards this because as I was leveling I felt squishy as hell with my softcapped defenses punctured through. At these resists and nearly 1700 HP I hope to survive better. - All ST attacks triple procced. The attack chain might have gaps without Ageless but I will do actual testing in game. - Hasten brought down to 128 seconds, which is acceptable, and perma with Ageless. - A substantial 3.84 endurance recovery (Hero Designer does not account for Performance shifter, but it's another 0.24 + 0.43 from Panacea on top of 3.17 native) which is helped by Defensive Opportunity and Ninjitu's endurance clicky... - ...which helps because I have two flex powers I don't know what to do with since I have no slots to spare. I took Tactics and Assault and they are probably too end heavy for what they provide, but between the native end recovery + Defensive Opportunity + Ninjitsu's endurance clicky it ought to be fine.
  20. Your posts are a pleasure to read. I like to think and reason about build choices, but you actually go out there and provide test results.
  21. This is what i am talking about btw. That lag after changing slots and the closing of the window. Though it came after having changed IOs and the lag and we might think its related the IO selection windows closes on its own with or without having done anything previously.
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