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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I ripped the idea from a poster who used to have one similar. I never did find out who this person was though even though I was familiar with him on the live forums. However, this is my Stalker killing Ms. Liberty in Atlas and I made a gif from it. It was more of a test run since today is the first time I ever made a gif, before today I had no idea how to do it. So this is a temporary gif to hold the place until I create a new one of Solarverse in game. I'm just trying to think of a proper theme to record under before making a gif for him. Short version: This was a practice run so I posted the result until I can get one of my Main in game.
  2. Ms. Liberty, a proud woman who has stood strong and heroic in Atlas Park for over 16 long and hard years, keeping the fledgling heroes safe and training them in the ways of Truth, Justice and the American way, still in her youthful prime with a full life ahead of her, was sadly taken from us today by an evil Stalker Villain by the name of Casket, who had escaped the The Zigursky Prison (Zig) in Brickstown early this morning. Ms. Liberty has protected this city and kept the civilians safe and has never once asked for anything in return. She has given her heart and soul to our beloved city and sadly she was taken from us in the blink of an eye by an evil soul who was due to be put to death later this week. Our city will never forget Ms. Liberty and she will live on in the hearts and memories of us all. Video footage of the moment she lost her life was recorded by a tourist hoping to catch a glimpse of the mighty Ms. Liberty in action. R.I.P. Ms Liberty. 😞
  3. Yikes, sounds like a nightmare. I'll leave you to it then, good luck and thank you.
  4. Link does not work, just a heads up. Also, I have v2.7.2.10 (Database Issue: 26, Version: 20.0515) I am assuming this is the correct one and hitting the Update button in the Options Menu will get me the latest version when everything is updated for i27?
  5. I agree. I have my Blappers and I have my Blasters. For my Blappers it would be handy. Even still, I feel it could have used a DoT to go with it to make it more useful in the Enhancements department.
  6. The Quick Rundown In theory, I find this to be a well rounded secondary for Blasters. It couples Knock Back with Repel for one of the best Thrust type powers (which I wish like hell they would do this for Thrust in the Energy Melee set!) in game, second only to Ki Push, with a Smashing + Energy Resist Shield that also has a +Recovery component, a resist to Sleep and a small absorption component to boot. Sure, 7% Resist may be a small number, but with the help of Elec Shield in the Epic Pool and IO's, you should easily be able to soft cap your resistance to Smashing and Energy Damage and only miss the mark by a small number to Lethal. Straight out of the gate, that is one kick ass power! Sonic also comes with a Ranged hold that does a decent amount of damage when coupled with the other 2 melee damage powers; both of which have a threatening amount of damage themselves. The Build-Up power not only enhances your strength to damage and accuracy, but also gives a 25% strength to confuse or terrorize powers for a short amount of time, which may make this a good set to pair with Dark Primary; however, I feel that the set should have catered more to the Sonic Primary instead of adding bonuses to a powerset that has absolutely nothing to do with its Primary counterpart. It has an AoE that not only does on par damage with other sets, but also comes with a 30% chance for a 1.5 Mag Hold for 5.96 seconds that will temporarily put a few minions out of commission for a bit, giving you just enough time to escape melee range. Disruption Aura as it stands I think is a power that you could easily skip due to its only function being a -14% resist to all damage AoE Debuff, but only within melee range. Since a Blaster spends most of their time at ranged, I think that power is going to be arguably the worst power in the set and many people will most likely feel that it will be well worth skipping. Sound Cannon is also going to be a hit and miss due to the fact that it has no damage, is yet another knock back cone that stuns (if paired with Sonic Primary, that is just going to be way too many cone powers that virtually do the same thing) and costs even more endurance than the AoE Damage ability. For a 45 foot range power that does zero damage and has a function that other powers in the primary set already cover, I think the end cost of this power is going to cause players who might have taken the power to skip it once they realize the end cost is not worth the price of what the power actually does. I personally feel the set could have used another single target melee attack power that does damage rather than having this power that will most likely be skipped by a lot of players. Earsplitter is a power that I think many will find very useful. It has great damage, has a 75% chance for a 3 Mag Hold for 5.96 seconds and does Smashing/Energy Damage. I don't see many people skipping this power. Which leads me to my main concern with this set...it's simply not visually appealing when it comes to the set's animations and feels more like a Defender Primary set than a Blaster Secondary set. For me, animations, visuals and sounds are very important for theme of a character and this set simply put does not fit the bill in my opinion. Animation and Visuals Rundown Sonic Thrust: This has a great animation, similar to Thrust from the Energy Melee Set and I would not change anything about this power's animation. This is perfect! Strident Echo: This power uses the same animation as Umbral Torrent (which I am not a fan of for that power, I think Unbral Torrent should have used the same animation as Torrent for Energy Blasters instead) which I most certainly associate more with a ranged power than a Melee Power. I feel the power should have used the animation for Havoc Punch with fists wrapped in Sound Vibration Energy which would have given it more of a melee feel than a ranged feel. The animation for this power is enough to make me skip it even though I know the set needs it for my play style. Echo Chamber: This power's animation is "okay" because it is a ranged attack, however, I think using the Umbral Torrent animation would have worked more here since that animation uses the hands and even though ranged, it is still a power in the melee set. Sound Booster: Leave this the same. Perfect as is. Deafening Wave: This is the power that makes me truly hesitant on playing this set at all. The animation is that of a Toggle Buff activation, the current animation looks nothing like an AoE Attack power. When cast, this makes you feel like you are casting a buff rather than delivering a devastating blow to all surrounding enemies. In my opinion, this should have use a Ground Pound animation or the Psychic Scream animation; preferably the ground pound. Sound Barrier: This is another "okay" animation, but I feel it would feel much more natural and powerful if this was given the same animation as Build-Up. As a side note: Blasters can give themselves shields but Defenders can't? Defenders can cast bubbles large enough to engulf their whole team, cast bubbles and barriers that encase each of their team mates, but they just can't figure out how to give themselves a shield, eh? Look out! Here comes a Blaster! The Blaster has figured out what the Defender cannot! A bit silly, but that is just a side note gripe. 😄 Disruption Aura: This power should have been given the animation that Deafening Wave has, it's a toggle power and would have made way more sense to use that animation here instead of giving it to an AoE Damage power. It's bad enough the power has a minimal use, but this animation just makes it even worse for me. Sound Cannon: This power is using a Single Target (or most relatable to single target) animation for a Cone. I feel the Howl animation from the Sonic Attack set would have fit much better here and made a lot more sense. Earsplitter: Yet another melee ability using the animation of a ranged Sonic Attack. The Power Crash (same animation as Stun) from the Energy melee set would have fit beautifully here and would have made the set feel more melee rather than a set that is confused. 😄 Wrapping it Up So as we can see, my main complaint about the set is the animations and some visuals that make no sense to a melee set. Sure, I take a couple of small issues with individual powers, but over all I feel it is a great set with great functionality. I think this could easily be one of the most favored secondaries in game for blasters; if it were given a bit of love in the visuals/animations department. Other than that, good work Devs. I can only hope you guys take some of this in to consideration when you are making/considering alternate animations/visuals as an option for this set. Thanks for lending me your ear...or eyes as it may be and taking the time to read this.
  7. I have not played the new content yet. I am waiting for...reasons... However, having said that, I can say that your title is probably going to garner you more hostility than you would have received if you had just titled it, "Positive Feedback in Hopes for a Better Future for CoH" or something like it. However, your title indicates that you think this game is a fail and the Devs are a fail...you are going to get a lot of players who will disagree with you straight out of the gate before they even have a chance to read your post, regardless if your post brings up valid points or not. Other than that, I have nothing to add since I have not had a proper chance to run the new content yet.
  8. It's fixed now. PK took a look in to it and got it corrected.
  9. I use them often, but I also play a lot of Tanks and use them to cover the holes in my build's resistance. However, that doesn't mean I am against giving them a fair buff to put them in line with Purples.
  10. Interesting. One thing I have noticed is that from time to time, versions that I have recorded as being the latest version are somehow changed in the CoH Modder Tool. Example: Every so often I make notes on what latest versions I have available and then I update my page accordingly. A couple of weeks later I will go to update them again and notice that the versions I had previously recorded have changed to look something like this... Solarverse's Updated Mod List Week 1 Terminator SFX Mod (v11) Week 3 Terminator SFX Mod (v8) Even though I had on 1 week recorded a version of (v11) I will go to update again two weeks later and find that what used to be (v11) had been changed to (v8) I just chalked it up to human error and left it at that. However, since you are asking me if I have noticed anything out of the ordinary, that's all I got for you. I have not changed my methods of uploading new mods or my methods of updating mods. I just think it is more likely to happen to me because I do it more often and make new mods more often than most others. As far as that mod specifically, no...I don't recall anything being out of place or different with that specific mod. I did change the notes on it though. Maybe that is what caused it? I don't usually change the notes of a Mod when I update it, but this one I did change the notes on. That could have something to do with it. Also, as a side note: What if we want to change the name of a Mod? That particular mod covers more than just Thermal now, it actually covers all AoE Heals. Is there a way to change the name of a Mod without getting you involved?
  11. They don't in my opinion. However, I am just going by the pattern I have seen and I assume there is a hell of a lot more coding involved when you have all of the AT's have different mechanics with their relative power sets. Trust me, I was one of those people who preferred certain power sets be exclusive to the AT they started on. However, that was done away with, so if we could give each AT their own mechanic with their relative power sets I would be thrilled. I just don't see it being feasible due to the extra coding and the minimal volunteer Dev Team.
  12. This probably does not belong here, but the only issues I have with any of the new content were the character animations used for Sonic Manipulation. I think they really picked some very weak animation for a DPS Class. Most of those animations are more fitting for Controlling or Defender Classes and match soft control abilities. Even the Melee Attacks look extremely weak, the AoE Damage ability looks like he is casting an AoE Buff, not a Damage power...very very poor animations and it completely turns me off from the set. I am also not a fan at all in how Dark Melee was handled for Melee characters or Blasters. I feel like Death Shroud should have been the +Regen +Recovery for Blasters and it should have been given a PBAoE +Recharge per NPC in Melee Range for Scrappers, Tanks and so forth. I think they should have went with the Teleport AoE for Dark Consumption like they originally talked about and then (because Stalkers could not get that option) give Stalkers a chance to proc an AoE version of Midnight Grasp if they so chose to! All of which I brought up on the Testing phase. So, do I think the Devs were perfect in how the implemented things? No, I do not. However, I not only pointed out my specific issues with what has been released, but I also did not use words like, "most people" or words like, "rushed out content" to make my case. I provided what I took issue with and how I would personally have handled it to keep it constructive rather than taking stabs at the Devs. I provided feedback that they can actually look at and discuss for a possible future update rather than making the Devs my personal whipping boy. So that would be my personal gripe about the patch that I did actually bring up during testing but I also kept it constructive. So when making a gripe about something it often helps to keep it constructive to show that you have actual reasons behind your gripe and possible solutions.
  13. Hahaha, too funny! I had to enlarge it to see that it was the world's smallest violin! I thought it was a tiny red hot pepper, lol.
  14. Hahahahaha! Just noticed your Sig...too f***ing funny, man! I love it! 😆
  15. Okay, I take it back, I guess it was just a one time fluke. I can't seem to replicate it at all. I should have done more testing before posting and I jumped the gun. Sorry for that.
  16. Funny as hell to think about, but I don't think I'll be doing that, lol.
  17. And leaves a sad country song playing on your stereo to boot as it drives away...right before you PC goes BOOM!
  18. Not to be a jerk or anything, but you had soooo much time to add in your input before it went live. The time to heap praise, poke holes and point out blunders was ages ago. Please elaborate. I honestly have no idea what this implies and instead of making assumptions as to what this means, I would rather you explain further. You got to be careful saying, "but mostly what many didn't want" without having statistics to back it up. I have made statements similar to this and even though in my mind I speak truth when making such statements, it's a statement that requires evidence to back up. From my perspective, most people did want those changes and even welcomed them. However, this is just from my perspective and without running the statistics on my own, I won't make the statement as if it is truth, but rather as an opinion. Why is this lame? Actually, there was a gigantic group who pushed for these changes across 2 (possibly 3) different platforms...all of which you have every right and means to contribute. Not only did you have these forums that had been advertised by the Developers for a very long time, but you also had Discord and (not positive on this one) Reddit. There were a lot of people who contributed ideas...some of which were used, some of which were not, others were combined in to one idea using multiple ideas. You think this is rushed? Might I suggest you try any of the other servers? These Devs has spent ten times the amount of time testing and getting things right than any of the other servers out there and I will even go out on a limb and say they have spent more time testing than all the other servers combined. I honestly feel like this right here quoted above is a very entitled statement that comes with very negative implications. This is a very entitled statement when you consider your other options available to you.
  19. It's never just that easy and I think you know it. It lacks the proper advertisement that an in game button upon character creation could provide. Even if he/she were to advertise on these forums or in game, it still would not garner the attention of enough people because psychologically, people are more drawn to something that is "official" rather than self imposed. This is why I never agree to people using, "just self impose it on yourself, problem solved" comments, it's simply unrealistic when it sounds great on paper, but in practice never works out the same way.
  20. Okay, so I switched characters and it has sound on my Scrapper. Will dig in to this a bit more and post back.
  21. Just as the title says. No sound from Secondary Mutation since the patch today.
  22. For me personally, they should have just put it back the way it was during i5 and added a +Recharge buff to Death Shroud (+Recovery +Regen for the Blaster version to get away from that damn target click ranged fear b.s.) and called it a day. I truly loved the Teleport version of the Dark Consumption idea that they were tossing around, but they didn't do that because of Stalkers being unable to get that power, even though they could have just added a proc system to turn the Stalker version of Midnight Grasp into an AoE to make up for that to allow for more diversity in the Stalker set and then called it a day.
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