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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Wait, what? Why would you want Foot Stomp, arguably the most iconic sound effect in game to be changed? I thought you were saying that you wanted Takeoff to sound like Foot Stomp when it hit targets. If you are wanting Foot Stomp's sound effect changed, I don't think you are going to find very many people who will get on board with that. Edit: Nevermind, I see what you are asking for now. You just want the "Foot Stomp hits nothing" sound effect to change. I have an idea....stay tuned.
  2. I made this video for that very question. You can also find more videos and Sound Mods in my Sig.
  3. The only thing they would have to change now (with this mod in place) is remove the file that makes it play when hitting no NPCs and let it only use that file when it actually hits NPCs and it would be perfect.
  4. Just made a mod, tested it and it sounds wonderful. Check it out and get back to me. It's called Takoff Mod. The only side effect is that it plays the hit file regardless if you hit a target or not...which to me that is just off. However, we have no control over that. It does still stack though when hitting multiple targets.
  5. Not true. It uses a hit file instead called psionicmelee_Hit.ogg which is located at sound\ogg\powers. However, using pggviewer pro, it does not show up...in fact none of the powers for that particular pool power group shows up. However, I am willing that if I modified that file and placed it in the Data folder under that destination, it would work. Having said that, the sound can be changed, however, what it will also affect is the Hit effect for Project Will and Wall of Force. So unless you don't use those two powers, it can be done. Your idea is the optimal direction we would want to take, but to do that the Devs would have to write new code which means they probably wouldn't be talking this any time soon. However, in the mean time, as long as you don't use Project Will and Wall of Force, I can cook you something up that will give you the same effect you desire.
  6. Or I can customize one for you that makes it sound like the one you want. All I have to do is put the crash sound in by cutting out the initial wind-up and add it to the hit effect and that should give you the sound you want instead of the Thud. I have the tools to do it and make it sound good. Just an option till if/when they do what you request. I'm not against the idea though.
  7. Same here. I have also suggested we stay away from locking costumes and tried tossing out other ideas while welcoming other alternative ideas that others have mentioned. It seems this thread keeps going back to the costumes again and again even after we have said that we will back off the gated costumes rout. We simply can't seem to break away from that because people keep bringing it back up. 😞
  8. If you check the front page, there is actually a tutorial video on how to do just that. Hope it helps.
  9. NOOOOOO! Then somebody somewhere would ask me to create a Lightsaber SFX Mod for staves! 😠
  10. I think you hit it right on the head of the nail here. That makes complete sense, especially since I stopped PvPing after i13. I was one of the PvPers who left PvP in mass exodus after the i13 nerf. It's a completely different world in PvP now than it was when I last PvPed. I'm not even sure if I could even get in to PvP today with the way it is today.
  11. I ran tests against a low level character who had zero IOs and absolutely zero resists to slows or -recharge. It was sad really. I think you are right though, PvP today (I have not PvPed yet since i13, prior to i13 I lived and breathed PvP) is all about Defense (since resistance seems to be given without much effort) vs Straight forward DPS and high Accuracy +ToHit.
  12. Thread has been updated to include a list of newest versions to altered mods.
  13. Check my last post, I think that could be a good compromise.
  14. There are certain powers or sets I believe should never miss but only because it makes zero sense to miss with them. Laser Beam Eyes or any power that shoots from the eyes would be one of them. It's like, wait...is my character cross eyed? How did I miss a target that hits whatever I am looking at? Or Psi abilities that fire from thought. That never made sense to me how that could miss either. If anything at all in game gets a 100% chance to hit (unless your character is debuffed) it should only be powers that make sense to have a 100% chance to hit. But giving all powers across the board a 100% chance to hit is a big no otherwise.
  15. For some people such as myself, we get more enjoyment from a game when we feel challenged. We don't want it to be near impossible, but a challenge is nice.
  16. That sounds too much like purposely gimping yourself which is something I completely disagree with.
  17. It's called making sacrifices in one aspect of the game to achieve a goal in another. I have no choice since most ideas put out there were shot down...so it caused me to look in to other avenues. Besides, I also made the suggest that this only activate during Incarnate Trials.
  18. Ugh...pvp has changed so much I can't even get in to it anymore. I even noticed slows or -recharge is a joke in PvP now. That counted my Ice/Cold out. Yet back in the day my Ice/Cold was no joke.
  19. I understand your frustration. What I try to do in order to hit as many as possible is I target the center back furthest NPC, that way I know I will hit as many of them as possible. Frost Breath and Fire Breath has the same issue. So until the Devs add to the Range, that will be the best we can hope for I think.
  20. I took my level 35 Beam Rifle Blaster to PI and shot at a level 50 CoT and it indeed showed miss.
  21. I did not realize that was an issue that you were having. It was not mentioned before. I'll check it out and see if I can't at least figure out why it does that.
  22. I would agree, however, toggles that survival depends upon such as Will Power's RttC or Invuln's Invincibility should be an exception. Toggles that only serve to damage on the other hand would not be the exception.
  23. You should try out the mod I mentioned. It will make a bit more sense then. 😉
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