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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Agreed. Not only that, but seriously, we can't ever agree on anything. Like one really great will come out, then half the people who post on that idea hates the idea. When the Devs see us arguing over every and any little change proposed, I am sure that puts them in a position they are uncomfortable being in, because they know that no matter how they change a powerset, there will always be players who hate the change and will cry foul on that change. Hell, we can't even get everyone to agree that the powerset needs some love, much less agree on how to change that.
  2. Unzip this file, then click and drag the Data Folder to your City of Heroes Folder and play your Mercs or Assault Rifle character. Enjoy! Plasma Rifle SFX for AR.zip
  3. I would have to check with PK to see if he has a Mac version of the CoH Modder tool. otherwise all mods would have to be installed manually since you are using a Mac. The location of your folder won't matter. What is important is that your mod go under the City of Heroes Folder (or in the Homecoming folder if you are using the new Homecoming Launcher) and you add in a data folder to put your mods in. I have a Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX Mod for Beam Rifle, Mercs and Assault Rifle if you are interested.
  4. I knew that would be the case. I have an Ice/Ice who is my second most played Tank and even though I have probably one of the best possible builds one can have for an Ice/Ice Tank, the holes in the Resist Department are always the major downfall. Sadly, if one NPC in a mob gets a lucky roll of the dice and penetrates your defense, it's almost as if they all get that same lucky roll and they all hit you at once...and you can only hope your Resists can to live up to the challenge.
  5. Somebody would be thinking lightsaber though, hehe.
  6. Just to be clear, I will necro this until the end of time! Brace yourself! Muh hahahahahaha!!!!
  7. QFT Exactly. This is the same rodeo every generation plays. Every generation believes they are somehow better than the ones before them...and every generation before them has already been there and done that and knows better.
  8. It would help if all that stuff that you wrote had anything to do with "boomers" yet you still blame them for it. You want a monster in your life, you found one and it makes you feel better to downgrade a whole generation and pin all of your woes to that generation instead of taking responsibility for your own life. Yet, all of these things you blame the boomers for, you do nothing yourself to fix them. So you can okay boomer all you like...and I will continue to "lol okay" as I go on living my life without blaming anyone else. If you want to blame anyone for anything, start with the government. The Boomers were only trying to live by the laws of man, and they did everything in their power to change the laws that mattered most...like, I don't know...ending racism and ending Jim Crow Laws and protesting wars that we had no business being in and preaching peace and love. But hey, you go right on ahead and keep blaming boomers.
  9. lol, okay. I can't wait to show this to my mother. She is going to cry laughing. Thanks for this!
  10. And now it seems you are grinding your axe as well. (Waits for somebody to quote me and say the same thing)
  11. I'm Gen X... I just don't play victim and blame boomers for everything wrong in my life. I take responsibility for my own life.
  12. If only you knew just how silly that sounds. 😁
  13. Looks like to me each Generation doing what ALL the generations have done before them...blame the generations before them for all the things wrong in their lives and not recognize the fights the previous generations went through in order to make sure the younger generations could actually be here in order to complain about the older generations in the first place. And yup, you've guess it, the newest generation is now blaming the millennial's generation for everything they think is wrong in the world. YOUR TURN! The whole thing is silly, and a lot of Boomers know this (my mother is a boomer) and she laughs at the stupidity of it all. She laughs even more about the boomers who actually give a shit what the younger generations think of them. Like, my mother really does not give two shits what some younger generation thinks of her. She thinks the whole thing is funny and thinks it's even funnier that some boomers actually get upset about it. However, having said all of that, my original point still stands. Oh, and it's "pull yourself up by the bootstraps!" It means when you get knocked off your horse, you put your boots back on and try again instead of complaining about it.
  14. Just checked the Archives, it was definitely Justice. Crazy how memory works.
  15. Wait, what? I could have sworn that was on the Freedom Server forums? I played both servers so who knows, it could have been Justice Server's forums, but my memory is swearing up and down it was Freedom.
  16. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the way younger generations blow off older generations when they conflict about...well, pretty much anything? I think the Boomer Generation that plays this game might have an issue with that. I mean, as long as they don't take issue with it I am all game for it, however, it's a pretty rude comment that implies that the Boomer Generation doesn't know anything about anything and I think the Boomer Generation might not be too hip for that. Just a suspicion.
  17. I see, so you want it to have a BOOM/CRASH hit regardless if it hits a target or not while giving the current footstomp2 for Takeoff to use exclusively. Meh, why not. Sorry it took me so long to get a full grasp of what you wanted, I am getting older after all.
  18. Also, I was thinking more about how it would sound and feel from the air pressure change after a person with Super Strength slammed his/her foot into the ground. I think it would for sure cause a pressure wave, hence the fading boom effect in my version.
  19. Which one are you considering? Just to be clear, you are only talking about what Foot Stomp sounds like when it misses, yes? Not when it hits?
  20. It sounds more movie like if you ask me. If the Devs replaced it for that I wouldn't complain so far as long as they did not change anything about Footstomp3 of when it hits targets.
  21. So...how would you feel if this were the new footstomp2.ogg ? footstomp2.ogg So that would be what Foot Stomp would sound like if it hits no targets and your Takeoff would also sound like this minus the psionicmelee_hit sound file. What do you think?
  22. Yes, Foot Stomp uses 2 files for when it hits a target. It uses that and PunchHit2 for every NPC it hits. PunchHit2.ogg So yes, I understand what you are asking for now. However, stand by and I will give you an Alternative Footstomp2.ogg
  23. This is a custom sound effect I made. I wonder if we cut Footstomp2 short and added this to the tail end of it if that would sound 100% better for a Foot Stomp Miss? It's also a deep sound effect, so a Foot Stomp Hit would overpower (because it stacks) the deep vibro effect and it should mesh well together. FootstompMiss.ogg
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