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Everything posted by BlastLord

  1. I do 100% agree with the code of conduct I do not like people doing stuff like multiboxing on raids and such it ruins the raids and causes problems. I am glad the GMs are stopping people doing that.
  2. Nice I would love to read that comic book of our SG
  3. Been a long time since I posted this but I am happy NCsoft has made CoH Homcoming Licensed so it's time we get working
  4. I've been leading Chaos United since June of 2019 and I have never seen any issues with my SG Chaos United and we work hard for everyone on everlasting and we work hard and we play hard to help the players of everlasting and I am happy to see something I work so hard on to become the biggest and most active SG on the entire server and beyond. PS: This is Sargus by the way 🙂
  5. Neutron Decay was a member of our SG Chaos United this was a huge loss to us since his contributed to hamidon raids and ITrials he was always a loyal and kind hearted SG member. I and all of Chaos United mourns for his loss and he will be remembered in our hearts. Even now you will always be a member of Chaos United to this very day and shall be remembered as a long time member of Chaos United and our Friend. /em holdtouch
  6. Omg that's horrible I hope he will be ok. Chaos United will hold a memorial for GM Cyclone's honor we chatted with each other a couple of times in AP I feel heart broken someone would do this to him. RIP GM Cyclone you will always be remembered on Everlasting and from me and from Chaos United we thank you for all you have done for us in the past.
  7. A lot of talented base designers here so awesome 🙂
  8. September is going to be big for everlasting and for Chaos United 🙂
  9. I am looking foward for our PvP tournament and I will be there
  10. Homecoming has got this
  11. Hello Everlasting this Is Sargus of Chaos United and I have an annoncement on June 20th starts around 10:30 PM eastern time Chaos United will be hosting a Hero Vs Villain Battle Royal in Reclues's Victory 20 heroes vs 20 villans the last hero or villain stands will recieve 2 Billion Influence and a whole purple IO set so bring your best PvPer and choose which side to fight for Red side of Blue side do not miss it everlasting
  12. You earn the rest Vecacor I to got burnt out also stopped playing for a while cause of my dad's passing but I hope you will come back online soon you take care of yourself.
  13. Welcome to everlasting
  14. Looking foward for our Monthy Costume Contest.
  15. I completely agree
  16. I would love to see an AE Incarnate Trial which would be cool
  17. Chaos United now has a Roleplay Super Group called Chaos United Roleplay for those who roleplays are welcome to join.
  18. Jimmy just wondering hows progress on KW zone I have not heard anything about it yet but I hope you and the other Homecoming Team members are working hard on it and I am looking foward for it and same for my Super Group Chaos United.
  19. Chaos United is working on attracting more people onto Everlasting.
  20. Statesmen should be back on this SF it's should be a flashback
  21. We also got Chaos United at the SG faire
  22. Hello everyone of Everlasting it's me Sargus of Chaos United and on the 20th of Feburary is our Costume Contest around 7:30 PM which will be Valentine's Day themed we got huge prizes for the winners for Chaos United's Costume Contest in KW. If anyone has questions about our Costume Contest leave a comment about it here.
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  23. I mostly lead raids on everlasting for everyone even give new players 1mil influence, run though Council radio missions and more.
  24. I will do my best as a GM for Everlasting
  25. I do like the new Tanker updates to make things balanced.
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