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Everything posted by Frosticus

  1. I had a character that fell in an abandoned well. It came out as poison/water.
  2. I feel that if you focus on lower level content then it is beneficial to have a second build slot dedicated to that because so many sets look quite different late game. Sav is certainly one of them, but EM is perhaps even moreso in that regard. I really like icebolt/spear. If I'm chasing damage they are great options, but in the case of my new sav/rad I am probably going to settle for a bit less damage and go with soul's dark blast/moon beam to access shadowmeld. A few sets really excel at building assassin's focus, namely EM, but the faster sets don't proc it reliably enough for me to count on it. So I just spam fast AS when it is up and it works out well enough.
  3. Just revisiting Savage with a new build and wanted to highlight a few recent changes to stalkers and one change to savage in particular. this is once again a must play set. Savage leap - proc'd out this is hands down the best aoe stalkers get. And now it can crit! That's a pretty significant buff for what was already a great aoe attack. From max range this deletes mobs. Improved hide after placate/hide proc. You used to end up breaking hide all the time after placate because the dot of savage attacks causes the pacify to end. No matter how good your def was a random attack would spoil your crit at some point. This has been changed, so damage won't break the hidden status for placate. New epic attacks. It's no secret that hemo is often skipped, so the lack of a good follow up attack after AS can drag you down. 2 new snipes were added and they are both great and open new build options.
  4. At least for AV hunting you'll probably want: -More of a st attack chain. I'd add in a proc'd out tranq -Consider making twilight grasp part of your regular rotation (for AVs), the damage debuff and -regen self stack and can help neuter them. Consider the damage procs for it, if you go that route. -More recharge in Howling -Switch cryo to all procs (or as many procs as you can support) -You prob won't need a 6 slotted spirit ward given the healing and -damage that /dark can do. Nice bonuses for that set though if that is what you were after. In general: You need approx 160 dps (as measured against an even con) to break even against the regen of a lvl 54 AV. Your -regen is of course super helpful, but keep in mind it is hit by purple patch and resisted ~87% on top of that. For example, your howling would shave off about 43hp/sec of regen against said lvl 54 AV leaving them with ~60 hp/sec.
  5. I misread the title. Thought it said "don't underestimate" Was excited to see another player showing doms excelling. Disappointed.
  6. Leveling an arse/storm/psi Mag 5 aoe stun (flash+thunder), mag 5 aoe confuse (smoke can+woc). Ample knockdown, good -fly, can slow cap most everything and push them back in to patchesas needed. Heal for my Pet tank. Good synergy, lots of control, good damage, and strong debuffing.
  7. Ya chimera is super easy from range. He's pretty dangerous in melee though. Nightstar actually has 75% psi res iirc. I had to turn her down to lvl 53 because it was taking too long on my earth/psi. That said, she is one of the least dangerous AV's in the game because her ptod have no stun protection. I don't think she has fire res though, so you should be able to dps her down. Dunno if you use lores, but that should make it a cakewalk like most AV's. As for Phantom Army healback? I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure it follows the purpl e patch and it should be resistible as well. So you aren't doing negative damage against something like Reichman during his uber unstoppable heh. Maybe worth a test though.
  8. Containment is really only an issue against AVs and hardmode (the latter is something all trollers have to circumvent) as you have tools to set it up against most regular content. In exchange you have one of the only truly useful t9 pets and a fairly unique (primary) damage debuff that tends to be more useful in the above situations than things like tohit debuffs found in other primaries. No set excels at everything.
  9. Pretty much just swapped earth for arsenal in the build ha. The two sets are very similar. I think arse surpasses earth in lots of situations, but is also more susceptible to failure if you screw up.
  10. I just tossed up a vid of an arse dom cakewalking the Hydra Pylons in the apex TF. Certainly not the only dom that can do it, but among the easiest. Added a bonus vid vs Clockwork King AV. Trollers of course would have an even easier time with AVs with any number of secondaries at play.
  11. In case anyone is wondering this is how easily arsenal doms can go through something as difficult as the hydra pylons in the Apex TF. *no insp/amps/temps/lore Here's a bonus clip of Arse/Psi vs +4 (+3 cause of level shift) Clockwork King - no insp/temps/amps/lore
  12. I'm not sure if I'm going to do videos. I leveled up my arse/thorn dom, have it halfway incarnated and tbh it plays so similar to my earth dom that I'm not sure I have the motivation to put the hours in like it did for earth (so many hrs), plus for AV's /thorny definitely isn't /psi. Originally my earth/psi was a proof of concept to show that doms can be built to handle lvl54 AVs without insp/temps/lore as no one seemed to be doing that. I've played around a bit on test server with arse/psi (built same as my earth/psi) maybe I'll toss up vid or two as a comparison.
  13. If you are worried about containment against AVs you'll have to make power selections that support that goal. Not unlike mind or illusion in that regard. It's a weak spot for the set, but on the other hand it is only behind illusion in terms of keeping you alive against said AV, so that might be of some value.
  14. Achilles is affected by purple patch (it wasn't at one point). So to directly answer your question against a +4con, Achilles should only apply a 20%*0.48 = 9.6% -res. I
  15. -res is definitely subject to the purple patch with very few exceptions like the sentinel inherent vulnerability
  16. Trick Arrow is another nice option. Disruption arrow is a beefy -40% res, gets out really fast and is a huge aoe that lasts a long time. Also recharges much faster than most other -res powers, so it is up every spawn no matter how fast the team is going.
  17. @Hjarki
  18. sigh, did you actually watch the video? I'm going to say no based on what you just said. Look closely at 0:24 (takes damage/attack) and then watch the tohit debuff drop at 0:31 That isn't 15 seconds is it? No, but it is ~2.5 sec after the confuse mag dropped enough to no longer exceed the enemy's protection. This is super easy to test. Can you show the power working the way you believe it does?
  19. You are right, I thought they updated static field to reapply rather than stack. My bad. As I've said in the past, I'm not personally a fan of sleep nade, but it mostly sits dormant anyway in my tray. Sleeps in general aren't something I lean on often. That's my point. +cons can run right through those patches easily, happens all the time to my earth dom as it lacks quicksand. You need to layer, or use other powers on top of them for them to be effective. LN works on its own as area denial and/or to keep things in your patches. It doesn't make popcorn as well as some others, but it is the overall best knockdown patch especially given it triggers interface regardless of successful knock. You are the first person I've heard highlight bonfire as a damage power, but to each their own. This is not accurate and is exactly what I was talking about when I said most players don't understand the mechanics of this power. Here's a vid of how the power works, make close observation of the tohit debuff and when it actually affects the enemy.
  20. Just to clear up any misunderstandings: Sleep nade: works identical to static field, but has a bit more debuff and trades minor end drain/recovery for damage. It certainly stacks with itself if you have sufficient recharge. Sleep kicks in instantly after the damage, they both alert mobs. Ice Mistral is a decent choice LN: how the enemy gets knocked on its butt is irrelevant. It's the best knockdown patch because unlike iceslick/bonfire/quake LN has enhanceable slow so +con enemies can't easily run through it. Ice Mistral is a decent choice. Smoke Can: this power is not well understood by a lot of players. It is really cool, but probably has too much going on compared to other things in the game. - first off, the -tohit is only active IF the target is successfully confused. It will always apply, but it will be dormant until confused. So if you want to use it as a tohit debuff you will need to see those purple bubbles. Interpret that as you will, but I'm pretty sure it is to tame the potency of the power so it isn't seeds 2.0 given it is a huge aoe, doesn't aggro, and shoots around corners. So the -tohit in the power isn't to protect YOU, because it is only active when the mob is confused. That said, it isn't hard to make this power perform close to seeds for clear speed (at least for doms). - second, the -kb of the power only applies to enemies that are successfully confused and weakens their attacks so they don't fling eachother out of the patch. You can still send them to kingdom come with a power like gale. - third, the confuse (like the -tohit) will apply, but be dormant until the target is attacked (doesn't have to hit, doesn't have to be you attacking), or it is knocked. It will go dormant again if the mob is left alone for 15 seconds. It won't stick on them long if they leave the patch, couple seconds. - in summary: if you don't successfully confuse the target(s) the power will only make them blind.
  21. Ya I 5 proc skewer, ripper and impale on my /thorny dom. Each one takes a different purple set so is over 100% dam enh with a single +5 purple dam + a damage boosting alpha. Procs also give me a lot of diversified damage types. Thorns is mostly lethal+ toxic (ie often resisted), so adding a bunch of negative, smash, fire, cold, and energy is useful. There is more to superstrength than just purely looking at the damage numbers. If you are double stacking rage you are spending a lot of time with a huge damage debuff, so procs are worth their weight on gold at that point.
  22. earth/dark earth works super well with or without domination up and the -def is actually useful on doms (especially solo) as they by and large lack in the toht buffing department. You won't start wiffing left and right because a couple spectres are on you. The pet will hold the attention of a boss/eb while you establish control on it, which few other sets can assist with. /dark is about as easy as it gets, but is still really good. tohit debuffs help on anything you fail to control and the self heal keeps you trucking. Powerup (gather shadows) improves just about everything this combo excels at. everyone talks about rushing to perma dom, but this is a combo (among some others) that still does great without it.
  23. I like EA (as you can see), but to me it crumbles very quickly in the presence of def debuffs, or psi/toxic damage. To the point you have to avoid those mobs entirely for conventional builds. But that's just my experience with it. Of those three I think SR is the most robust with a moderate IO build, not much they need to fear until you really push things.
  24. Frosticus


    I can check but I feel like my lightning storm doesn't scourge. It should.
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