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Everything posted by JnEricsonx

  1. I never bothered with loading builds, I'm pretty sure there's plenty people who have their stuff posted in its entirety.
  2. I keep forgetting to check in on this. Still going on, perhaps?
  3. How's the resolution and the like at that size?
  4. I took Fire Mastery myself, given that my Earth/Earth Dom's powers are from the core of the world.
  5. I know. But hey, I'm writing this on the forum for a game I mourned in 2012, and have played it again since 2019. Also, I need to remember to log on during these giveaway times, and then I completely forget.
  6. I will admit, the Marvel Heroes Online community was pretty damn good too. The number of costumes and characters I got FOR FREE from winning contests, etc was kind of incredible. I miss that damn game.
  7. My first MMO. Still love it. AKA, I quit Diablo 2-played this.
  8. I'm looking at EA, SR, INV, or WP to be honest. Maybe Rad.
  9. That was the 4th movie, which was chopped to hell. Pun intended.
  10. I enjoy my NB/NIN Stalker. It warmed my heart to hit Build up+the BU proc+AS and watch a COT Mage boss vaporize. I mean, I Thanos-Snapped him out of his existance.
  11. I've no experience with Elec as of yet,but I did like Nature for my Beast MM. Being able to toss a light heal quickly ahead of me at my murder fluffies while they were chewing out guts did my heart good.
  12. Right now from Mind I'm thinking the AOE sleep, and maybe TK? Eng I have no clue on.
  13. Got one of those. Actually lended myself out for low-level farming on occasion.
  14. Fun fact-that was literally the first thing I ever did, 17 years ago in this game. I made a Eng/Eng blaster, and the first time I punched one, and he flew 20 feet away into a wall, I couldn't stop laughing. And in 2019, I was damn crying logging back into this game. So, they are welcome to take their time IMHO. Hell, I finally made a Regen character on HC-never did on live beyond a alt I never did anything with, and it was my first sentinel. For crying out loud, I have more than one STALKER.
  15. Haven't played in a few months, just got a character to Vet 11, and to my suprise, I got 120 Incarnate Threads! I thought that stopped when you hit 10, but I'm not complaining!
  16. Can't decide which of these three secondaries for my next Dom.
  17. This time 3 years ago we were still mourning the game. FFS, I still haven'tmade a STJ or Staff character, and I'm fine taking my time. I have a game to take my time WITH. 🙂
  18. Gonna be Martial Arts or Street Justice-never used either. After that, I can't decide between Scrapper, Brute, or Stalker? Though at this point apparently Stalker>Scrapper from what I keep being told.
  19. The game is back-that's all that matters IMHO, they can take their time. Granted, I haven't played like like 7+ months, but still, knowing it's around is what makes me happy. More likely to start playing again than getting Diablo 2 Resurrected. I quit D2 17 years ago and started playing THIS.
  20. Made a Regen melee character that I actually did something with. I remember on live making a Regen Stalker that I had PL'd up, but never actually IO'd or even used. I've also never played Goldside. Or made a Devices character.
  21. My first MMO, started right before I5 had hit and after the great Regen Nerf, nothing really annoyed me. Well, the original Energy Transfer animation change was a bit annoying, I'll admit that. When a friend told me I didn't have to worry about loot, after suffering horrendous RNG in Diablo 2 for a few years...yeah, I gave that up(glares at the upcoming Remastered version)
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