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Everything posted by JnEricsonx

  1. :::sniffles, trying to hold back tears::::: It's.....BEAUTIFUL.
  2. Hell, semi-related, first time I played Mass Effect 2, I got the "No One Gets Left Behind" achievement. I tend to try to keep the NPC's going unless their AI goes completly pear-shaped.
  3. You can at least listen to the song on Youtube. Hell, there's at least one music video someone set to the song. I dunno if it's mean to refer to the game though, but it fits!
  4. I've probably re-made about 10 or so of my OG characters, so, I'm happy. I'd be making more, but I'm on my bi-annual "take a break for a few months and console game" sabbatical from COH, despite having about 6 character ideas rattling around in my head at all times. Once I am satisified which Outriders-when I can log in, and done doing one full playthrough of Mass Effect Legendary Edition next month, I'll be back.
  5. My characters are either heroes or anti-heroes. My few more "villainous" characters view it as irony that they are working on the side of the angels, but sure as hell don't have halos. In other words, it's no fun to scare some rookie cop. A hardened Arachnos member who knows they're completely screwed by someone who WON'T show mercy? Much more fun.
  6. I still love SWTOR as well, even if they made companions godly after I spent a good year learning crafting skills to gear them out...grumble. Haven't played it in years. And as I keep telling people, the only nerf in this game that even mildly annoyed me was the legendary Energy Transfer animation back in the day.
  7. Given that there's been some nerfs to the newly released game Outriders, someone posted a whole list of games who they say got made crap by early on nerfs, and wouldn't you know it, we made the cut. Would you think this guy's full of it? As I had to state how the game lasted the better part of a DECADE. 1 hour ago I have to say that anyone liking these nerfs are trolls. Every company that goes heavy handed with nerfs on a looter shooter dies quickly after. More so if they are a smaller indie like company. Take Wolcen for a recent example. Dead less than a year after release. Dead basically after their first major nerf patch. Anyone remember city of heroes? Died the same way. Even bigger games are not really immune from this action. Star Wars galaxy and star wars old republic are more examples. Huge nerfs like this after launch kill games like this. Better to slow boil the frog instead of making it jump out. The issue is that these games may be coop but the majority of the player base plays solo. Most of the big damage numbers are coming from groups and not solo players. The game needs to balanced around solo players being able to solo CT15 expeditions right now and get gold with all decently optimized builds. Anything less will kill this game.
  8. I had my copies ages ago, but eventually, I tossed them. I could buy them cheap on ebay for the nostalgia, but I find PLAYING the game provides all the nostalgia I need.
  9. I like The Boys, but only saw the first 2 seasons of Preacher. Maybe because I remember The Boys less is why I like the show more, whereas I've read all of Preacher probably 5 times. Did meet Graham McTavish after the first season, and did tell him from what little he was in the first season I bought him fully as the Saint of Killers.
  10. ::::holds up a copy of the first several Hitman appearances in one volume, owned since 1996, signed by Garth Ennis and John McRea:::: You win. Also, someone needs to adapt this They're 1 for 2 for Garth's stuff live action, this is one I'd want to see done right.
  11. I'm honestly not going to try respec-ing, it's too much of a PITA to track everything. Also, my nuke isn't usually a alpha, it's more like whatever comes after beta?
  12. I quit Diablo 2 back in the day for COH, when a friend of mine told me about how it's gear system was "pretty simple and not needing you to lose your mind." This was a bit before IOs, so. Even with IOs, yeah, you had to grind, but eventually you'd get enough stuff to sell to buy something you needed. And it STILL worked better than D3's Real Auction House crap. I'm sorry, the RNG fairy just forgets my address 99.9% of the time.
  13. Yeah, I admit when I join a 50 4/8 team, and I see people on it that are sub 30 or worse, I'm like...why?
  14. Still love Stygian Circle. With slotting and global recharge I pretty much have it at a 10 second CD, and one body alone probably gives me 2/3 full health and end as is, so usually I'm just topping off. Too bad I came up one slot short to fit a kb to kd in her nuke.
  15. This is why, my friends joke I'm one of the angriest people they know. Of course, it's because my cynicism gets justified on a nearly daily basis. But, being able to play this game again is a nice antidote against cynicism. So...::::drags huge wall along:::: Where you wanna put this by the servers?
  16. The "feel" of the character. When a team lead comments on how my Widow must be part tank because she jumps into groups going YOLO. Or when my Nin/Nin stalker pops BU, hits AS, and proceeds to make a 54 Death Mage vanish from the universe with a 1400+ hit. Or when someone thanks me for my Dark/Dark controller making the team play incredibly smooth by turning the enemies into babies. Etc, etc. Sometimes you just need "that moment". Or, going back to about 2005 when I first played the game, made a Eng/Eng blaster, and hit my first enemy-who proceed to fly back 20 feet into a wall. I then didn't do anything for 2 minutes straight but laugh.
  17. My Grav/Psi/Ice Dom named his "Kosh." :::waits for reference-getters:::::
  18. Honestly, I don't usually have enough space to really branch out into pool powers beyond a point. If it's a melee char, I go into fighting for Tough and Weave. If it's a Dom, I go into Speed for Hasten.
  19. I'll be the one to say it: Un-nerf Regen?
  20. Heh, my Plant/Storm is literally a avatar of Gaea. I'm pretty sure she can turn down her Freezing Rain to a Gentle Rain, and her Tornado to a, "oh, it's like a fan moving around us cause it's hot as hell"
  21. I cried more than that. And DGAS who thinks badly of me for it. 🙂
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