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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. Yes, the proc chance works like any other proc. The thing about the +resist proc is that it can stack with itself, so there is some worth in putting it in a power that recharges faster, though I don't know how that balances out with longer recharge powers.
  2. Alas, it does break in this instance.
  3. Yeah, it can. Which I've thought is kind of broken.
  4. I said it in the other thread, and I'll say it here. No
  5. Are they? I mean, I know on newer sets they are, but a lot of OG sets weren't balanced with these things in mind, so if BS never got a once over (not sure if it has or not) then it's probable that it isn't actually balanced around animation/root times.
  6. I endorse this message.
  7. I'm curious what difficulty it was set at.
  8. Unfortunately, no.
  9. I personally hate the look of the pose, but I'm all for proliferating it to any power that grants flight.
  10. The thing is, you can buy Tier 1 inspirations from most vendors, so this would completely devalue tier 2 and 3 insps
  11. Elder Scrolls Online has a vanity pet rock that would teleport to you (in a poof of smoke) when you get too far away from it. I suggest the cottage does the same.
  12. Yeah, I don't know how you've come up with the debuff only giving 3.68% to even level Minions/LTs/Bosses. Non-AVs don't have inherent to hit debuff resistance with very few exceptions. You also cherry picked, you can't say that Time's Juncture is too weak because its to-hit is too low without factoring in that the power also does -damage and -recharge, both of which affect incoming damage. AND FURTHERMORE even if you did factor in the -damage and -recharge, you can't just pick one power from a set and say it needs buffs without looking at the set as a whole.
  13. (De)buff sets are already force multipliers, what more do you possibly want? Force Exponentials?
  14. For the ally shields, 3 defense is good. Dispersion Bubble, 1 endrdx, 3 defense. Damping Bubble is going to be the tricky one, as you really want high recharge and high defense, so if you can afford to 6 slot it, you're golden, if not, I'd say 2 reach, 2 def minimum
  15. I generally aim for 45% ranged and AoE defense on most of my defenders, it's not that hard to achieve, though you usually have to make some sacrifices to do so
  16. This is accurate. As for how level difference affects duration, you'll want to look at the purple patch page to get the percentages https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Purple_Patch
  17. You already can do the disc jockey through prismatics
  18. I love how we now have multiple threads arguing over who was in the wrong in this one instance.
  19. Yes, fault, not fissure. Fault has a 100% chance for mag 2 stun and a 50% chance for an additional mag 1 stun per City of Data https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=redirects.stone_melee.fault_tanker&at=tanker For Electric Melee, I was actually referring to Lightning clap, which has the same 100% chance for mag 2 and 50% chance for mag 1 stun (though does full knockback rather than knockdown) https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=tanker_melee.electrical_melee.lightning_clap&at=tanker
  20. Incorrect, Oppressive Gloom (and Cloak of Fear, FWIW) are flagged as "replace existing effect", so it will always be mag 2. That being said, there are some great combos out there. I've got a Dark/Stone tank that stacks OG with Fissure for a perma-mag 4+ AoE stun. SS can do the same with Hand Clap and Electric Melee with (whatever that power is called)
  21. Earth is going to be the best from a control standpoint, simply because it has multiple strong AoE controls. Plant is a close second in most content. Seeds of Confusion is way overpowered against most enemies (note: Nemesis have inherent confuse protection). However, other than seeds your AoE control is a little lacking. What makes up for this is Carrion Creepers, it's kind of control-y but also does decent damage. I'm not going to comment on Gravity, as it just doesn't jive with me. I like the looks of it, but I never really get into Gravity controllers.
  22. I only go into PvP zones to get the badges needed for the villain accolade powers, so not very often. On live, I would usually get frustrated when I got hit in a PvP zone, but knew it was on me for stepping into the zone. I don't think I've seen anyone else in a PvP zone since joining Homecoming, though like I said, I'm only there sporadically and only a few minutes tops.
  23. I've got north of 250 characters on Everlasting, what you're experiencing is normal, it means one of 2 things: 1. You've got altitis 2. You just haven't found a combo that syncs with you yet.
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