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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. Psyonico

    Tanker advice

    Welcome to City! Are there any sets that cry out to you? Either primary or secondary? That would help narrow down options.
  2. Honestly, your net end recovery is way too low. You'll never be able to run all those toggles and actually attack. I've attached my DA/Kat build for comparison. I went Mu mastery for concept but you could easily swap out another APP. Tanker (Dark Armor - Katana).mbd
  3. AFAIK, yes. But I just attach files to the forum instead.
  4. Soul Mastery gets Power Boost, which recharges in half the time of Power Build Up (not that it really matters since PBU's base recharge is the same as the duration of the FF shields)
  5. Defenders with power boost and Force Field is the winner for handing out +Defense. Pair it with dark blast for giggles.
  6. Checking the OP's history, this post checks out... In before lock.
  7. Energy Aura is one of the best defensive sets in the game. You really can't go wrong with it.
  8. Bloom is nature's uniqueness. Basically, you build stacks of it by using nature abilities and it decays over time. Each stack of Bloom that an ally has increases their healing received by any power. Also, assuming you're using SOs or common IOs, the 4th slot in stamina is basically wasted due to Enhancement Diversification, which you can learn more about in the link below. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Diversification
  9. Would this emote only be available if you had a cowboy hat on? I don't know if that's possible.
  10. Staff only provides defense to melee and lethal. However: it does provide resistance to all in form of the body when using sky splitter. Willpower can usually cap S/L/E/N/F/C defense by itself with the right slotting, but resistance to everything but S/L/Psy is a little low, so that could work out to your advantage.
  11. I can tell you that even though I enjoyed my poison/dp defender, I think that poison needs a buff (here comes the "you're playing it wrong" crowd). Poison is a very fun set, but the AoE splash is too small and too weak to be particularly good, you're left with basically a single target debuff set.
  12. Not against the idea, but just an FYI there is a broom option already.
  13. My only thing about tiny tanks is that they can get lost visually in the thick of things.
  14. You missed one power... Power Boost... although technically not a part of /Time, it's the best power to use right before Farsight and IMO should always be taken.
  15. /Dark is a great thematic secondary for Necro, I've got a Necro/Dark around level 30 and he's very safe, I skipped Petrifying Gaze and Black Hole. Cold is a good secondary overall, and since starting at 26 your pets can heal themselves, I could see this being a strong combination. You could slot Life Drain as a heal instead of an attack for your own survivability. I wouldn't discount the attacks on Necro. They each have a chance of spawning an uncontrollable pet, so you can get 3 extra pets out of taking the 3 attacks.
  16. I question why you say "few attacks". at level 50 you should have a full attack chain
  17. I decided that Weave wasn't really doing a whole lot for me, since I was still sitting between the normal soft cap and the incarnate soft cap, so I opted to switch it out for Rune of Protection, giving a bit better survivability, likely. I also swapped out the Overwhelming Force KB->KD to a Sudden Acceleration KB->KD because they tend to be cheaper. Here's what I'll be building towards. Tsoo Pergirl - Tanker (Super Reflexes - Kinetic Melee).mbd
  18. Here's my take on it, I've never done a proc-heavy build like this, but it should be pretty solid. I made just a couple of slot changes because I felt that end recovery was a little bit too much of a focus, This build shouldn't run out of endurance still, but diversifies a little bit more. Tanker (Super Reflexes - Kinetic Melee).mbd
  19. Huh, I didn't even notice the OP didn't include the data link/chunk. I'm going to rebuild this slightly different when I get home, taking the auto powers a little earlier and pushing off evasive maneuvers. When I do, I'll pay my build here too.
  20. I'm tempted to try this. I really enjoy SR on tanks and KM is a pretty fun set as well.
  21. Heck yeah, especially if we can customize what we throw.
  22. On my phone, so can't really comment too much on the build, but why the increased Perception IO in Focused accuracy? If you're actually running the toggle you get +perception anyway.
  23. On my phone, so can't look at the build, but as for Irritated ground, its proc potential got "fixed" in a recent page and so proccing it out isn't really the best choice anymore. Radiation Siphon can be slotted with 3 damage sets and 3 heal sets if so desired.
  24. What I've always said about Sonic Resonance is that it needs 2 things 1. Liquify's recharge needs to be reduced. No other changes to the power, cut it in half and call it a day 2. Endurance usage on the toggles needs to be reduced, whether it's all is the toggles or just Disruption Field, I don't know. Really, that's what's need for Sonic As for empathy... I am not sold it needs to be buffed. It's already one of the strongest buffing sets in the game.
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