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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. I have a blaster that I have barely played that the entire goal was "sniper" so I went /EM for boost range and split up the one blaster ATO that gives range as a bonus. I'm now wondering if I had planned on slotting bombardment for the range as well.
  2. I think the better way to do it is to have a "full respec" and a "slot respec". Both of which would consume a standard respect, but the slot one would only affect slots, so no re-picking powers, no resetting trays, etc. The reason I think this is a better approach is that if we have a 1 slot respec, people will start asking for a 2 slot respec, and this will continue to a certain point. I doubt people would want a 50 slot respec, but I could see possible 10 slots being wanted.
  3. I'll agree with Snarky. Just make a new tab that has only what you want for RPing.
  4. But seriously, I considered doing an all-pool character on live and never got anywhere with it. If you enjoy the challenge, that's awesome.
  5. Does it? I know the kb->kd IO reduces the chance, so using Fire Cages instead keeps it at a 100% chance, but does fire cages actually improve the chance if the IO is slotted?
  6. This is it exactly. Toggles don't all cost endurance at the same rate. So if you bottom out of endurance, they will detoggle in the order that they tic.
  7. I personally wouldn't skip it. Really, with 2-3 Def/Rech IOs it's good on slots (the DDR is enhanceable). You've got lots of places in Force Field for the LOTG +recharge enhancement, so it'll be up every fight. The other aspect of it that people tend to forget about is that it lowers the strength of various enemy buffs as well. The -Defense Strength aspect, for example, is great for cutting through Cimeroran's Phalanx Fighting or Nemesis' Vengeance.
  8. You should be able to come up with something that soft caps ranged and AoE defenses. You'll have to sacrifice having multiple procs in powers, but it should be doable.
  9. There is no RP focus, though occasionally some people will play toons and RP them. Yes, most of us these days have our toons in private SGs and just use the global channel instead of specifically being in the RO SGs. You are correct. RO's roots are in pushing the game to its limits using force multiplication. The early SGs on live were all about stacking specific buffs/debuffs. Nowadays, we're more casual, though most ROers will generally play (de)buffers first and foremost.
  10. Yes, they were switched at some point. Originally, they technically had the "wrong" icons in so much as they were not consistent with other sets, now they are consistent. If it really bothers you, you could technically use a pigg viewer to grab the icons then build the right folder structure to save the icons in (being sure to swap the names). TBH, it's probably more effort than it's worth.
  11. Everlasting also happens to be the 2nd most popular shard.
  12. Even unslotted, Meteor is so f'n funny to watch it throw mobs across the room.
  13. It would require a separate hat, something like "Fedora 1 no hair". I'd also like to see it with a couple other hats as well.
  14. Ice slick has a 75% chance to do .55 damage every .2 seconds for its duration. Additionally, that chance then needs a to hit roll to actually do the damage and you can't slot accuracy enhancements in it. So, probably not worth it.
  15. There are actually winged sandles in game already. I was sad to see they didn't animate the first time I tried them with fly.
  16. Going to have to disagree here. First of all, Recovery Serum is not permanent, so when it's down, you need to be able to manage your endurance. Secondly, Ageless is only available once you hit 50 and only exemplaring down to 45. Additionally, it prevents you from using another Destiny that could potentially be better suited for a character.
  17. My only concern is that people who switch from hero to villain wouldn't automatically have villain events added. And might still show hero events that they can no longer participate in.
  18. I'm not able to log on for a couple of days, unfortunately. The simple thing to do would be to jump on the beta server and purchase the COT costume with one of my MA toons. Probably won't be until Monday or Tuesday before I get to do this, so if someone has the gumption to try this before me that'd be cool.
  19. Hiding body parts and clipping are two different things. The potential issue I see is kicks might cause the leg to go through the long skirts. I'm all for the idea if the clipping is minimal, however.
  20. That's my understanding, at least. I may be off on that though.
  21. Just to jump on specifics a tiny bit... SR you want to take every power with the exception being Elude. You don't necessarily need to skip it, but you probably won't use it. @Doomguide2005 has an SR scrapper that I've played with a bunch. I think he said he's used Elude 2 or 3 times since he made the toon back in 2019.
  22. Elder Scrolls lore has vampirism as a disease... They don't necessarily say virus. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Vampire
  23. I like that look, and have certainly had characters that wanted a full length dress. However... I believe the clipping issue is in regards to player skeletons. Basically, the COT get around this by not having legs under their robes, but you can't do that with player frames.
  24. Not to mention that fights usually have multiple damage types/vectors, so it would end up being a weaker set.
  25. Sometimes the GMOTD pops up after a mission complete if you haven't seen it since it was last updated. I've never had any reliable way of re-triggering it though.
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