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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. Submitting this in the Bug section as well, but (at least on controllers) Temporal bomb says that it takes End Mod sets, but you cannot slot them in it.
  2. Note that part of the new player experience changes in page 7 is that the pets window option is always there.
  3. yes, that is right, but 2 things. 1. the selling fee (I know this is a minor thing) 2. you can't buy stuff from yourself, so if you sell yours for 1,000,000 but everybody else is listing it for 2,000,000 then you either have to wait and get lucky to get it for 1M or you're out an extra Million inf.
  4. just tried it, you need to hit the key (or in my case, I made a macro) twice for the flypose2 to activate.
  5. /bind <key> "em flypose2$$autorun 1$$powexec_toggleon fly" Should work I'm not at my computer to test it out though.
  6. Rad armor is really good, and you can tint it dark if you want to Fold space is an amazing power and I plan on trying to fit it into more of my builds. I know it's less thematic overall, but have you considered Axe melee? Axe Cyclone in particular can "suck bad guys in". My experience with Fold Space is that sometimes the enemies form up a line, so Axe Cyclone could bunch them up better.
  7. is TW really S Tier these days? I know it got nerfed to hell a while back.
  8. I don't have experience with Sonic as an MM, but I do have it on a defender. Yes, the set is underappreciated. The next patch also gives a nice little boost to Liquefy, which IMO is exactly what the set needed to perform well, so we'll see how it goes. I do agree that Bots could be a good choice as you pointed out.
  9. Sorry, not what I meant by +3... I meant if you were level 37 and "unattuned" a miracle, it would be level 40.
  10. Was just talking with someone about this in game... not sure how feasible it is, but can we have it that if you have an attuned IO and use an enhancement booster on it, the IO changes to (max of your level+3 or the IO level) and start boosting the IO again? I've sometimes bought attuned IOs only to realize that I would rather boost it, this would allow me to not have to sell and re-buy the IO.
  11. Suppressive Fire does good damage on sentinels, I wouldn't skip it.
  12. Reactive Radial is more about the fire DoT than the -resist. It's you want more -resist, you'd go Reactive Core. For leadership, you have to take either Maneuvers or Assault to get tactics, and you need 2 of those 3 to get vengeance or Victory Rush.
  13. Disclaimer: I don't run hard mode content very often. That being said, /cold Corruptors are usually more in demand on hard mode content than nature is. Now, on to plant/nature. 1. It's thematic - always good 2. It provides good resistance, absorb, and to hit to your team 3. Seeds and Carrion Creepers are fantastic powers that bring a lot to the table. Really, that's what makes the combo good in my opinion. If you're specifically only looking at controllers, I think you can still do better though. Dark and Earth are 2 very strong contender for best primary. Both have a lot of really good control and also being with them nice secondary effects, which plant lacks. For secondary, the aforementioned cold is to tier. Traps and poison can bring a single hard enemy to their knees, though they don't do as much team buffage. Traps is better at AoE debuff than poison. Hmm, now I'm thinking I need either a Dark or Earth paired with poison.
  14. The market is *way better* than it was on live, it's not perfect, but you can make things work. Simple way to make inf: do normal contact missions and task forces. Take the merits you get from that and change them into converters (you get 3 per merit) these sell on the AH for anywhere from 50-75k a piece. You're not going to get rich this way, but you can self fund an SO/common IO build pretty easily by just running story arcs and task forces. And the best part, it doesn't take a ton of time out of actually playing. Also, yellow and orange salvage should be sold on the AH. It sells for way more than you get at a vendor. The other thing when you're new to the economy: double XP is not your friend, you don't get a ton of inf early levels, but every but helps, and double XP means no inf gain.
  15. Unless you're specifically going spiritual core, you may be better off going with agility core (or radial) instead of spiritual Radial. You get the same recharge bonus, but also get bonuses to defense and endurance mod. Ageless Radial is nice because you get debuff resistance. Clarion is nice for permanent mez protection. Lore: storm elementals radial and tsoo radial both have hurricane, but you don't really control it, so mob positioning benefits are minimal. Longbow has good -regen, which is something that time lacks a bit in, so that's a nice feature. Interface: I've done some testing and against +3 foes or higher, your best bet is reactive radial. The problem is every DPS takes this, so teaming means you hit the cap pretty quickly. Hybrid: Support Radial is very nice to have on teams, giving a little bit of a lot of buffs. I don't remember which melee it is, but the one that provides resistance might stack well if you already have soft capped defenses. I'd avoid the one that provides defense, because that also taunts.
  16. City wasn't my first MMO (that goes to RuneScape, it if that doesn't count, Guild Wars) but it was (and still is) the one I played the most. The sheer depth of the character creator is enough to get lost in, and I'm still finding costume items that I know were on live but I didn't know about. It wasn't until I found the Repeat Offenders network that I really got hooked on the game. My first toon and namesake was a Mind/Forcefield, and I quickly realized that healing wasn't the end all be all it was in Guild Wars (and other MMOs I've played since). I've always liked the support play style and City just does it so much better than any other MMO I've played.
  17. My guess is this is not intentional, might want to put it in the bug report forum.
  18. I have at least 14 DP characters spanning all 4 ATs (with at least 5 at 50). The set is not in as dire of a situation as you make it out to be. It's solidly middle tier. I believe that the AoE damage in the set actually works out to be higher than average.
  19. Thanks for the explanation. I'm not sure how I feel about the xp->patrol XP thing, but I do agree it ends up netting more XP in the long run.
  20. I'm going to throw out there that (and I may be the only one) I'm happy with how Arsenal Control has turned out. I haven't tested it with the "wet" mechanic yet, but the other testing I have done, and knowing that sleep grenade was reverted to a pulsing patch, means that the set is in a pretty good place IMO. It's it top of its class? No, but it appears somewhere in the middle, which is fine by me.
  21. I generally hit the buffs before combat starts. The only power that's a patch is life giving spores, everything else stays with the allies as they move.
  22. Psyonico

    Beam Rifle?

    Lancer Shot has a 100% chance to spread disintegration. So open with disintegrate and then follow up with lancer Shot
  23. I should point out that it has nothing to do with the killing blows, any damage a confused enemy does reduces the XP gained. However, you end up getting more experience in the long run by defeating enemies faster.
  24. Water/poison could be a good combo. I've got the defender version. Water brings with it a self heal and whirlpool which I believe works well with scourge.
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