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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I think you missed the first sentence. Yes, the stuns are Mag 2. The trick is to Stack them for Mag 4. Do your Point Blank work. Then joust out. (and it works)
  2. Honestly I have never looked at Defender. Corruptor I think does more damage? Plus, the Archetype title alone... My undead wraith Corrupts, does not Defend!
  3. On my Dark Dark Corr I fully agree. But since I am avoiding melee range completely I only pull Dark Embrace and Soul Storm (my 4th ST Hold!) from Soul Mastery.
  4. Are you saying they are Tsoo outclassed?
  5. I can see the danger. For those instances I plan on cones and ST. Maybe Ice Storm. But Blizzard (like Seismic's Meteor) will be hauled out when it is actually needed. To me that i when a TF gets interesting. If you are zipping along at a furious pace I can pew pew and ride the coattails. When you accidentally pull all the spawns into one area and bog down. I got you. But yeah, if two Fire Blasters and a Brute are hopped up on juice and destroying everything it is different. I just spend my time visually confirming objectives accomplished and keeping close enough to see if they are in trouble. Mayb pew pew at a Boss or EB
  6. One of my main issues with Aeon is getting to the objectives (and understanding) Now, turn everything in the TF into haunted house murder bots and I am pretty much done.
  7. I was going to say something about ALWAYS trying to get a life….
  8. Fire is the best in EVERY Archetype. By a large margin.
  9. I have so many. the Docc Buzzsaw Arcs are very good. Very Venture Bros Villain type stuff. The Radio is well written. the Slot Machine...so Outer Limits. Redside seriously just has thick writing. Timothy Raymond. There are literally dozens of contacts leaping to the front of my mind right now. (I'm bad with names but the arcs are so good) It would be hard to pick a favorite. they are 'work' and you are doing crimes. It's like asking your favorite exercise in the gym. You know the good ones. Pick a favorite? Don't really get giddy thinking about doing squats but it is a great exercise. Pullups? Wonderful exercise. Deadlift? Uh huh. Favorite. Love is not a connection I feel with them. They are very good. Glad to have them in the lineup. Because they are good. Want to feel like a villain? Take the mission from Dmitri Krylov to kidnap Paragon citizens and deliver them to Vahzilok for live vivisection. Because Krylov needs a distraction. That will make your villain bones. Favorite? Hmmmm...memorable!
  10. Yes, those boosts expire. After I run the Posi 1, Posi 2, Synapse, and Tarikoss. Then I do ONE DiB to renew the +Dam to 30. I suppose I do run some content to use boosts. I cannot find any TF/SF/Trials in that level range besides these and the Hollows one. Which I tend to pass on.
  11. My plan is to slap in a full set of Superior Frozen Blast. (Immobilize Proc 🙂 ) Winter sets are part of my key to cranking the defense numbers. And theme. Like the Midnight Bomber what bombs at midnights says "Ya gotta have a theme baby!"
  12. I have tried for many long years to find the "perfect" toon. Oh, I have made it difficult. I like fully ranged. I want it to be undead theme. I do not want to buff. I prefer high damage. There are more "wishes" but that core set created enough problems. Dark Dark Blaster is wonky, and is partially melee. I have one with just over 1300 badges. I have tried Ice/Cold Corr is the past. Good. But, just...lacking. Plus people want you to buff them. And I hate pets. Add that to the Main List lol. I have tried half the Blasters sets out there with various secondaries. Dark, Fire, Ice, Electric, AR, Beam, Seismic... I ran a Dark Dark Corruptor for the first 10 weeks of this year non stop. Still...jousting in for Nuke etc.... I recently started delving into Controllers and have a Dark Dark in the late 40s. Was looking at an Ice Ice. It was during the time I was getting feedback on the Controllers that someone said something that sparked my interest. I started looking at varios Ice/Dark, Dark/Ice. Then, as I had MiDs up I thought, look at that on a Corruptor. Holy crap! Ice/Dark/Soul Corruptor. Just sitting there. 1) Fully ranged. I do not take Soul Drain from Soul, just Dark Embrace and Soul Storm. 2) Undead themed. Dark, of course. Cold is associated with the Undead in many games and lore. Hello GoT! 3) No buffs. One heal, that heals me and anyone around me. They can grudgingly have some of the power I am stealing from my victim and channeling to the netherworld. 4) Moderate to High DPS. 5) No pets. (Fluffy stay away!) I slapped together a MiDs build. 46.9% Ranged, Negative and Energy Defense. 45.3% AoE defense. 44.7 Fire/Cold Defense. 23% Melee, and 25% S/L. 43% S/L Resist, 34% Neg Res, and 26% Fire/Cold res. 19-20% Psi/Tox/energy Res. Am currently running through all the TF/SF/Trials in level order. Just starting the 20-25 trio of Psyche/Yin/Mantis. Huge ST chain. 3 ST Holds at 20-25. 4 once Soul Mastery comes in. I have a Dark/Temp/Soul Blaster with 3 ST Holds. I love that. Lock it down. Good AoE, rains are suited to Scourge, and Tar Patch meshes well with Ice Storm and Blizzard. The sounds. The groans of Petrifying gaze locking someone down, the wintery sounds of life being drained. It is such a happy moment. Yes, this may be something special. I will probably be on this thing for at least a couple months seeing how well I like it and what it can do.
  13. Well, first you missed the explanation WHY I do DFB 4 times. But realizing you are lost is the first step.
  14. I keep seeing those old private detective. Best parodied by the lovely Jessica Jones. (in my opinion)
  15. This is a great point in a game that is streamlining itself to Blasters Corruptors and Tanks. A big step in making ATs with Holds instead of Nukes would be to address the disparity in cooldowns.
  16. Concept is everything to me. This creates joys and sorrows. Today I came across a beautiful pairing I never considered before. Ice/Dark/Soul Corruptor. This will be a Wraith. The only buffing or healing I do is one heal that heals me and is centered around me. EVERYTHING is ranged. I made a build with huge defense numbers and some resistance. The powers work well together, the tar patch and the rains for instance. It has FOUR single target holds. One of which hits like a truck. But beyond that it looks like the character i am describing. Everything lines up. i ran two DFBs. I was not going to farm until later but someone offered a free run. Took me to 20. Then i did a Posi 1. I was impressed already. I will do a posi 2 tomorrow then farm myself for 10 min. Probably end up late 20s. Then rebuild for Synapse and Tarikoff. You see I like to run all the TF SF and Trials in level order. In this way I learn how to actually run the character. I like to be at the top end of the level range or s little over. You can use powers up to top level of TF +5.
  17. I do forget I am leading about 20% time. I'm like "why aren't they posting the damn mission?"
  18. So ice storm from ice mastery benefits from containment but sleet from cold domination does not? Why doesn’t sleet?
  19. I would take all Dark Dark powers, buffing people as a side effect of buffing myself is acceptable. If not optimal.
  20. Which combo would be strongest for team play? Ice/Cold, Ice/Dark, Dark/Cold, or Dark/Dark. Of note I take no buff ally powers in any configuration. I do love the undead. Bonus points for recommendations on Ice or Soul Mastery to top it off. The only power there I forego is summon seer. I do not need Arachnos watching my every move
  21. I am getting closer. Huge def values 30+ almost everywhere. 45 ranged neg and energy. Almost capped cold resistance! (For theme snd efficiency using winter sets). But i still have questions about what powers to slot how. Parking everything for the night
  22. When are we not tight on slots? I swear if i was allowed 6 slots on every power (including brawl!) i would sit there thinking…if only one could have 8…
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