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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. they're so adorable when they are trying to be formula tv show detectives. I honestly do not need any reason to start a post here. seriously. I have two threads going about spam. one was not enough. advertising something without stating it is altered does indeed imply it is unaltered. for instance if you bought coffee and discovered it had something in it, that you did not request, that would be unexpected. the implication, with no communication, is that it is black coffee. as has been joked about upthread there is no reason to believe someone will stay the entire task force. it is implied. we expect it in CoH. but no one asked me if i would. according to your logic the leader should have.
  2. Excelsior does cater to reds. I winced when I saw the recommendation to post here. This is a nearly dead zone. I should know. The General discussion chat channel on Excelsior in game would be a good place to make some acquaintances though. in my opinion.
  3. This reminds me of what an Art teacher told me about recognizing whether something is art or not. It is art if another human looks at it, comprehends something from it, and is moved in some way. At least that is how I remember the explanation. personally i was quite gratified to see all the people who felt so strongly one way or another about my posts. it is only when you get the reaction that you are making art!
  4. I was rocking a 5% rotten tomatoes and going for 1%. Now what about my dreams?
  5. Well I may be partly to blame for not doing an in depth interview of the person settings things up Thankfully I found an easy button solution! (You can just quit these things….👍)
  6. Ironblade I enjoy your company but that would grind my gears lol
  7. Nope. I am wrong a lot. But if people are too stupid and/or ignorant to understand I am okay with that too. I can solo or go team with other people. Like the team I joined afterwards, an advertised +4 ITF kill all. Fast and efficient
  8. And as Dog Graves jokingly pointed out I never said I was staying for the entire run. The team assumed it. No one asked We all talk in short hand in the channels. Running X TF is short hand for X TF at +O. You do not have to like that. You do not have to understand that. That is the convention. I am not going to hand out a questionnaire everytime I join a PUG. Is it +0, +1, +2…. Are you recruiting 8 before we start? Are we speeding where we can? I join a PUG and roll with it. Unless it is not as advertised. Not listing the +1 is default to +0. Again, does not matter if anyone knows this. Game has been around a couple weeks. That is the nomenclature. So I did not sign up for a +mystery and I am not running a +mystery.
  9. redsiders are more a solitary lot. there are some teams running on excelsior nearly every night right now. If you go through the tutorial (there a badge in a cell...) you break out of prison and are transported to Mercy. Where you learn the beginning lore from Kalinda and Burke. The two most honest NPCs you will see for a while. Redside has traditionally been lower pop. I tend to hop over to pocket D, visit Null the Gull, and Go Rogue. Then I can pop to Atlas Park for 4 DFBs (the buffs last until level 22) and later DiB (same buffs until 30) I also keep an eye on LFG for Posi. Synapse, the Redside Virgil Tarikoss etc. I just ran every below 50 Redside contact on my 2023 project. There were a few souls teamming Red but nothing compared to Blue. That is always been the way in CoH/CoV. Goldside is only solo unless you custom form a group in Discord with friends or search for a gold teens toon desperate to hit 20 and get out of that shithole.
  10. I get the gist of what you folks are saying. It was just the way he responded when I asked about what was going on. "I never said it was speed."
  11. It is polite to mention if you altering the difficulty when advertising a TF. When i join a PUG TF that is advertised as a Manticore, or Synapse, or Posi I do assume it is +0. I will run that. If it starts and then I am given the data it is +1 or + 4 that is a bit of poor communication In my opinion. But no worries. I get the chance to share some information, what might seem a surprise as well. In that we have a dialogue, an interesting interaction, a discussion. I quit. It is in this give and take of information that we all grow.
  12. well Manticore is not a "speed" TF. As i stated, there are a lot of kill alls with Paragon Protectors. Whatever the team is gaining in experience for +w/e it is losing in kill time and mogs. in my opinion. you want rewards? run a +4 kill all itf like i did after i quit this hostage situation.
  13. and that is fair. because you communicate. i joined a +4 itf kill all after. finished the 2nd half of my lore/destiny and nearly opened hybrid. great team
  14. So on my new 50 i still need some Task Force badges. Because in the end this new toon is a badger. One of the ones I need is a Manticore. So, I see a PUG ad. I join. I notice 37s everywhere. Now, I like experience, everyone does. But Paragon Protectors are a lot easier to cut through the closer they are to your level. or they MOG. We are five mobs in when I confirm the pattern. I send a question in team "Are we running at +1" Leader "Yeah" Me "Was that in the ad?" Leader "Never said it was speed" Now see. To me there are various conversations that could have happened here. But that particular response can (to me) be boiled down to "My team, my rules, I own you for the rest of this task force."
  15. want me to whip some up for you?
  16. It depends on my AT, sometimes powersets. I usually bulletproof my Brute builds. My Invul are straight up Hyperstrike monsters. The rest are inspired by that type of design. My Blasters tend to be high defense high Damage. The Corruptor I have made this years project is quite different. End is a bear on Dark Dark Corr. I solved that by really shoring up Rec and trying to find sets that gave even a little help. I did not worry about defense, in hard content I either play smart and depend on team or die. I built for damage and debuff. As much as i could including incarnate choices
  17. I did a respec to get into enhancers. But i am keeping all Dark Dark Dark powers except the T1 blast. That leaves room for fly and hasten. I did keep the ST hold and Black Hole even. Niche uses but I like the versatility. I will tweak my build a bit then post. I am also planning a Dark Dark Dark Corruptor guide templated off the Sentinel power set guides. Great work over there. My opinions will prob not be as on point or deep but I will throw them out there anyways. Because….me!
  18. I 50d this thing on Sunday. I have completed all redside content that cannot be done at 50. I play it way different than Blasters now Monday i saw a PUG oldschool LRSF for the badge. I joined good group. Out one Blaster quit in the first 5 minutes. Fing Blaster We struggled on. Did well. Damage was a bit low. The last fight started out a shit show. I found my range finally. Just inside Blackstar and thats as close as I get to that madness. Again, been solo and not used to that much heat. It was hot. We coordinated (no discord just team chat) and did get the job done. Fing Blaster MSR Tuesday night and almost have Lore and Destiny opened. I have a Dark Dark 59d and incarcerated but this is my 2023 badge project. I will respec the other and move them to Everlasting for the rNdom times I will be there
  19. I needed this phone number to gmail though. I been trying to reach them for twenty four years about fake blood offers in my email. I send them letters. No response!
  20. As in me posting it or me finding it?
  21. and now they are posting how to contact gmail by phone. in the 805 Santa Barbara area code.
  22. Longbow Ballistas can be some of the toughest opponents in the game. They all look very similar, yet they pull heavy powers from various pools. When one has a power your toon has a difficulty with you have to deal with it. And there is no “tell” like it being the type of mob that you know to do X Y And Z with. Its just BOOM in your face deal with it. Surprise! Oh, and the unusual mob using it on you is very difficult to put down and surrounded by their LB friends…
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