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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. i thought you meant katie. isnt it oddly on one of those croatoa maps?
  2. I found the key to making 2 billion infinite. (2 billion is liquid....this part costs) Set up a base with hundreds and hundreds of I/os. Winter, ATO, Heals, Resists, Defenses, End Mods, ranged, mele, a bank for each type. sometimes two banks. Then when you make an alt pull from there. Use the cash to buy whatever did not have in base. If alt works great! If it doesnt....shatter and store.
  3. and the little girl saw the spider while drinking her cider and picked it up and ate it down now the spider is inside her
  4. sometimes your pets will die. farming for example. other weird circumstances. soooo....... What are some of the best unkillable buff lore pets....and why?
  5. yeah, in my crafting i was buying a bunch at 500k. when i was done with my few hundred i/os i sold all leftover rares above 5 stack on AH (about 40-50?) and got 444 per
  6. Can you say that in a gentler way?
  7. If you do not like crafting converting and selling I understand. Ton of cash. boring. If you do not like farming. Ditto. run a level 50. Sell everything you get. turn merits into converters. (less than a minute) sell those. If you do not enjoy level 50 activity. YOU DO NOT NEED CASH. Pre level 50 is owned by a decent SO build. If you cannot afford SOs I doubt you can even read what I just read. How would you figure out what the letters do when I change the order?
  8. I am sorry Erratic1 I do not enjoy the OCD hamster grind of farming or crafting either. I was trying to do a little each day....but kept putting it off so had to finally do hundreds. I think of it like doing squats. Sure, it is a miserable experience the entire time. But it feels so good when you stop! I wish you a merry christmas and happy safe holidays. Forget about old Snarky's opinions on game cash. Go have fun!
  9. wow. i had no idea. thank you
  10. I see the issue. I am sorry. I hope you have learned how to earn. Once you know how to earn the difference between 10 mil and 25 mil is an inconvenience and not a wall. i did buy quite a few packs last year at 15 a pop. I did not want to buy them the previous year. Was feeling broke. I have invested a little time into crafting converting and selling over the last week. Made a little over a billion. Another 150 to convert and sell and I am done. guessing those will net me about 600 mil? Since they are crafted the time to convert sell will only be a few tedious freaking hours lol. What i am saying is MAKE MONEY Now, the one thing I would like to really stress is the people who are making so much off flipping the packs are not just making a little cash. They are in turn taking these funds and RAISING the COST of everything on the market. Because they can now afford to burn (the money they made off the players) as much as they want as fast as they want. To be clear, this inflation is bad, m'kay?
  11. This is a lot of smoke and mirrors and infospeak from someone with....1 post... It is also desperately trying to obfuscate the fact that it is a giant exploit for enriching those already rich.
  12. I cannot tell if you are being obtuse on purpose or are actually unable to comprehend. people were reselling these packs (after winter sale ended) at right under the fixed price. there was no 'special deal' being passed on to the little guy all through the year.
  13. Yes, when I craft and create and sell something your statement is true. When I take something that is already available to the players and buy it then sell it to the players at a higher price I add nothing to the game. Winter Packs discount were an odd exploit the Devs addressed. But evidently this thread is not done addressing lololololololol
  14. I am not against capitalism. I do have an issue with people who generate funds with an activity that adds nothing of value to the game. I make the bulk of my funds by 1) running content, the more at 50 the faster. 2) crafting recipes, converting and selling. Both these activities ADD to the game. An argument can even be made buying things from the market, changing the product, and relisting. Converting or catalyzing. This is a service in modifying what is there to what people want There is no value added to relisting a product with no change. At best it could be said you are keeping the market moving A more cynical view (*waves a brick) is that you are making money off fellow gamers good will and/or ignorance. The saddest thing is that people who make money off flipping generally do not need the funds. They just enjoy the rush. It would be like people who are scalping concert tickets but have win three lottery jackpots. They have nothing better to do with their time than force people struggling to get by to pay the highest possible price for entertainment. Not because they need the funds. But because they think it is funny
  15. I fully agree. I have been sitting on 2 billion or so for a couple years now. It just slightly grows over time, even as I build out alt after alt. How/Why do people think they need this much? Then the fact they are getting that from fellow players? there are people who will manipulate the market, screw people over just so they can say they have X amount.
  16. Remember getting this on live? Mine came with Good vs Evil purchase. As a Redsider it was almost as good as zone teleport. Fast travel to so many spots. I still miss coming in through the tiki room door. I really wish they would add that back in. Now Banished Pantheon emerge once in a while. Sigh. I thought mine was lost to the depths of time. But someone brought over a few boxes of my old stuff yesterday. And there it was...
  17. Personally I am not opposed to "it" in only one fashion. If you are referring to this method. I am anti people scalping/flipping/overcharging and abusing in the meta. If you are referring to using the market to scalp other players while adding nothing to the game, then I am opposed to "it."
  18. This would be excellent. I honestly do not know. I do know there is tradition (in past years) of people just handing these out in AP and such. They are a little expensive. Until you know how to make money. Once you start earning they are just a blip.
  19. thats cool. you should come over and join me. for a bite.
  20. i just crawled out of the crypt and am looking for blood and/or coffee. bonus if i can just drain a highly caffeinated individual. do you get it? DO YOU?
  21. eliminated. although the AH is seeded with effectively infinite salvage at prices posted in the thread above. below that high water mark we trade normally.
  22. I shall pick up some copies of Heinlein books again. I have been inspired to read by these posts lol.
  23. Are you sure? THe good scientists at Crey corporation are helping people become happier right now!
  24. Actually last year I did buy about 300 Winter packs during the last (smaller discount) holiday sale. I still have about 200 winter i/o in my base. The others have gone into my builds or i gave to SG members. I do the same with Villain packs. Look. Let me break this down. My character. Forum name, in game name, and global is Snarky. I am a villain. It is a persona. As a PLAYER I do not need to cut a fellow player so i get more. To make money I run content at 50 (generates drops/cash) or do what I am currently doing and craft convert and sell all the recipe i/os I get. This provides a SERVICE to the COMMUNITY by increasing supply of what people WANT. Demanding the Devs give me a cut price break for two weeks so I can then resell those all year long to broke players at a premium markup (and near the Dev set normal price) is not a service or helpful. It is whining until the Devs help me make money off my fellow players. Do you F-ing get it? Sheesh.
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