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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Applying extra lipstick does not make the pig any prettier If you buy junk recipes from the AH, craft convert sell, then you are adding value to the market If you are buying EVERYTHING in a certain category (this is called cornering the market) and relisting it at a higher price so everyone who buys pays you the difference you are adding NOTHING to the market.
  2. Thank you both for self identification as people that spend hours of your time to make everyone else’s life harder. love the reasons you give too. A truly evil politician always adds lipstick to the pig
  3. Case in point. Uncommon salvage prices spiking. No reason. Except some obnoxious buttface had nothing better to do than take a thousand character slots and max out each of their AH options for 10k bids on uncommon salvage this crap adds nothing to the fame, is abusive, petty, and annoying. this crap redefines being a “petty” marketer
  4. Snarky


    Crack that whip Give the past the slip Step on a crack Break your momma's back When a problem comes along (you must whip it) Before the cream sits out too long (you must whip it) When something's going wrong (you must whip it) Now whip it into shape Shape it up, get straight Go forward, move ahead Try to detect it, it's not too late To whip it, whip it good When a good time turns around (you must whip it) You will never live it down (unless you whip it) No, no one gets their way (until they whip it) I say whip it Whip it good I say whip it Whip it good Crack that whip Give the past the slip Step on a crack Break your momma's back When a problem comes along (you must whip it) Before the cream sits out too long (you must whip it) When something's going wrong (you must whip it) Now whip it into shape Shape it up, get straight Go forward, move ahead Try to detect it, it's not too late To whip it, into shape Shape it up, get straight Go forward, move ahead Try to detect it, it's not too late To whip it, whip it good
  5. The trick ( to not dying ) is counter intuitive. Stop experience. Until you generate funds for upgrades. Do content your build excels at. Basically farm the game. If you level normally you can be short of cash and strapped for enhancers Hats off if you can do this ( not dying) on a Blaster
  6. A few of them I refer to as “oh crap this guy”
  7. With Blaster sustains I generally just run fly constantly
  8. yawn. i favor brutes. this will obviously be a 1-50 run (by definition) i can make a Dark/Invul Brute who will breeze through the game on +0/x1 Sure, lacking sets will make 30-50 a little aggravating. But not by much really. Brutes were overpowered when created, even without inherent stamina. with inherent stamina but no set bonuses you just alter some picks and grind careful.
  9. I got Stalked on Everlasting once. Me! Because I played my Brute....like a Brute. Team Leader wanted me in the teams tight AoE circle AT ALL TIMES. So...that didnt work. Then they followed me around and posted following any chat message I sent and stalked me on the boards. Went on for about a week. Those people are bat SHIT crazy.
  10. "For What It's Worth:" There's something happening here But what it is ain't exactly clear There's a man with a gun over there Are tellin' me I got to beware I think it's time we stop Children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down There's battle lines being drawn Oh, nobody's right if everybody's wrong Young people speaking their minds Are getting so much resistance from behind Time we stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's goin' down What a field day for the heat A thousand people in the street Singing songs and are carrying signs Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line, the man come and take you away We better stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down? We better stop, hey, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going We better stop now, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going We better stop Children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down
  11. I do not read and post on every thread here. It probably seems like i do. I do not i read about 2/3 of the stuff in general and peruse the Brutes forums and sometimes the Tanks, and rarely a few others when working on ideas. recently someone posted in general and the title looked both long winded and boring. So….i never looked at it it got locked so i looked. Yowza. Bit it is best I did not read earlier. Sure, there was a lot if opportunities for Snarky comments. Where to start? Where to F-ing end? But I like to raise the level a bit with my Snarking. As the Devs wisely decided on locking, that thing was in the bottom of the toilet from the go and headed for the sewer at full steam. Maybe that is what caused the DFB monsters to spawn???
  12. We are creating superpower characters in a comic universe. You thought there was some real world mechanical engineering being done?
  13. one of my more creative solutions was my original toon on live. Orange Centurion on Liberty and later Freedom. A SS/Invul tech Brute. A robot. No Rage issues. The concept worked (for me) because I justified the crash as the robot overloading his circuits for almost two minutes of extra power. Then needing to divert power to cooling systems and get everything stabilized again. But no matter if you consider that creative or absolute dreck there needs to be something to explain RP wise why your character has this power crash every two minutes. unless you just do not care because you have nothing in your mind. in that case zen on and get away from me. I care about the character concepts, costumes, and power sets i generate.
  14. this is a very buggy mechanic imo. soooooo..... plan way in advance, get lucky, or suffer are your options
  15. In all seriousness, you are wrong. I have run many, many Super Strength characters. It is not just the word. It is the manic depressive cycle of the set. THe most accurate description I have for a character running SS is a low level thug who took up weightlifting. Then started taking steroids. Then graduated to street drugs. Then Superadyne and Excelsior, sometimes mixed with magical; powders available from people in Port Oakes. The dude has Rage issues. The power set perfectly describes his condition. Insane strength. Followed by pitiful weakness. It is not just a word. The power set was built to perfectly describe a manic depressive anger cycle. Ignoring that does not make you more creative. It makes you obtuse.
  16. What power set looks like super strength. The closest i have seen suggested is Street Justice. Which is 1) a crap set 2) looks like martial arts. Crappy derivative slum martial arts, but martial arts I am talking about a set that I could use for a character similar to The Tick, perhaps the greatest super ever. Not a Street Justice user. Or an energy melee. Knockout Blow. Haymaker. Jab. Picking up a slab of pavement and hurling it at a Mu Striker. THAT is Super Strength. Also, the crack about lack of imagination was unnecessary and just a dick move. I am comfortable in my musical, 2D art, and writing skills. Evidently you are either a creative genius that could give Picasso a run for his money or incredibly small minded
  17. You can use titan weapons or an energy blaster and call it super Strength. But it is not super strength
  18. An update is when the staff make changes to the thing.
  19. Dark regularly makes the top half of Armor lists. Sure, if you want to gimp something you can run anything and use dual origins all the way to 50.
  20. This is about as simple to solve as it gets Rage boosts damage for two minutes with 10 second down time and and an end crash Make it a toggle with the same effective end cost ( by averaging) and average the damage (almost same but slightly less to account for crash downtime) pretty much anyone who disagrees with this simple solution is a cry baby pvper who wants to double stack it.
  21. Super Strength is arguably the most prevalent power in comics/superhero canon. In this game we are saddled with one that is completely balanced around rage. Which, and maybe somebody did not notice this because( sarcastic comment removed), the vast majority of Super Strength users in comics/super hero world do not have Rage issues. Some do. Some. Not all. FIX IT
  22. I started on Brutes. This bit of wisdom is why I stay on Brutes. I may be a bit slower but I can just settle into whatever is happening and keep grinding. It is almost a pain for me on really good teams because they have done everything while I am still getting my bearings. On crap teams I am the star player.
  23. Look on the wiki to see the contacts that are the same arc but different contacts depending on RNG. It is a little tricky to ensure you get all content done because so many duplicate names for flavor
  24. Dark is way too strong. Kinetic Melee is a set I have run and it truly stinks. I paired it with Regen because anything you use besides it lessens its damage, including clicking heals
  25. Snarky

    EHP Calculations

    Just run the Invulnerability. That will be your conclusion in the end. Save yourself days weeks months years of spreadsheet navel gazing Get a Hyperstrike build and TANK
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