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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I must admit when Recluse asked me (okay, it wasn't him. But Arbiter Daos said it was from Recluse...) to kidnap a bunch of election technicians and get info from them I just took the job. Then I was tasked with stealing election machines. After that I was told to terrorize a news station manager into playing a segment on how the "other side" was fixing the vote. Then I had to blow up the TV station and the election machine office to cover all traces. But did I do the right thing. 5,000 inf and 10 merits? Really? I think i should have passed on this job.
  2. you never 50d the toon. you never played the toon. it was a name i wanted for years. i will play it. enjoy that thought. in short "ain't no way....."
  3. Also, whenever your character takes a single hit that does more than 50% damage you must hit yourself in the foot with a hammer. No shoes. Medium force okay.
  4. Stupid comes in many flavors. i tend to run very few Trollers. But i went through a phase where i took a few Trollers from 1-50 in all red/blue TF/SF/Trials in level order. Even my crap play did not do that. I found myself watching the team closely and applying AoE in strategies that assisted quick and safe completion of objectives. then, back to blastin’…💥🎉🔥😆
  5. Ich bin richtig. Sie irren sich!
  6. yeah, i am maybe 500 hours into german study ( hour +/- a day for year and half) and for slow distinct german i get the topic of the conversation 80%+ time. and miss the point/misunderstand the meaning 80% time lol.
  7. i should really start semi afk farming as i practyice german.... except... i dont need the funds much and i really need to focus lol. German is difficult. Both complex grammatically AND filled with idiosyncratic expressions that have evolved over centuries.
  8. the challenge runs i do tend to be "solo every redside contact" or "solo all contacts" in truth blue is a pita and i have only successfully done it once
  9. I would add that garlic on pizza is always bad
  10. I had Snarky on every server but indom. Much like High Beam after a few minutes I got it.
  11. You can punish a deck ape. But what are you going to really do? Make them do more work? Deck apes are either getting in trouble or working…
  12. as a former deck ape i can say the true joy is in asking stupid questions in a way that makes it seem like 1) you actually dont know 2) you care about the answer this is very entertaining in between cleaning and hauling
  13. It is a really old game and the upkeep on changing descriptions to match stuff was never done on live. Now it is volunteers… plus, they actively TRIED to mislead players with descriptions when the game came out… and, the most times they were not trying to mislead players they were just stupidly wrong. Take the Blaster AT description. Ranged damage dealer? A Blaster is most effective at point blank range. That has changed somewhat over the years, but the best Fire^3 is still a Blapper. And most Blasters do more damage blapping. there are a thousand other “pluses” and “ands” but sometimes you just gotta roll on have fun KB. Also, check out Earth Blast Meteor. Ka….BOOM!!! ☄️🔥💥💥💥
  14. also you cannot color it. it is very wrong look using prestige sprint ice trail with superjump might get close. you will have to test. the end cost will be heavy.
  15. i asked this long ago. The prestige sprints have something that looks like ice slide, when colored. It seems not doable from what i remember.
  16. damn, now you got me thinking there must be a way to create a blaster that throws people off in parabolas lol
  17. here is one of the rails i follow away from this logic line. badges. the OP mentioned badges. IF you are a BADGER.... you can kiss your sweet innocence goodbye. Or, if a villain, get ready to save the world. A few times. No BADGER, no true BADGER is alignment true. and... just like Bank badges the DEVs would be pestered into setting up ways to get these badges if passed over. They even finally fixed old Pither. So, badges for not killing people, or pretending to be a good guy while selling nuclear dirty bombs to Freakshow, whatever.... Then everyone is like "I dont want to be a Lackey" "My villain would never do that" "I only drain the drugg addled homeless when i'm starving" - wait, that last one may just be me. Anyways, NO ONE FORCES A VILLAIN TO DO ANYTHING. You can street hunt to 50 and only do the arc where you hand Recluse his head if you want. Or dont do that. Or... You can start in the ZIG, breakout, and run every single RED story arc, stopping experience to do so. Get to know the Isles. You are going to be a Destined One baby!
  18. you will be massively hated by all temmates without the PB. but, you can always add + KB through enhancements. and you can use a base empowerment station too Knockback Increase (Empowerment) - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
  19. damn. it's like that huh?
  20. okay. gonna slow walk this because I love Redside. You have a choice at the beginning of every character. 1) Kalinda 2) Burke 3) streethunt go your own way. Kalinda will tell you about working with Arachnos, the factions, the redside "proper way" Burke will tell you about being a villain, making money, and double dealing on Atachnos whenever it is profitable Or.... you can seek out your own path. The conversations with Kalinda and Burke are detailed and well written. I will not repeat them here. The HC Wiki for their contacts has their entire dialogue. It goes to the heart (both contacts) of why you (as a selfish villain) would do these missions/quests/goals using the contacts preferred methods and imitating their values for a few missions. It definitely answers most of "I would never do this" issues. But if "I WOULD NEVER DO THIS" does come up. Stop. There are many options, including Going Rogue and exploring other morality choices.
  21. I have played a LOT of red over the years. Devs not wanting players to enjoy villainy? Have you even played Red? Starting in prison, badges for killing people. Double, triple, quadruple crossing each other?
  22. thats what i thought would happen. whereas you tested it and forgot... Me? ahead of the class. Never tested it, guessed, and same place. damn, am i good or what?
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