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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. here is my current versions with a modification to Cloak of Fear slotting. i also changed out the Perfect Zinger for a Taunt I/O Tanker - Dark Dark v7.2.mbd
  2. 15. i found out a week ago when trying to join one. was a weird ten minute conversation on discord. lol i just trimmed down to 8. not even sure what 6/7 of those i deleted were. so.... who needs Snark's wisdom in their channel? lol
  3. Redside - if you know Tarikoss 15-25 min. IF you do not know the shorcuts in redside strike forces they take a long time. This involves not just inside mission but the quickest way navigating zones sometimes. Redside is a place not friendly to tourists. It has different movement style than blue. Flight, normally pretty slow blue, is one of the faster modes redside. Knowing the helicopter lines helps quite a bit. If you do not know Tarikoss and most of your team is clueless it will be a long cruel slog. Prob an hour or more. Give me 3 people on my team that know it (including me, so 2 more) and a few bodies to throw at the final AV and it is probably a 15-20 min thing. Depending on one or two findable objectives. If all are in most probable spots 15 min. The Crystal Strike Force on St Martial is crazy if you do not know it. Same with most Red SFs. When you ask how long something takes that means you do not know the short way. So all Red SF will take an hour to two for you. Unless you are being carried by a speed team. If so, try to stay close to the fastest characters and watch what they do. For next time
  4. i know folks that can do a normal ITF in under 10 min. everytime. I mentioned to Task Force Jinkies I needed a Synapse. 34 minutes later it was done. They complained it was slower than normal, (no doubt because of me...) The game varies depending on Players, team composition, and mission settings. A LOT.
  5. i could see running a Brute Dark/Invul now juggling Melee Core Embodiment, Rune of Protection, and Unstoppable. You could then ignore building for any resistance and build for Recharge/Defense. With three massive huge resistance/status/regen/etc "oh crap" buttons always cycling you would be, well, unstoppable. THe only caveat being to watch the crash on unstoppable so you can spend a few seconds recovering. (dark consumption, inspirations)
  6. My most memorable experience for Unstoppable was on Live. I was playing a dark/Invul Brute. This was a pretty built up high recharge build. But Unstoppable was not perma. I was on a PUG... (it's me after all) and we were doing a Barracuda or a Dr Khan. We get to the end fight and the team gets overwhelmed. Not uncommon on live. Good builds were horrendously expensive. They all die. Except me. I start cycling through unstoppable. Shoring up the toon during the crashes with Dull Pain, Dark Consumption, Siphon Life and any imspirations that dropped. The team went to the hospital. Came in, and.... was overwhelmed. REPEAT above experience. The team came back the second time and we knocked Reichsman down. Hyperstrike swears Unstoppable is a delayed death sentence. But this old vampire has been cheating the grim reaper for a few nights. Having said that I use Hyperstrike builds and do not waste a pick on Unstoppable.
  7. Enjoy! A Fire Fire Tank should be a ton of fun. Look to some Farm builds for ideas on efficient PROCs to improve damage. No need to copy the while build as they are set up to defend against specific damage type.
  8. Controllers are great. very powerful. way less damage than tanks, which... nvm enjoy
  9. and after listening to us argue for 3 pages. You got any ideas? Because yes, A Sentinel has the same agro cap as a Tank. Now tank the AV with it in a MoMLTF....
  10. i am repelled this was necro'd
  11. in my opinion you would want to look towards Hyperstrikes MoDurable Invulnerability builds. Invul is a hybrid Res/Def armor. Hyperstrike somehow finds every way to efficiently improve the performance of an already great all around armor type. Probably the closest you will get to the goal.
  12. Yes, on my Dark Armor Tank and Brute I take Incarnate Melee Hybrid and Sorcery rune of Protection on a build that is already 90-100% Res on most damage types. The Tank sits at 88.8% Fire/Cold, 79.8% Toxic, and 73.1% Energy stone cold out of combat. The goal is not 90%, which is great, but 100% which is perfect. Because then your Resistance can only be debuffed by the extremely rare non-resistable resistance debuff power. Which is so rare as to almost not exist. The Incarnate Melee Core Embodiment and Rune of Protection both have a down time that cannot be affected by recharge. But they can be alternated, with an orange inspiration to fill any gaps during extremely tough content. Every armor will have weaknesses. Dark has almost no Defense and no defense debuff resistance. It does use stealth, fear, stun, and to hit debuff as "faux defense" and has the best heal in the game. I build to those strengths. Trying to slam 45 or 65% defenses onto a Resist armor set with no defense debuff resistance is not wise in my opinion.
  13. I think everyone should commit to the Strike Force or Trial for the duration. Penalties for not helping finish should be severe
  14. I am unfamiliar with you. You alternate between not understanding me (or pretending not to) pivoting to advising me on gentlemen like behavior pivoting to dislike of my Fire Blaster build. Simply put, in the short time I have come to know you I have found absolutely nothing amusing. What in the name of all the gods makes you think I would 1) want to have an in game discussion with you 2) would want your “secret understanding” of how to build a Fire Blaster? I do enjoy seeing someone with such a big ego however.
  15. Easy solution. Do not play it. Get yourself one with all that armor. Enjoy
  16. I mostly run it for lulz with a couple Supergrouos I discord with. It is a solid damage dealer, of course. I play a lot of “standard” 50 content but not a ton of started content. If I remember correctly this one has been in 1 star LGTF and both 1 and 2 star ITF. It is a shock and awe damage dealer that I play aggressively and dont over rely on ROTP. But it is great to have lol. Most of my Blasters are built for range. But this one is built for damage. Incarnate picks are Alpha Musculature +45%, Interface Reactive 75% chance damage, and Hybrid Assault with the double strike for immediate energy damage. It is all about making the first punch be the last punch.
  17. Darkest Night serves 3 functions for me. 1) debuff AV. 2) grab agro, even ranged (especially?) You can jump at two groups. Land in the center of first, taunt, and throw Darkest Night in a bodd in the other. boom, you are tanking 2 groups. 3) debuff large group of hard targets like minotaurs or such. You only need 2 rech in haste. if worried 50+5 them. What are you doing with Dark Regen? Seriously. If you hit 1 target it fills your health from 1% to 100$. take that extra hasten slot and 6 slot Thefor of essence (I prefer Youch of Nictus) and get 4.5% Energy Res...
  18. Blaster (Fire Blast - Fire Manipulation) 2024 v 2.01.mbd
  19. reading for comprehension is important. see i read your sentence "huh..? you are willing to bet your fire/fire blaster will blow doors off any toon i gots...and you can clean a few hundred faster than what, a tank..?" and i says to myself, he did not understand reading my message "unless you also have a fire fire blaster. even then, against..." because he says "faster than wat, a tank" now, i have quoted 3 conversations. and i am fairly sure you did not follow at least two of them first read. i do encourage you to keep trying. i hold out little hope however.
  20. reading is hard. i know. just keep trying. you missed the curve in the road where i said "unless you also have a fire fire blaster" just keep working at it. go slow. never be ashamed to ask for help
  21. My Fire Fire Blaster will blow the doors off any toon you got, unless you also have a fire fire blaster. even then, against large spawns, i bet I could clean a few hundred faster. Tankers damage is not great. However, with the AoE and other changes made to Tanks they are quite viable. Remember some peiople prefer them for +4/x8 farming over Brutes. Brutes deal decent damage, even after being nerfed 3 times and handed the worst Achetype Enhancer PROC in the game. Like a toy whistle in a brass band. I love Hyperbole. But once we get into the "do you think I am stupid" range it starts to get up on my nerve.
  22. Pretty sure I have been called that in more than one surveillance conversation.
  23. So... there is an agro cap. Having said that I have a Dark Tank (runs non suppressed stealth 99% time). I use Taunt and a ranged Targeted AoE toggle debuff to direct traffic. It is a little easier to get/manage agro on my Ice/Ice Tank, but not much. again, and I cannot say this enough. There IS an agro cap. NO ONE can overcap that. There are techniques to herd more than that. You are saying Tanks can't manage agro. That another AT would definitely be better. So.
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