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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. My main keeps getting random tells ( all year long) about how close it is to Murnau’s Nosferatu. I don’t want to be Snarky but I was trying for a ‘happy’ look. Sigh…
  2. I started a Dark Dark Controller over the weekend. My first Controller. I used my alt acct Farmer to PL for 20 minutes to 28. Then I levelled him up and slapped SOs all over and a few Globals like Panacea and Perf Shifter. Then I did what I love to do, run the Freedom Phalanx TFs in order to learn a build. Well, I did Posi 1, 2, and Synapse. I do not lead, so I wait for them to post in LFG. And i am badging on my main watching server chatter. The nice thing about a Controller....is everything. Except damage. We'll talk lol. Since I kmow the game pretty well I did not feel useless. I know exactly what my debuffs, immobs, and disorients are doing. I play this squishy as close to the middle of large spawns as I can crowd. THose who know me know I only play squishy at range. I have no problem on this thing walking up to a very large spawn and start dropping control, with teammates still finishing last spawn. At least through level 20 content. We shall see. But I do have to stay extremely tight with team. They are the ones actually killing. If I see a team split I make a decision who needs my support. Then commit to making sure that teammate(s) has a much easier time. No ATT? No issues, I pop two medium purps and fly through every hallway to get to the teammates who are working while people sit at the door. Then I drop the controls and ATT. It is a fun fun way to work though content. Not sure I am helping speed. My teams are making decent times. A little over 30 for each Posi and 1:30 for Synapse. But we all know those can go a lot faster. But they were smooth. Definitely working with the team on this character.
  3. Because it is Halloween, or because I am a madman I have decided to start a Dark/Dark/Soul Controller alt. I have run some Dominators in my time, but never a Controller. My first thought is to throw things like Grav Anchors Hold Proc in Living Shadows Immob Cone. This can help me get to better Hold numbers (possibly?) Are there any other Hold procs I could be looking at? Danged controllers have fat AoE patches lol. Be nice to sweeten them up. I plan to run this very different than most of my "ranged squishies" Obviously I am not a primary damage dealer. More like a very powerful yet incredibly squishy tank. I will be taking the Teleport pool along with Fold Space. There are some looooong recharge times on these big guns. Will be interesting learning the rythyms. I PL'd to 28 and slotted mostly SOs. I will be running through the Freedom Phalanx Task Forces in order to learn the playstyle, rather than finish farming it out. Any tricks or treats are appreciated.
  4. I still enjoy "PUG speed TF" to blow out the acronyms and weird terms. PUG = Pick up Group. PUG Speed TF really means stumbling through at a kill most even if not necessary to kill most. To me this is fun. Just chaos.
  5. Yeah my normal look is a vampire….so i never put on a “Halloween costume” lol
  6. Working with someone who played the game for a few months until they fixed an obviously broken mechanic. Okay. Whatever floats your boat. personally i am pretty happy there is an agro cap
  7. Was trying to badge with friends. Chatting in Discord. Bitching about only one of us getting a Halloween tip despite previous nights halloween leagues. Devising SG strategies for getting tips and utilizing them best Then one of us read that YOU NEED TO BE IN COSTUME To get Halloween tips. cheers folks. We laughed for half hour. (And got all 7 badges in that time
  8. I was told last week we would have MM pet customization this week. *taps foot. “Ahem….”
  9. yeah...that page doesnt get much posting i guess? the patch note i read was from 2019....it did mention halloween though
  10. I must be misunderstanding something as usual In the patch notes it said there are now 8 explore badges and an accolade for each PvP zone. But….wasnt there already?
  11. is it possible there is a variable creating the difference?
  12. 1 When did you started playing CoX? Was it before or after the game shut down? Tell me a little about how you met the game. I found the game right after "Good vs. Evil" was released. Somewhere in 2004. Random pick in a videogame store. 2 Have you played the game before the shut down in 2012? If the answer is yes, tell me about how you feel about the game’s “Death”. What was that experience like? Yes. I felt a lot of anger. I stopped playing about a month before the servers shut down because it angered me to go into the game. 3 And when the game returned in 2019? What did you felt? Was it like a “Homecoming”? I was very happy to have my favorite game back. 4 What was the first thing you did after playing the game for the first time in years? Made a Super Strength Invulnerability Brute Villain and started doing crimes. 5 What are your thoughts on the return of the servers? Did you brought something with you from the original server? (Avatars, builds, things like that) Many of my current characters are just evolutions of my original play style. I have started to branch out and explore. But my first year back was revisiting all my old favorites 6 Do you like to play with a specific character? (can be more than one) If yes, what makes it so special to you? I have a couple characters that I write backstories for. These I will play endlessly. One has a few different in game archetypes and builds but the exact same look, same name. I like the ability to create a character from the ground up, costume playstyle powersets and final build. This feels like more creative control in portraying he character in my head.
  13. I regularly feel the call to solo content. My most traditional way is to solo every contact Redside. I stop experience at 4 (Kalinda and Burke), (there are a couple that outlevel at 7 Kuzmin, Weber, Harris, at 8 Dr Creed and Mongoose, then stop at 9, 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 50 . Any contacts are completed at the TOP of their arc. if you are a 20-29 story arc I run at 29. 25-50? 50! For low levels ensure you have your four DFBs to 22 then four DiB to 30. Those buffs help. SOs are better until about 29 than sets, other than a few globals. The temporary buffs from P2W are real cheap at low level. get 8 hours for as long as you can keep affording it. The enhancers from P2W are also real good until 21.
  14. Cosmic Council allows me to speak freely. Me! Folks who know my forum posts cannot be fooled into thinking I will be “censored” yes, Cosmic Council does not allow racist, anti-any group of people, bullying, nor raving like a madman luckily I have been told I somehow tread the line. I am not against any group of people. I dislike all equally. I do not rave like a madman, I rant like a prophet. YMMV. However, while it can be said Cosmic Council has a code of behavior that is strictly enforced it cannot be said Cosmic Council will censor you. You either want to play with a group where what you are saying you would be comfortable saying in a college cafeteria or you are not comfortable playing with a group that does not allow Reddit backpage worthy bile to be spewed. Cosmic Council does have an “after hours” time where things are loosened when any young people would be in bed. That still does not open the door for hate speech and graphic content however. Good time to discuss my Dexter trivia knowledge though
  15. I found a great SG in Cosmic Council on Excelsior. Almost every day an SG event, sometimes two. Weekly Really Hard Way Magisterium and incarnate Master Badge runs. Lot of fun on discord
  16. Oh you wacky Superheroes (and villains) Where? Why? Who? decided that the default super look is a unitard? “Y-yeah, I just I-I think it’s a little tight it’s hard to tell.” - Spiderman "If I wear that thing, you’re gonna have to call me Cameltoe." - Jessica Jones.
  17. You got WAAaaaaayyyyyyyyy too much time on your hands
  18. That is crazy funny. Now i want to try it lol
  19. In the Magisterium sometimes Tyrant will just harang off on his own. Not sure he is 'running' so much as just "I do what I want!"
  20. I was in a pysch ward for a hot minute (real shock to most of you I am sure) During that period, in 'crafts' I made a clay skull, painted it black, named it Fred. That is something I have not remembered for a long long time. But it popped into my head 🙂
  21. I fully agree. My builds are sub par by the standards of modern CoH. i do not proc everything out. I use a decent build strategy from a great builder on live for Dark/Invul Brutes (high recharge build!) and Hyperstrike's guide for most other Invul outings. For Blasters....I love my Blasters but they are not the damage kings that are currently in vogue. Somewhat "Tanky" little 'damage tech dept' with a lot of odd tricks to get to the job and survive the experience... But I really enjoy running these things.
  22. Yeah. I fully agree. Telling people what to do is different than building consensus. Those hunts are better done by people with knowledge of the maps. If you post zones/mobs and ask for volunteers it usually works out. Even if people dont say where they are going the team window shows the flow. Asking someone to help out on X map can direct those who seem to be losing focus
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