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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. It sounds like a layering issue Where you look like you are in the same place but really the server has you in diff worlds. Real common in Warcraft
  2. Like everything it depends on your build. If you are running a Dark Armor melee you will cut off your arm to get a pure Rec proc. Most Brutes and Tanks take all 3 if they can fit them and afford them
  3. I just posted a SS/Will build that us solid if not absolutely perfect. An expert might squeeze more out of a build but it is pretty good i seem to have this discussion a lot lately. Willpower is a very very good armor set. I am hard to impress. Willpower impresses me. For endgame invulnerability will be slightly better most of the time. I am talking incarnate trials. But in at keast a couple trials with a lot if psionic damage Willpower will be better
  4. It is a keystone of your attack chain. The heal is great and sometimes the only thing keeping you up. But the primary function of the power is part of your core attack chain. On end hungy builds i throw a theft if essence proc into it for random end as well. That is truly random though. But the health and end are all secondary. It us a quick hard hitting attack. Slot it with a hard hitting attack set and you will find yourself not even wanting to use sands of mu. Why would you when you can peel your opponent fast with siphon life and get a health boost? My badger is an invul/ dark melee tank. Siphon Life is very important when burning down an AV
  5. Slot Siphon Life as a major attack power. You will thank me later
  6. Ouch. That sounds bad. I had a kill alm Ritki in a cave (including layer cake room) with many tunnels. After an hour i finally abandoned it and autocompleted with contact. Still pisses me off
  7. Then grab the first two attacks from dark and all the attacks from fighting. Again i run a lot of dark melee and Shadow Maul took a while to figure out bow to make effective. Lining the cone up is a little art form. I can generally sidestep and twist and get at least two even in small spawns. Trying to make SM and Sands work because they are graphically close to what you want i admire. I love art. But dig deeper artist. Look at other quick hitting powers that will fill the role. 1st two attacks from Super Strength? Both with alternate animations!
  8. Okay, I have only noticed this a little. Lately I have been running AoE Blasters. couldn't tell what the mobs were doing, they die fast. I am starting a Willpower Brute. On a Synapse last night I think I noticed this, thought I was having bad luck. Here is one thing that was a major turning point in my game years ago. Know the song "Love the one you're with?" "Kill the one your near." is my Brutes motto. If it aint a Boss I am burning down or a Sapper, screw them. Target nearest, land a punch. Keep the DPS/Fury/Pain flowing.
  9. I didn't even realize Stupid was an Alpha Slot pick. What does it enhance?
  10. Sands of Mu is a GREAT power. With Super Strength it is a power that works during Rage crash - because it is unbuffable, positive or negative. Think about that and what you are asking. I run a LOT of Dark Melee. I would ask what AT you are, but it does not matter. STOP using Sands as part of your normal attack chain. It is not good that way. It is very situational. Say you wade into a huge spawn. It is good then, it hits everyone. Or you drop Shadow Maul and realize immediately it is hitting 3-4 fat targets. Drop Sands then! DO NOT make it part of your melee attack chain. From about level 20 you need to be hitting targets with enhanced powers as much as possible, Siphon Life is what needs to be in your chain. It is not a situational just tap it when you need health. That is a hard hitting mean attack that debuffs your enemy and heals you., It is quick. If the end cost is bothering you drop some end reduction in it or a good set of enhancers. gl
  11. Fire Primary Mental Secondary is a strong Blapper combo. Fire is tip top damage and loves to be close. Mental has powers that deal damage and needs close mobs for drain psyche. Blapping is an all or nothing gamble. It is going into vegas with a 1000 dollars and putting it all on red. screw hanging out for 2 days getting drunk. just make the bet and either win/lose. Now knowing the table and odds is where the art comes in. Say you know nearly exactly how much punch your attacks have. With experience you can roll into a mob of 15 including bosses and Lts and use your soft controls and sheer damage to win the day. knockdown, stun, -tohit debuff, and of course just killing them outright. build up, snipe a boss lsay into the crowd with a huhge AoE that knocks down or debuffs, drain psyche for massive regeneration, start burning down whatever is there.
  12. This is a build I threw together based on some of the advice I got here (Thanks0 I may have went sideways on some issues, but it is an attempt! Without incarnate 45% s/l def. 90% s/l res. 46% En/Neg/ 45% Psi res. 38% fire/cold res. toxic...17% lol. watch out for Vahz! 4.26% End generation 2.32% end use. 2102 Health. 48.5 health per sec, (554%, or 2.31%gross depending on how you like your stats)) Rech 30% pre-hasten, which still stacks Rage. Feedback is appreciated. I really went sideways building it, far away from my comfort zones. Villain Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build! Snarky: Level 50 Magic Brute Primary Power Set: Super Strength Secondary Power Set: Willpower Power Pool: Fighting Power Pool: Speed Power Pool: Leaping Power Pool: Leadership Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery Villain Profile: Level 1: Punch (A) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Damage (3) Superior Brute's Fury - Damage/Recharge (3) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (5) Superior Brute's Fury - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime (5) Superior Brute's Fury - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge (7) Superior Brute's Fury - Recharge/Fury Bonus Level 1: High Pain Tolerance (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (7) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (9) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance (9) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime (11) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All) (11) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3% Level 2: Haymaker (A) Superior Unrelenting Fury - Accuracy/Damage (13) Superior Unrelenting Fury - Damage/RechargeTime (13) Superior Unrelenting Fury - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime (15) Superior Unrelenting Fury - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime (15) Superior Unrelenting Fury - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime (17) Superior Unrelenting Fury - RechargeTime/+Regen/+End Level 4: Mind Over Body (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (21) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (21) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance (23) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime Level 6: Fast Healing (A) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance (23) Numina's Convalesence - Endurance/Recharge (25) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Recharge (25) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge (27) Numina's Convalesence - Heal Level 8: Knockout Blow (A) Superior Blistering Cold - Accuracy/Damage (27) Superior Blistering Cold - Damage/Endurance (29) Superior Blistering Cold - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (29) Superior Blistering Cold - Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime (31) Superior Blistering Cold - Recharge/Chance for Hold Level 10: Indomitable Will (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed Level 12: Kick (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage (31) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance (31) Touch of Death - Damage/Recharge (33) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance (33) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge (33) Touch of Death - Chance of Damage(Negative) Level 14: Tough (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance (34) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance (34) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance (34) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP Level 16: Rise to the Challenge (A) Dampened Spirits - To Hit Debuff (36) Dampened Spirits - To Hit Debuff/Recharge (36) Dampened Spirits - To Hit Debuff/Recharge/Endurance (36) Dampened Spirits - To Hit Debuff/Endurance (37) Preventive Medicine - Heal (37) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb Level 18: Rage (A) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff (37) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Recharge (39) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Endurance/Recharge (39) Adjusted Targeting - Endurance/Recharge (39) Adjusted Targeting - To Hit Buff/Endurance (40) Adjusted Targeting - Recharge Level 20: Quick Recovery (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End (40) Performance Shifter - EndMod Level 22: Weave (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance (42) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge (42) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge (42) Shield Wall - Defense Level 24: Hasten (A) Recharge Reduction IO (43) Recharge Reduction IO Level 26: Combat Jumping (A) Kismet - Defense/Endurance (43) Kismet - Defense/Recharge (43) Kismet - Accuracy +6% Level 28: Heightened Senses (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance (45) Shield Wall - Defense/Recharge (45) Shield Wall - Defense (45) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All) Level 30: Maneuvers (A) Reactive Defenses - Defense (40) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime (46) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance (46) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage Level 32: Foot Stomp (A) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage (46) Superior Avalanche - Damage/Endurance (48) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (48) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge (48) Superior Avalanche - Recharge/Chance for Knockdown Level 35: Superior Conditioning (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End (50) Performance Shifter - EndMod Level 38: Strength of Will (A) Aegis - Psionic/Status Resistance Level 41: Physical Perfection (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End (50) Performance Shifter - EndMod Level 44: Resurgence (A) Recharge Reduction IO Level 47: Assault (A) Endurance Reduction IO Level 49: Tactics (A) Rectified Reticle - Increased Perception (50) Rectified Reticle - To Hit Buff Level 1: Brawl (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Dash (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Slide (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Quick (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Rush (A) Empty Level 1: Prestige Power Surge (A) Empty Level 1: Fury Level 1: Sprint | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1445;681;1362;HEX;| |78DA6594D94F135114C6EFB453B0D0D296026515CB22C852C1E5D9445922D204AD4| |BE2D634702D8D4D69A625CAA3FF816B7C50A480BE1A35FE332A6E6FBE001A358A89| |A9A7F37D82B1934E7F33E79CEF9C73CFCC9DE8F511CFD3F11B4794517D2C9DC8E5E| |247ADF9BC764513C9D4B453295511CB24ACAB0B9572D96CBBE2519DD63A129BCF6A| |2B1ECB5B3A93CCCF86E01AD1577426A723E752E97476EE9AB694776A6E2E1D194B2| |567F3A94CB2CABE8B65B59EF1D897933A9115BBEFEFCD8CB672B3A96CD36836351D| |19CD682BB9108F2672796D2DA0B146E9A35BCE0E43FE4AA72ABA54411A1D3695639| |95C01CD55F23158F1047CA5FED17EA3EF3BB8EB07F913AC3A408644D066AA4E8141| |ADE1316D9FC74BD680353ED20FFA03E06B5139A1753A59B78E75EB58B78175DF489| |40BB1A6EBA401DF29B031469E069BCF80DD82D2732A692A6FA266F32DB0F50E7917| |DC7D0F5C936837EA28773DF238244935F2B8AACF0B7A24FE027911DC7389BC4CC64| |1A768BD5CA3976B0C738D61AE31BC05BE95289F3DCCA2CBF7CCA1549DCCF7B9C3F6| |75BEE0FD4BB0EB13345DEB608FC8020ADAC02368BA96C0BD0572995C017B56C177A| |20AA24723789FBEDBA029FDD7B3FFFA31D4DA374E1E2727C00E890D614E46A85FD9| |B63EB2417C4DC8E368DA52F6BBD3F78BFC0DBE17B4B0560B6B0DB0D6006B0C9C000| |392AF8DB16D1B9CC117707093FCCAFE24AE9DEF41FB433CE7C14570FF1259209741| |77807B4AD6D2C1990C73261F4B7B8EEF48F761BC231E89EF657CEF7FF11FC4DA8FF| |AAA9FF3A895FE23CC1109C31614DB10730C2D8A3628391E80ADA6E251949F1CAAAF| |CC325466192EB31C2CB31C2AB38C99DBDF83E2E4CEB56C0CAC67CAA4496C86AD70F| |B6527C3525CAFDAFE22D0BBB9637118613C13FF59CCAD76C2B0F7C94699EAF38EC5| |3038D15A4EF40FECBBE942| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  13. Okay. soooooo NOOOOOOOOO lol First, When I say designed from the ground up. I mean that. So, we need to look at Blasting in the first years of the game. A Blasters entire Primary is NOT ranged attacks. the T9 on everything but AR and Ice was PB. That's not the only PB powers in Blasters primaries. Ranges have been modified, increased and smoothed slightly. But originally quite a few of the cones and such very pretty short range. Like Sentinel. The only secondary with no melee attacks was Devices, favored set of those we affectionately (?) call Toe-bombers. Again, this has changed over the years (slightly) as a pure ranged set like Beam Rifle was added, and now Water. But I still have not found a design in Blasters where you can set up at 30+ range and unleash and never move into melee without giving up a lot (gimping the build for concept) From what I could tell the only reason Blasters have gotten ANY movement away from Blapper design is the choice when building an AT for "Ranged" and the description as a Ranged character. Then we get in game and are like? Hey! These aren't chocolate chip cookies, these are dog biscuits. You cannot advertise cookies and then hand out dog biscuits. I mean you can (they did) but you will be hearing about it. For months. and years. and decades. Hey, remember that game that said Ranged characters but it was really a PB monster?
  14. Time. Indeed. I ran 1-34 content on one character. Nerva was really getting on my Nerva. Fly a mile. say hi. fly a mile. go get glowie. fly a mile. back to say hi. It was almost as bad as another kill all just for the sake of completeness. TP pool. F-ing useless (to me) My version of TP powers. TP Enemy. TP other. TP self (combat repositioning for stealthing or Granite Armor masochists. TP to Specific location in zone only. (door, contact, location marker) TP to Zone. Any zone. Hit power, go to map. That's a power pool. Blink from one end of the map to another, that's a power. TP blink a20-50 times to get across a map? As a pick? really? in the modern game? Okay....sure (noooooo)
  15. Blaster, in my opinion, have always been mislabelled. They were built from the ground up with a focus on Blapping. Please look at the PBAoE powers, the melee attacks, etc. It takes effort to find and build powersets that are synergistic for a ranged “Blaster”. It is falling off a log easy to pick any sets and scrape together a Blapper that works decent using any powersets
  16. Snarky

    SS/Will Homecoming

    Yeah. I will let focused accuracy go. Maybe when j convince them to let us have more powers and enhancer slots as the extra incarnate powers lol
  17. Snarky

    SS/Will Homecoming

    Hmmm. I am 90% sure i have room in the build for both. If the build will sustain both End wise i like the idea of having both (and the Kismet proc!). Back when running SO builds i found Increasing to hit chances was the key to being useful in any team.
  18. Oh my!!!! Yes. I brand new unslotted SS/Will Brute i alted on. Had a rough day yesterday and just wanted to kick off a new alt. Thanks to that team and one more DFB after i left it was at 17 when i parked it. since we are in the melee AT thread i would suggest (beg) anyone with ideas on Build concepts for SS/Will to look at the thread i started in Brutes. I talk there a little about what i an thinking and how it will differ from my SS/Invul. (Which Hyperstrike designed, most of my Brute and Tank builds are really mods of his core design. Havent found his Will template yet lol)
  19. I started on what seems like a thousand alts. Quite a number if them were SS/Invul Brutes. My goto engine underneath the skin of many characters Then Willpower showed up. Love. Just Love ❤️I ran SS/Will on multiple successful solo every contact Redside projects. I just really enjoy the super feeling if Willpower. Maybe (okay prob def) Invul is tougher. But better? Hmmm. My first built out 50 on Homecoming is a SS/Invul Brute. Then a few scores of alts happened I looked around last night after a hard day working and just wanted comfort. And slowly realized i dont have a SS/Will. Soooo I ran a couple DFBs and a few PI councils. So tired i did not want to run a Posi 1 even and one was forming. Level 17 next step? The buildout of course. This is a Inf is mo object project i know i will S/L softcap get S/L resist 80+ and after that not sure. Do you chase high Health on a Willpower? i am looking for suggestions on power pools and Incarnate powers. i know everything benefits from Hasten. I suppose i should grab that? combat jump, fighting pool kick tough weave, 3 leadership toggles. Energy Mastery. Solve all my End issues 4ever without using incarnate powers and build towards damage with incarnate choices? Then take Acc toggle there and run it constant? Lol. That sounds interesting. Dont try to compete with my Invul Brute for survivability but just go as big as possible on scrappiness? I like how it sounds any thoughts ( or builds ) are appreciated. Thanks
  20. Snarky

    Energy Will

    I like it, but i alted lol
  21. I had perma doms on live. Still havent got one on Homecoming. Highest was around 30. Then i alted of course. Its what i do. I have 3 built out 50s at this point i am not breaking down. Invul/dark tank. Ss/invul Brute and Dark/Dark Brute. When i say built out i mean like near perfect builds. Which is where you have to go with a Dom. Part of the reason i have not built one is i have learned i know crap about the class and powersets and just joyuosly ran a perma grav/nrg on live as a crazy sometimes useful teammate
  22. Snarky

    Ranged Blaster

    Yes. As i played the Dark/Mental today i rather missed the stealth and smoke combo of AR/Traps. It is truly beautiful. I am using stealth and invisibility pool powers but do miss smoke grenade. We all know how nasty it is to fight through that when Arachnos drops it on a team lol
  23. Snarky

    Dark Mental

    I use the Rogue Alignment Power "Duplicity" quite a lot on my Invul Tank. It can add mitigation (slight break) in odd situations, when swarmed and I am worried about squishies, or when grabbing a glowie. I cannot see its use if you are running ranged, or even much use if blapping. It is not guaranteed, it does not last long, and while sometimes the stars align and things work great. (the Lt kills the sapper after the sapper saps the boss!!!) usually....no. I am a definite thumbs down on confuse powers. I would rather have a knockdown any day of the week. Since I already slotted two cones for debuff instead of damage and felt iffy about that, kind of glad, kind of want more damage numbers lol. I cannot think about taking and then slotting up a Point Blank power that is a soft control that works sometimes and not for long.
  24. Snarky

    Dark Mental

    rolled through 4 DFB, posi1, posi2, Synapse and a few Council missions 50+4 in PI. I like this better than AR. That is as much a theme judgement as it is a value judgement. I like a ghastly skull headed robed figure slinging dark magic better than anybody pulling out a rifle and shooting. Just feels more like the genre I want to be in. As far as I can tell the mechanics at high level are as I expected. Since nobody can clear a large 50+4 spawn without using Judgement powers it becomes necessary to have a secondary effect starting to work on the mobs. Dark provide arguably one of the better ones in the game. To Hit Debuffs. While the cones I was slinging at 50+4 council was not clearing them it was hitting a lot, ...and debuffing a lot. That has got to count for something. The same will be true in Incarnate content, with the odd exception of runners in BAF trial who are not swinging at you. Also, even enhancing for debuffs on 2 of the cones it is still Dark damage. According to a table I just saw that is the most effective damage type across the board in PvE, with (as always) odd exceptions like CoT ghosts. I am still not completely happy with the slotting, but I am in love with the very large ranged defense numbers. If the combats go as I suspect I will probably leave it like this. Unless someone has some insight. Again, I am new to building Blasters. I can build Tanks and Brutes. Mostly with concepts and formats I stole from Hyperstrike and a few others. Blasters....as you can tell I kept this build straightforward. Practically stinking linear lol. I think I will 50 this one. Really liking how it plays. Love cones, lot of cones. Need to organize the things by range I have so many lol. creep up, unload, creep further unload, one more hover step in, unload lol. Not having KB is very nice too. Drain Psyche is interesting to use. Since it doers not buff damage it is not desperately needed most of the time. Usually (50%?) I can plan my step in and recharge. Other times I am swarmed. Perfect time for the PBAoE Heal lol, just when things go sideways. I think I will be able to make peace with this PBAoE in my playstyle. Easy if a tank is around. step next to Tank, Drain Psyche, Blackstar, hover up. Cone Madness.
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